Brian a Ferber charged with Complaint ferber dental charged - Implant fraud Reported by afortini on 09/14/2011 - Florida - Lake Worth fl Bait and switch elderly patients. $500 implants are thousands Brian Ferber, D. D.S., Case Nos. 2007-06429, Settlement (PCP Melzer, Winker & Gesek) Dr. Ferber was present and was represented by Bonnie Navin, Esq. A two count administrative complaint filed on February 18, 2008 alleged violations of s. 466.028(1)(x), F. S. of failure to meet minimum standards by failing to perform a comprehensive examination, failure to develop and present a treatment plan, failure to perform periodon'tal examination, failure to note the appropriate dosage and amount of medication used, placing an implant in less than optimal angulation and s. 466.028 (1)(m), F. S. of failing to keep written dental records justifying the course of treatment of the patient including, but not limited to, exam results, x-rays, etc. Probable cause panel recommendation: appearance, reprimand, $15,000 fine within 6 months, costs within 6 months, comprehensive implant course and 3 hours in recordkeeping within 6 months, refund to patient, pass laws and rules exam within 12 months, CE audit for next biennium. A settlement agreement was presented to the board with the following terms: letter of concern, fine of $3000 payable within 6 months, costs capped at $6,000 payable within 6 months, completion of Level I (3 hours) course in recordkeeping to be taken at or through an accredited college of dentistry or board approved course provider whose course is specifically approved to satisfy the final order within 6 months,(remove refund) pass the laws and rules exam within 12 months and a CE audit for next biennium. Included in the settlement agreement is the following: Based upon additional documentation from Respondent and an additional agency expert opinion, the Department agrees to drop Count I alleging a violation of Section 466.028(1)(x), F. S. The Department also agrees based upon additional documentation paragraph 26(d) in the AC is amended to read: 26(d) On numerous visits in 2006, Respondent failed to fully document the type and amount of local anesthesia he administered during treatment of Patient M. G. Following review, the following action was taken by the board: Motion: by Dr. Thomas to accept the settlement agreement and reduce the costs to $3,000. Second: by Dr. Perdomo Vote: unanimous Counter offer was accepted by Dr. Ferber. BOARD OF DENTISTRY GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009 BEGINNING AT 7:30 A.M |