FocusForward |
FocusForward paid online focus group switch and bait Fort Washington, Pennsylvania |
6th of Mar, 2011 by User462669 |
Dear Survey Savvy, I participated in the 90-minute paid online focus group about heart disease and was clicked out of the group three times by the Moderator. Each time I rejoined until I was called by someone at Schwartzmann Associates asking me to please stop rejoining and assuring me that I would receive the $100 incentive. I would like to know the current status of that incentive. Thanks. Dear Lee, We are currently recruiting for a paid online focus group. Participants will be recruited for a 90 minute online focus group scheduled to take place between Tuesday January 4th and Thursday January 13th from 6-7:30 PM EST. Total compensation for the 90 minute online focus group is $100. Please click on the link below and answer a 5-10 minute online survey to determine if you qualify for this study. Among those successfully COMPLETING the following 5-10 minute survey, a limited number of individuals will be selected to participate in this paid research study. If you attempt to complete this survey and are terminated because you do not qualify or we have reached our quota of survey participants, you will still receive 1 entry in our monthly sweepstakes. To access the survey please click on the link below. If the link is not active please cut and paste the link in your web browser. If you are unable to access the survey please send us an email to Thank you for your interest in Focus Forward. Claudia Taylor Focus Forward 515 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 110 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Privacy Policy: Hello, According to our client we were correct from the start. You are NOT to be paid as you were very disruptive during this group. We apologize for any inconveniences. Claudia Taylor Focus Forward February 26, 2011 Dear Claudia, I just want to get this completely straight before I post my reviews of my experience on the blogs, forums, Facebook, MySpace, etc. The moderator told me that my microphone was feeding back, clicked me out the group three times after I tried to fix the problem unsuccessfully and rejoined the group asking the Moderator privately via PM what the problem was with no response, then someone from Schwartzman Associates called me and told me that the Moderator asked that I not rejoin the online focus group, did not give me a reason, but assured me that I would be paid the $100 incentive. Is that correct? Lee New March 4, 2011 Dear Claudia Taylor, Could you please confirm or deny that an associate of Scwhartzman Associates called my home phone number (Lee New: 434-239-0144) during the 90-minute online focus group scheduled to take place between Tuesday January 4th and Thursday January 13th from 6-7:30 PM EST on heart disease and told me that in spite of not being allowed to finish the panel discussion due to my microphone feedback being disruptive, I would still receive the $100 compensation? I know you would want the facts in this matter to be accurately stated before dismissing this issue. Thanks. Lee N March 7, 2011 Dear Lee, Thank you for your email. We spoke with our client and they informed us that you disruptive and therefore didn’t finish and will not be paid. If you have any other questions, or if I can help you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Claudia Taylor Focus Forward LLC March 7, 2011 Dear Claudia, Did the client explain that the reason that I was disruptive was due to my microphone feeding back (NOT anything that I said or did personally), causing a loud sound that I was not able to control, and that they personally called me (Lee New: 434-xxx-xxxx) and specifically asked me to not rejoin the panel and assured me in no uncertain terms that I would be paid the $100 incentive? I need to know the answer to this question precisely before I proceed. Thanks. Lee N |
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