Grand Capital Financial |
Grand Capital Financial Judy Wang using our company name without consent Newport Beach, California |
8th of Mar, 2011 by User720957 |
SEE urgently: Fraud / Scam Reports: We have started this page after numerous reports coming into Yashua Financial. Please, be aware that we are neither associated with Judy Wang of Grand Capital Finance in California, nor does she work for us or with us, nor do we work with her, nor are we partners in any form with her. We have been notified by many of our clients that she has been scamming people/clients via financial fraud and then disappearing. BEWARE !!!! ADVANCED NOTICE. Judy Wang of Grand Capital Finance in California is 100% scam and fraud !!!!!!! (Major links: ) She (Judy Wang of Grand Capital Finance) has been using the name of Yashua Financial, Inc at to collect money from 100's of clients including hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not limited too but including Dalton Robinson, and Alanna Steinberg. These people generally try to buy and steal corporation then request refunds, take money from clients using our name, don't notify or pay Yashua Financial to perform the services.... We have had numerous angry clients contact us and tell us why we did not perform and to our surprise we never new these people existed. We have even had witches and Satanist attack our organization trying to set up us as a bad company in which we are not. These people do not like our name because it is Yah=Yashua=Joshua=Jeshua=Jesus. Under no circumstances should you talk too nor send these people money. They have attempted to disgrace our company and our name. They have even posted false and fake reports about us on the internet. Do not believe, trust, nor interact with these people under any circumstances. ***There many reports about Judy Wang, we have been emailing as many people as possible to notify them that she has been using our company name to her benefit. Alanna Stenberg in Canada has been doing the same along with many other... Judy Wang owes our company money too. She has used our name, has had clients calling and emailing angry at us because she never did what she said she would do. Everytime we try to make contact with her either her numbers change or she leaves bogus messages saying her phone system is down or she plays games saying she can't speak English. Judy Wang can speak perfect English, do not be fooled. We are aligning with 30 other people to bring a federal criminal fraud suit against her with the FBI and SEC. People like Judy Wang give a bad taste to the whole financial Industry. Judy is the type of person that will lie until the last moment when she thinks you have forgotten about the money she owes you back. Judy is not unique, there are many Judy's out there. Rest assured Yashua Financial is not a scam or fraud and we perform and deliver accordingly and we protect our name and hard work. If you have any questions or concerns or new information about Judy Wang, please contact us immediately. Best regards, Mr. D'Anthony c/o Yashua Financial, Inc. Email: [email protected] Website: 1000 5th Street, Suite 200, Miami Beach, FL 33139-6508 Tel: +1-305-460-5721 Fax: +1-305-460-5722 Cel: +1-786-290-4628 Text and calls Project Funding, Business Finance, and Expansion Capital for any reason! |
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