My name is Anonymous Rex an alias. I am using an alias because, as a Consultant, outing a former client for Fraud online isn't the best public relations or referral for future business. I can assure you that everything written below is factual, truthful and documented. On July 28, 2010, I was hired with a one year contract as Vice President Sales, North America for Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. Contract written from Susan Zhou, {wife of CEO, Vice President and Accounting Manager}. After being recruited by and interviewing 4 times each with Kevin McHugh, {Vice President Development}, and Jackson Peng, {Founder & CEO- Cell Phone, 86-13829270698}. Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. also operates as Global Cases Guangdong, Global Cases Jiangxi, and Global Cases USA. The Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. manufacturing company [D-U-N-S Number: 52-819-3119] was founded and incorporated in March 2001, by Jackson Peng, and specializes in manufacturing, supplying and exporting bags, cases, and EVA Plastics and Neoprene products for OEM Industries. Global Enterprise Company, Ltd., hired me with a one year contract, to work from my home office with the intention of helping grow the business in North America to the point where additional staff would be hired and outside office space would be secured. My hiring was done online [Skype] and employment contract was emailed to me by Mrs. Susan Zhou, {wife of CEO, Vice President and Accounting Manager}. My one year contract was mutually agreed upon, signed, copies faxed back and forth, calling for me to earn "X" dollars per month salary for a documented 50 hours per week of work. Payment to be made by wire transfer, monthly, on the 25th of each month. When August 25, 2010 arrived, the scheduled payment was not forthcoming. However, Mr Peng agreed to send wire transfer, albeit late, and I regularly received payment between the 3rd and 8th of each month. Global Enterprise Company, Ltd., paid my salary via international wire transfer from China's Standard Chartered Bank to Bank of America. I received my salary paychecks late each month via wire transfer for only seven months. Not the full fifty two weeks of earnings Mr. Peng and Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. were legally obligated to pay. Mrs. Susan Zhou, wife of Jackson Peng, Vice President and Accounting Manager promised the company would pay me my salary earnings on the 25th of each month. : Date Wire Transfers Received: 29-AUGUST-2010 30-SEPTEMBER-2010 31-OCTOBER-2010 30-NOVEMBER-2010 24-DECEMBER-2010 03-FEBUARY-2011 07-APRIL-2011 Each wire transfer from China's Standard Chartered Bank received was less $28, the fee deducted by Bank of America for receiveing wire transfer. On the 20th of each month, I reminded Mrs. Zhou and Mr. Peng to pay me my four weeks earnings by the 25th, so I had ample time to pay my monthly financial obligations, i.e. business expenses, rent, utilities, child care and tuition, etc. Mr. Peng claimed his experiences sending wire transfers to USA usually takes three-five business days to be received. In MARCH2011, Mr. Peng said he couldn't pay me as contractually agreed on the next 25th or even knew when he would be able to pay me after that date. He said he'd have updated news about paying my MARCH2011 salary in APRIL2011. On Tue, Apr 5, 2011, Michael Selin is Principal of Global Cases USA, {formed in February 2011}in Portland, Oregon, a one man operation working from 7518 North Chicago Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97203 emailed stating, "After consulting further with Jackson and the team I regret to inform you that we will not be hiring anyone to fill a full time sales position at this time. Your services will not be required. Jackson will wire you a final payment as per his agreement and that will be all. Regards, Michael Selin, Global Cases USA, 7518 North Chicago Avenue, Portland, OR 97203. 503 705 5275." On APRIL 7, 2011 I received my last wire transfer from Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. On APRIL 7, 2011 I told Jackson Peng and Michael Selin verbally over Skype and reconfirmed the conversation via e-mail that I expected the balance of my five months earnings by 1 pm on that Wednesday. I told each they had Breached the Contract by not paying me as agreed. Since April 7, 2011, Mr. Peng ignored my repeated Skype calls and emails and never told me he couldn't pay me and only then, Michael Selin told me via email claiming we will not be hiring anyone to fill a full time sales position at this time, yet if I wanted to, I could remain an independent outside sales consultant with payment conditional on commission only if company sales objectives having been met. When I pointed out to Mr. Selin that my Employment Contract is with Global Enterprise Company, Ltd., and which clearly states, salary payment is 'X' dollars per hour for a 50 hour week, payable on the 25th of each month with no conditions attached he got silent and then hung up the phone. It is obvious that Mr. Peng and Mr. Selin have no intention of honoring a Written Contract from Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. It is obvious that Mr. Peng and Mr. Selin have no intention of ever paying me for the five months worth of services rendered during the year committed to working for Global Enterprise Company, Ltd. Global Enterprise Company, Ltd., has been in business for more than ten years. Am I to believe that the company contractually hired me knowing that it had no money to meet Payroll? Am I to believe that the company contractually hired me knowing that one month after hiring me, when my first paycheck was due, they would pay me late? Am I to believe that the company contractually hired me knowing that two months after hiring when my second paycheck was due there would be no money and they would pay me late? Am I to believe that the company has no lines of credit or cash reserves to meet debt obligations or Payroll? I believe that Mr. Peng and Mr. Selin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Zhou knowingly hired me with the intent of not paying me in full. I believe Mr. Selin is deliberately and systematically funneling money out of his company for persoanl use and/or into his personal or family bank account so that he can "legitimately" claim that his company has no money to pay me. Makes you wonder who else he has stiffed in the past and who else he will stiff in the future! If you're seeking products and/or employment from Global Cases USA, Global Enterprise Company, Ltd., Global Cases Guangdong, or Global Cases Jiangxi BEWARE! If you're paying them upfront for any services to be rendered BEWARE! |