GoodFellas Auto Transport |
GoodFellas Auto Transport One of the most shady companies I ever worked for and feel sorry for who ever drove for them!! holly hill, Florida |
11th of Jul, 2011 by User586800 |
I have to say that I was a unfortunate employee of GoodFellas Auto Transport and felt so sorry about not some of the customers but all of the customers that had to deal with this shady family because they are nothing but drunk arguing people that don't care about NO one other then their family even if they argue and fight all the time as long as they are allowed they are going to keep ripping people off!!! I drove for them for 3 month and that was because I have a family to support but I learned my lesson dealing with them!! I was a driver/ mechanic that had to fix something on the old unsafe truck I was driving everytime I went out. In a daycab that had all the engine heat coming in the cab as u drove! when I first started driving for them the brother who didn't have a license and did nothing but drink almost everytime we did a pick up or drop that got half of my pay to start paying off tickets he had.. and was only suppose to be training me for 2 weeks but stayed on for over a month having to sleep in customers cars if I didn't come out my own pocket to stay in a hotel!! and when I first started I was trying to help the company get the customers cars to them on time by fixing the truck and putting gas in the truck to keep moving while waiting on them to send me more money from their brother drinking all the money up!! then having the owner Ken come to me one time drunk all in my face to where I was almost ready to fight but have more respect for myself and even gave them more of my time.. only to get put further in a hole by running that broke down 92 truck all the way to NY only to have the clutch go out on me spending a week up there in a trashy hotel because that was all they would pay for after sleeping n the truck 2 nites waiting on money!! then after all that the truck got shut down and recieved 11 tickets but they fixed the miner things to drop the last car only to have me picking up more to so called even their money to get me home in which I have not even gotten paid for everything but All I can Say is GOD WILL GET THEM AT THE END OF IT ALL!!! |
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