Ergocube |
Ergocube Avoid doing business with them if you haven't already started! Tucson, Arizona |
16th of Jan, 2011 by User909618 |
I'd never had a problem buying products online until I encountered Ergocube. When I placed my order I got an e-mail saying that it had been processed and would arrive promptly. I waited twoand a half weeksand heard nothing further. I was also unable to track my order. I became quite worried and then tried to contact them by e-mail to see what was going on. I got no response to several e-mails. I found the usual time for them to respond to an individual e-mailwas two weeks, if they wouldrespond at all.
When I received my order,the product didn't work. I contacted them several times by e-mail with no response and then tried calling them.Whenever I called them I got an answering machine, not a real person. It got to the point where I started calling them every day. After the second day I received an e-mail from them without any acknowledgment of the time and effort I had gone to in trying to contact them. In the endittookthree and a halfmonths before the whole thing was sorted out, and that was because I fixed the item myself. Before that Iasked repeatedly for them to give me an exchange number, which apparently you have to have or they won'texchange your item.(It didn't seem right alsothat for an exchange youhave to pay all the shipping costs involved).
Anyway, before giving me an exchange numberthey referred me tosome technical support which I thought was really good. The technical supportalso took a bit overtwo weeks to respond, but were excellentonce I was in contact with them and that's how I came to know how to fix the problem myself. If Ihadn't been able to fix the problem, I am still not surehow long it would have taken to be able to exchangethe item orwhether I would have needed to take thematter to the Better Business Bureau. In short, avoid doing business with them if you can. If you are already in it, then my advice to you would be to use your phone as the main contact with them and give your e-mail address as well. Call them every day ifyou need to, but be persistent and don't give up. I don't thinkthere is any deliberate intention to scam anybody, butmore perhaps an under-staffed, underresourcedbusinessthatjust doesn't have thelevel of organisation required to deal with the volume of products and customers that it has.
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