Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Financial & Retirement Solutions David J Durham, MSFS, CAP David J. Durham's business changes names and locations a lot Weston, Florida
16th of May, 2011 by User734783

David J. Durham's business changes names and locations frequently. A big old red flag if there ever was one. Checking on the addresses on his business card will reveal UPS store locations, but no actual business location. His website is conveniently "under construction". Another website, for DP Management gives an option for "map and directions" yet there is neither available: you are instead directed to call for availability and schedule of an "account manager". The manager will then arrange to meet you at a location near you, or even your home. He works out of Florida, but does business in New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, as well. Durham will ingratiate himself into your life. He is smooth, charming, concerned. If you are elderly, he will call you "Mom", send you flowers, holiday cards, even stay the night in your home if he is in the area, doing business at nearby locations. Soon you will be calling him your "adopted son", cooking for him, letting him take charge of your life, and he will call you his "adopted Mother". He will get you to put him on your will, usually getting the bulk of your estate as well as your house. He will open accounts for you, usually telling you that your usual bank is "not cooperative", and that he has a friend at another bank who will "take care of everything for you". You will have no idea what you've signed yourself in for. He will become executor of your estate, and also take Power of Attorney. He will use this bogus "power" to edge your natural heirs and relatives out of any decision-making process and see to it that they get nothing while he takes everything. He will take insurance policies out on your loved one, or on you, without your knowledge. If you have a close relative who he thinks is threatening his position, he will edge that person out, telling you they want nothing to do with you, and vice versa. Durham works with his brother Carl, Rick Price and Frederick Drummond, a bogus "minister" who was drummed out of Pennsylvania on a rail for bilking parishioners out of thousands, and for sodomizing young men in the congregation. They settled in Florida, but still do business in Pa, as well as NJ and Delaware. They seem sweet, concerned, charming, but they are liars and thieves. They are nothing more than scam artists and just like they scammed my friend's aunt out of hundreds of thousands of dollars before they were exposed to her, they will do the same to you or your loved one. Beware.
5007 days ago by Webproducer
More information on David J. Durham and his cronies:

It's obvious how this team always tries to settle out of court AFTER they make money on other peoples' labors. Is this Christian? Is this love for your brother and sister? This is blatant egotistic selfishness promulgated by a false sense of ''Christian' morality. B.S. at its height!
5006 days ago by Webproducer

Here’s a link To David J. Durham’s Safe Money Show. Notice how he overly mentions that you should trust him and not on what he can actually do for you. He mentions the song “Getting to Know You” and its many verses. Well, there are three verses and many refrains. His mastery of the English grammar and spelling don’t indicate an educated person, in my opinion. Also, look at his red nose and red chin. The physical signs of a heavy drinker, in my opinion. Also, I can’t seem to find him as an alumnus at the University of Texas or American College (Ranked 2074 by Forbes in the US). His involvement with ‘Dr.’ Drummond ( has been ongoing for many years. He has brainwashed the Reverend Canon Kenneth Gunn-Walberg of St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Wilmington, DE. into believing his rap, in my opinion. I have contacted the East Coast Diocese and reported his behavior involving my Aunt as Alienation of Affection toward our family. This can be evidenced by the letter he has posted above. We have tirelessly sought out and found our aunt’s rightful heir. If we were out for ourselves, would we even bother? As you can see this man is an expert at control, domination and manipulation. He only cares about himself and Drummond’s bottom line. A half a million dollars is missing from my aunt’s account!!! Where is it, David J. Durham??? The Cayman Islands, perhaps. Will you sail there in you yacht to escape prosecution? Where were you when we discovered your scam? You ran down to Florida and had a Reverend and his secretary remove my aunt’s financial documents from her home while she was in a nursing home recuperating from a sever e fall. No one else had the key at that time, David! You are responsible! Bea man and stand up to your ongoing deceptions and God will forgive you.

Dean A. Banks, D.D.
5002 days ago by Webproducer
Since you insist on taking this to the next lever, I will be obliged. Be prepared for the website announcing all of your activities with online documents for the whole world to see. Your blatant violation of the law and circumventing family members to your own end, in my opinion. Argue with them, David. As for your lawyer, since he is associated with you and your activities, he has been reported to the Florida bar. I will make sure everyone with access to the Internet knows about you, Drummond AND your lawyer. You are now my full time hobby. And I just love my hobby!

Get ready to trade the starched shirts and the gold cufflinks for an orange suit and a long stay at the Grey Bar Hotel. I will live to see this as sure as I know my own name.

Dean A. Banks, D.D.
5001 days ago by Webproducer
Be forewarned. Out of the decency in Aunt Ella's heart she has sent you a letter asking you for her bank records and marriage certificate, as well as for you to get your clothing. We will ship your clothes to you at your expense. Do NOT attempt to contact her as we will notify the police immediately and urge your immediate arrest. I suggest you respond accordingly and give her what she asks for. Furthermore, if you post her letter as 'proof' that you aren't the snake that you are (in my opinion), I will escalate even further. How dare you post the 'private' letter you wrote to her to prove your veracity. There is NOTHING you can do to prove that as the records show you to be just what you are; A LIAR (in my opinion).

Dean A. Banks, D.D.
5001 days ago by Webproducer

More juice on David J. Durham and his boss 'Dr.' Frederick Drummond by Arthur Howe (Pulitzer Prize winning journalist). I'm sure he's lying, David! Yeah, right!
4999 days ago by Webproducer

Knowledge is power and knowing what you, Carl Durham, Rick Price and Frederick Drummond do and have done for 30 years creates a duty for us to expose ALL of you for the lies, cheating and downright stealing from innocent, hard working people who listen to and believe your bullshit, in our humble opinions. Go ahead, David; send a cease and desist to this site and the listed newspapers. Do you think they will listen to your bullshit? The climb is long and hard (24 years) and the fall is quick and easy (this year). Brace yourself!

Dean A. Banks, D.D.
4998 days ago by Webproducer

Potentate a Despot? Hmmm. Delusions of grandeur and godhood. And David is one of his followers. Hmmm. Does anyone see a pattern here? When you commit offenses against others and you convince yourself it's OK, you begin to believe what you're doing is 'good' for others. This is nothing but pure ego and has nothing to do with God. 'I was your adopted son'; sounds like a major guilt trip to me. What a user, abuser and self-centered SOB, in my humble opinion.

Dean A. Banks, D.D.
4988 days ago by Webproducer
Well, David J, Durham, the SOB that ripped off my fiance’s Aunt Ella had stolen her financial and personal records from her home and used them to blackmail her to make her executor of her estate again. However, this will all be contested due to David’s original assertion of her ‘diminished mental capacity’. He was told not to contact her and he did. Again, he took advantage of her and we are pursuing charges against him with the FBI, the FTC and the Wilmington Police. His web of blackmail and taking advantage of elders needs to stop. I will be posting an expose website for everyone to see the copies of documentation currently in the authorities possession that will put him behind bars for a long time. David J. Durham will be punished for his offenses, this I will guarantee.
4960 days ago by Webproducer
Following is a response to David Durham's letter:
DJD: I write this letter with a heavy heart. You and I and Pop had a very loving and caring relationship for more than twenty-four years. I have very fond memories of the three of us together and all that we have shared. Throughout all these years of service and companionship, I have gone far above and beyond the normal call of duty, and that is because of the mutual love and affection we had between us as Son and parents. I thanked Pop for his Father-like role in my life and I was touched by how he always called me "son." I have always thanked you for being a Mother and friend to me. You and Pop helped me fill a gap in my life and I know I helped fill the gap in your life that was caused by your son [identity protected], estranged and distant relationship. In fact, some of your last words to me when I saw you at the Christiana Hospital were “Oh David you have always done so much for me; what would I do without my David."
DAB: This is a classic example of establishing a base for control, domination and manipulation. First off, when does a ‘financial advisor’ adopt parents? When do they adopt him? As for her ‘estranged’ son, he has his own life and goals that he attained. He has helped many people without ripping them off. His dedication to the church and helping people is most admirable. Now, David, she was in the Wilmington Hospital, not Christiana Hospital. When Liz and I were on our way there to see her and meet you, you had to ‘conveniently’ leave before we got there? Why is that David? And where were you when she was transferred to the nursing home. Did you visit her each day or sometimes twice a day like Liz and I did? She would do fine without you, David, since you have maneuvered all of her finances to benefit YOU upon her death. You are a despicable and sinister person, in my opinion.
DJD: I tirelessly and faithfully provided services for you and Pop, and never asked for any compensation. We enjoyed such a beautiful relationship that compensation was the last thing I ever wanted. I never asked you for anything than love and mutual respect. In fact, it took many years of Pop's urging; then ultimately urging from you along with a consenting letter from [identity protected] before I would even allow myself to be your Power of Attorney or to be included in your Last Will & Testament.
DAB: Now get this; tirelessly. What on your yacht in Florida? You never asked for compensation because you maneuvered your position to become the Executor and Beneficiary of her house upon her death. The last thing you wanted was compensation because you were getting the house valued at $400, 000; just like the other clients in New Jersey and Pennsylvania who took you to court several times. You are an infestation on a family and cause derision at best. You make it sound like someone else urged you to become POA and Executor. You maneuvered your way in just like the other 13 clients in the files I have that reveal your con-artist activity, in my opinion.
DJD: Because of the action of [Authors of the lies and hearsay posted to Ripoff Report], and your decreasing mental capacities this twenty-four year love affair between you, me and Pop is now in jeopardy. Such a sudden turn of events being so inconsistent with the beautiful relationship we enjoyed and so out of character with the real [“Other” party of involvement] that I know. I can only infer that this reversal in character is not a result of what I have done, but rather is a result of your present medical trauma and your age, coupled with the desperate finances of [Authors of the lies and hearsay posted to Ripoff Report]. This has caused [Authors of the lies and hearsay posted to Ripoff Report] to discredit my reputation with totally unfounded lies about me and enabled them to assert undue influence over you. This is a classic picture of exploitation when relatives come in, set you up to believe lies, take your money, leave you high and dry, and then abandon you without any more care or involvement in your life.
DAB: Now, you say to her that she has ‘decreasing mental capacities’. How convenient. Her doctor said at the time she was in Wilmington Hospital and the nursing home she was quite lucid. She was lucid when we informed her of your clandestine activities with your mentor Dr. Frederick Drummond. She informed me of your wife and how she has been dying of cancer for 10 years. That seems pretty long to me. She also informed me of how you confided in her and told her of your ‘different’ relationship with your wife and how you don’t have relations with her. Curious, where do you channel your inner desires, David? Toward young boys, perhaps, like your mentor Dr. Frederick Drummond was accused of? The only thing that is in jeopardy, David, is your career in ripping off elderly people, in my opinion. The turn of events occurred when we discovered that you are a liar and a con-artist, in my opinion. Next, you try to turn it around on her because you egotistical and self-serving motivation can’t accept that she finally discovered the devil that you are, in my opinion. Then you try to blame us for your lies and manipulations to gain her assets upon her death, in my opinion. We will NEVER stop discrediting your ‘reputation’ because it is one based on LIES!, in my opinion. We did not assert ANY influence over her. We showed her the FACTS and she learned about the snake that she invited into her home. She told us to do whatever we could to STOP you from hurting others. She is so kind that she cared about others before herself! You call this a ‘classic picture of exploitation when relatives come in, set you up to believe lies, take your money, leave you high and dry and then abandon you without any more care or involvement in your life’. Man, you are a piece of work, David Durham. What are her relatives supposed to do when they find out she is being ripped off? Stand by and let it happen? We love her and we will protect her from devils like you, in my opinion. We gave her newspaper articles on you and Drummond. Do they print lies? We changed her accounts and managed her money just fine without your help. In fact, when we did, we saw exactly what your scam is. We know your game. As for leaving her high and dry, why did you STEAL her financial records from her house? Why did you break into her house? Why did you have a priest and neighbors report everything that went on at her house? As for abandoning her, where were you when she was transferred to the nursing home? You conveniently left for Florida to check up on the many people you are bilking in your ‘retirement home’ in Fort Lauderdale, in my opinion. God will deal with you, David Durham. Just make sure you show up in court and bring your financial records. We ALL want to see them!
---(Page 2 of 2 - of letter sent 06/21/11)---
DJD: I was shocked and very hurt to hear that you so readily chose to believe the hearsay lies started by [Authors of the lies and hearsay posted to Ripoff Report] about me. I found it even harder to believe that instructions were given to [Medical Facility in care of Party of intimate involvement] that I was no longer designated Power of Attorney and that I could not inquire as to your condition, nor did you wish to talk to me. Based upon your action, I can only infer that it is your decision that our relationship is no longer one of mutual love and affection as a son to a Mom. I urge you to give strong consideration to your decisions and to the financial consequences of allowing your financial affairs and estate to be put in jeopardy of significant loss if you continue on the path that you have presently chosen. It is in your power to cease and reverse such actions and to insist that [Authors of the lies and hearsay posted to Ripoff Report] also cease from the same.
DAB: For one thing, hearsay lies were printed in the newspaper? If they were, why didn’t you sue them? Then you told her the articles were 'obsolete hearsay'. ??? How can the validity of crimes you committed against the elderly be 'obsolete' just because they happened years ago? You have and always will be a snake, in my opinion, David! We removed you from being the POA because of your proven track record of deception, in my opinion. Again, you try to control, dominate and manipulate her into believing that we would somehow ‘misappropriate’ her funds. You don’t even know us (Thank God!) and yet you can say that! Seems like Alienation of Affection to me! We warned you multiple times to leave her alone and when she was released from the nursing home and came home to her house we were there helping her. You then swooped in blackmailing her with the items you STOLE and managed to coerce her into making you her Executor, in my opinion. She only began experiencing 'diminished mental capacity' AFTER she came home and you began your lies and scam on her again, in my opinion. You are a snake, liar and son of Satan, in my opinion. I will NOT draw my last breath until I see you in jail for the crimes you have perpetrated against her and others. Your career is over!
David J. Durham MSFS, CAP
In the service of our dear Lord and the elderly,
Dean A. Banks, D.D.
4958 days ago by Webproducer
David J. Durham claims to be a man of God. He is anything but that. After reading his 'client files' I see that he has left a trail of divided families who were denied their proper inheritance because of his sinister interference in their affairs, in my opinion. You see, no matter how the devil wants to spin it, facts are facts and peoples' lives have been usurped by his lust for the acquisition of other peoples real estate, in my opinion. He uses the same line and m.o. with every client. He helps them with their finances 'out of the goodness of his heart'. Yeah, right, David. What he does is set them up for HIM to receive their assets by investing their money, increasing their bottom line and getting them to give him power of attorney and executorship over their will, in my opinion. And when they pass away are their wishes honored? It's obvious what he's doing and he operates toward the black side of the 'grey area'. People he has bilked are coming forward. I can't wait to see him in court answering the charges against him; that is, if he even shows. He has caused a great deal of problems in our family. Don't allow him to do that to you; just like the two sons that were denied their inheritance because of him. I have the documentation to prove it.
4957 days ago by Webproducer
After a long talk with our Aunt Ella we came to find out a great deal more about David Durham. She told us about how much she couldn’t stand his parading around her house flashing his gold cufflinks and bragging about his riches. He once took her and Uncle Ralph (now deceased) to New Jersey and drove past one expensive house after another telling them how he ‘owned’ them. He once took her with him to pick up his mail at his ‘office’. Aunt Ella doesn’t see or hear so well anymore and when we went by to check out his office it was a mailbox at a UPS store. That’s the grand scheme of David Durham. He lies and convinces elderly people that he is a successful businessman and then tries to wow them with his business prowess. He is more like Bernie Madoff. He lies in wait for his ‘clients’ to die and then he’s made-off with their hard earned cash. Aunt Ella made me promise to stop him at all costs. She made me the executor of her will to make sure her home and her financial assets would go to The Sioux Indian scholarship fund; and NOT in David J. Durham’s pocket. Her former minister of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Father Kenneth Gunn-Walberg and his assistant Betty Kester were conned by him into helping him steal Aunt Ella’s financial records and blackmail her into reverting her powers over her financial affairs to him. I have contacted the East Coast Diocese and am levying charges against Father Gunn-Walberg for Alienation of Affection. This is because he visited Aunt Ella and told her that my fiancé and I are trying to steal her money. It’s funny that Aunt Ella was leaving his church $15, 000 and he shows up to hedge his bet. It’s also funny how he has a business relationship with David J. Durham and Betty Kester. Also, Aunt Ella’s neighbor, Mary Sullivan, calls David to let him know when we arrive at her house. She is a middle school teacher who told us once that she doesn’t want to be involved, yet she is in collusion with David J. Durham. His Svengali approach to people and the fact that it works proves their ignorance and inability to think for themselves. He plays on this and that’s why he’s operated with impunity for over thirty years; up until now. David and his whole entourage of conspirators are being sued for their undue influence into our family. He is currently trying to get in touch with her son to convince him of his ‘veracity’ but this won’t work. Her son knows what a snake he is and he will defend his mother just as we have. You see, David, your reign of terror into other people’s lives is almost over. God will deal with you on His terms and in His time. Your hiding behind the veil of “I’m a good, decent Christian’ days are over. You have been exposed for what you are; the spawn of Satan! (in my humble opinion).
4957 days ago by Webproducer
Here Is How A Scam Artist Gets Away With It

David J. Durham (Financial and Retirement Systems, LLC; Durham Loyal) spends hours just “getting to know you”, in his statements on I know for a fact that he has “helped” one elderly lady get her house re-mortgaged, charging her nothing, saying “I did this out of the goodness of my heart”.
He claims to have worked “tirelessly”(?From FLORIDA??? Where was he when my aunt was in the nursing home? When she was being transitioned from the hospital to the nursing home? I was the one, along with my fiancé, who was there every day, often twice a day, in addition to checking up on her home completely across town before doing so, collecting her mail and paying her bills as well as getting her to her appointments and checking in with the physical therapists and nurses. Prior to this, we took her shopping and to the bank once a week for well over a year. I never once saw David Durham up here. In fact, the very few times he has been in Delaware, he conveniently “had to leave” just before we arrived. In my opinion, Durham, was obviously trying to avoid us).
Durham will share confidential information about his client; he will reveal intimate details about his life, including his marriage (full of details no wife would ever want exposed) and about his emotionally deprived childhood, as a way of gaining your trust.
There are at least 13 clients for whom he did not charge for his services, all the while also being the agent and beneficiary of insurance policies, as well as executor of their estate upon their death. How can he stay in business, or even stay alive, when he is not charging for his services?
For one thing, he is padding the clients’ accounts with dividend checks, all to get a bigger payout upon that client’s death, in my opinion, since he is also in some cases beneficiary of the will. This is what I discovered him doing with my aunt’s accounts. At first it didn’t make sense. But think about it and you can see why he would do this rather than simply pocket the money immediately. It makes him look trustworthy and dependable, all the while having a very shady ulterior motive, in my opinion.
Then there is the matter of being the agent as well as beneficiary on insurance policies. I can understand this on one or two clients, but on more than 10? You mean to tell me, you have a “close personal relationship” with every single client you have? This is another red flag.
As executor of a will, one’s duty is to make certain all debts from the estate are paid first, before dispersing anything from the will. As executor, one has the discretion to deal with the money as one sees fit. Is anything else raising a red flag here? It should. Because, as executor of your estate, if Durham claims to have taken no salary for several years (or even decades, in my aunt’s case), he can then claim that your estate “owes” his company for services rendered and never paid. The client, being dead, can hardly testify that this is not the agreement they had (in my opinion, most likely a “gentleman’s agreement” and not anything ever on paper – a great way to cover your tracks, in my opinion).
Beware if you are dealing with this man in any capacity. End the relationship before it’s too late.

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