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29th of Dec, 2010 by User677928
EVO MORALES HAS BEEN LEVEL AS "ENEMY OF THE POOR" AND REQUESTS FOR HIS IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION. Miles de manifestantes paceos y alteos piden la renuncia de Evo Morales Por Anf - Agencia - 12/30/2010 * * * * * * * Comentarios Uno de los manifestantes en La Paz muestra letrero en contra de la medida del gasolinazo - Apg Agencia Uno de los manifestantes en La Paz muestra letrero en contra de la medida del gasolinazo - Apg Agencia LA PAZ | La sede de gobierno vivi, este mircoles, una jornada de paralizacin y protestas que se tornaron violentas conforme pasaban las horas. Los miles de manifestantes pasaron del rechazo al Decreto Supremo 748, a pedir la renuncia del presidente Evo Morales y todos sus ministros, si no deja sin efecto el gasolinazo. Al paro de la Confederacin de Chferes de Bolivia, las juntas vecinales se sumaron a las protestas en la sede de gobierno, donde miles de personas se volcaron a las calles para exigir al gobierno cambios en sus medidas econmicas, para no afectar el bolsillo de los pobres. El mensaje del Jefe de Estado provoc entre la poblacin pacea malestar y una mayor incertidumbre, ms an cuando el incremento salarial del 20 por ciento slo beneficiar a los sectores de salud, educacin, Fuerzas Armadas y Polica. Los choferes bloquearon puntos estratgicos de circulacin vehicular en zonas como Chuquiaguillo, Villa Ftima, La Portada, Tembladerani, Obrajes, Miraflores, Perifrica y protagonizaron hechos de violencia al apedrear y propinar "chicotazos" a los conductores que incumplieron la medida de presin. "Que renuncie, que renuncia... Evo el Pueblo est enojado... Evo te espera el paredn", fueron los ruidosos estribillos que gritaron los miles de manifestantes que tomaron las principales avenidas y calles de La Paz y rodearon el permetro de la plaza Murillo, custodiada por la Polica. Conforme pasaron las horas, el paro fue contundente. Tanto en la maana como en la tarde, las movilizaciones de vecinos de El Alto y de La Paz irrumpieron en las principales calles y avenidas de la sede de Gobierno en busca de ingresar a la plaza Murillo bajo el pedido de renuncia del presidente Morales Ayma, del vicepresidente lvaro Garca Linera y sus colaboradores. INCIDENTES En la zona de Villa San Antonio de La Paz una persona fue detenida portando un arma de fuego. (pistola calibre 22). El sujeto hizo disparo al aire en un intento de abrirse paso en medio del bloqueo que realizaban un grupo de choferes, report la Red PAT. "Este seor estaba con un arma de fuego y dispar (...) Nos quera matar, nosotros estamos en contra de este gobierno y quin es este seor" protestaron los choferes. El sujeto fue detenido por la Polica y remitido a la Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Crimen, donde ser procesado por el Ministerio Pblico. Mientras eso pasaba en la sede de gobierno en El Alto, tambin se vivi una jornada de protestas y violencia, pues la turba de manifestantes saque y quem las puertas de las oficinas de la Central Obrera Regional altea (COR) y de la Federacin de Juntas Vecinales (Fejuve). Los descontrolados pobladores incendiaron los muebles, material de escritorio, ropa de trabajo de las oficinas de Vas Bolivia, situada en el peaje de la Ceja de El Alto. Los canales de televisin, tambin, filmaron en las protestas de El Alto a una persona que portaba un viejo fusil. "Estamos contra el gobierno y as como el 2003 sacamos al gringo (Gonzalo Snchez de Lozada) igual vamos a sacar al Evo", dijo el manifestante que tena el rostro cubierto con un pasamontaas. La polica no pudo controlar los escenarios de violencia que se extendieron a lo largo de varias zonas como Senkata, Ros Seco, Cruce Viacha, siendo la Ceja de El Alto el epicentro de las protestas.

Spanish to English translation EVO MORALES LEVEL HAS BEEN AS "ENEMY OF THE POOR" AND REQUESTS FOR HIS IMMEDIATE resignation. Thousands of La Paz and El Alto protesters demanding the resignation of Evo Morales For Anf - Agency - 12/30/2010 * * * * * * * Comments One of the protesters in La Paz shows sign against the measure gasolinazo - Apg Agency One of the protesters in La Paz shows sign against the measure gasolinazo - Apg Agency LA PAZ | The seat of government lived, on Wednesday, one day stoppage and protests that turned violent as the hours passed. The thousands of protesters went from rejection of Supreme Decree 748, to demand the resignation of President Evo Morales and all his ministers, if not disregarded the gasolinazo. To stop the Confederation of Drivers of Bolivia, the neighborhood groups joined the protests at government headquarters, where thousands of people took to the streets to demand the government changes its economic policies, not affect the pocketbooks of poor. The post of Head of State caused among the population pacea discomfort and greater uncertainty, especially when the salary increase of 20 percent will only benefit the health, education, armed forces and police. Drivers blocked vehicular traffic strategic locations in areas such as Chuquiaguillo, Villa Fatima, La Portada, Tembladerani, Obrajes, Miraflores, Peripheral and staged violence, and tips to be stoned "whipped" to drivers who failed the pressure measurement. "To resign, which resignation ... the people are angry Evo Evo ... awaits the wall" were the slogans they shouted loud the thousands of demonstrators took to the main avenues and streets of La Paz and surrounded the perimeter of the Murillo plaza, guarded by police. As the hours passed, the strike was overwhelming. Both morning and afternoon, the protests of residents of El Alto and La Paz broke into the main streets and avenues of the seat of government in seeking to enter the Plaza Murillo in the request for resignation of President Morales Ayma Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and their collaborators. INCIDENTS In the Villa San Antonio de La Paz one person was arrested carrying a gun. (Pistol 22). The subject was shot in the air in an attempt to break through the blockade who did a group of drivers, reported the Red PAT. "This man was with a gun and shot (...) We wanted to kill, we are against this government and who is this man" the driver protested. The subject was arrested by police and sent to the Task Force to Fight Crime, where it is processed by the Public Prosecutor. While that was happening in the seat of government in El Alto, also had a day of protests and violence, as the crowd of demonstrators ransacked and burned the doors of the offices of the Regional Workers Central of El Alto (COR) and the Federation of Neighborhood (Fejuve). The runaway settlers burned furniture, stationery, work clothes Bolivia Way offices, located in the toll of the Ceja de El Alto. Television channels also filmed the protests in El Alto to a person who was carrying an old rifle. "We are against the government and in 2003 we took the gringo (Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada) just going to get the Evo," said protester whose face was covered with a balaclava. Police could not control the settings of violence that spread over several areas as Senkata Seco Rivers, Cross Viacha, with the Ceja de El Alto, the epicenter of the protests. Dictionary

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