Enterprise Rent-A-Car |
Enterprise Rent-a-Car Fraudulent Damage Claim Baltimore, Maryland |
25th of Apr, 2011 by User721414 |
In March 11, 2011, my insurance company set up a rental from Enterprise Rent-a-Car, 8031 Belair Road, as a result of my vehicle being hit by debri from a truck on the highway. Enterprise employee, Christopher Pike, myself and my wife inspected the car I had been assigned on that day. There were many dings, dents, scratches, windshield damage, as well as a burn hole in the drivers seat. My wife and I were obviously concerned about the poor condition of this rental car. After about the 5th or 6th item we pointed out, Mr. Pike said "don't worry about it - if it is not larger than the circle on our damage evaluator (which is a plastic template he had on his clipboard), it does not matter. You will not have a problem." I returned the rental on April 27, 2011. At that time, Rita Hergenhann, the Branch manager, checked me in. As soon as she walked outside to inspect the vehicle, she said "there is damage on the car on the left rocker panel." I told her I did not damage the vehicle, and at first look, it appeared to be road tar. There was a black streak in the protective tape along the rocker panel and a small indentation which had not punctured the tape. I then asked to speak to Christopher Pike, the employee who checked out the vehicle when I rented it. Ms. Hergenhann stated he was no longer there. After further conversation with her, I found out that Mr. Pike was still employed with Enterprise at another location. I left the Belair Road location and went to the location several miles away in White Marsh where Mr. Pike was working to speak with him. I explained to Mr. Pike the situation, and asked if he remembered all the dings and dents in this vehicle. Needless to say, he did not remember myself or the car. He did, however, say he did not understand what the big deal was. He stated that lots of times, something that minor they repair without charge. I returned to the Belair Road location to speak again with Ms. Hergenhann, who insisted the damage was my fault and said she would speak with the shop and call me the next day. I told her again what poor condition the car was in when I rented it, and insisted I did not damage the vehicle. I also told her that the indentation was smaller than the allowable size on the damage evaluator. On 4/8, 4/11 and 4/12, I spoke with Ms. Hergenhann and she had no information yet from the shop. On 4/14, I received an email from Ms. Hergenhann stating the damange is $385.00 and picutures will be send to the Damage Recovery Unit and that I could no longer deal with her, that it is out of her hands. I have since received 2 statements from the damage recovery unit. I sent them 2 emails and left one phone message concerning the photos. The statemen includes an additional charge of $50 in "Administrative Fees" and $24.74 for "loss of use." Now the total is up to $459.74. This is horrible customer service, as Ms. Hergenhann passed the buck and now no one at Enterprise will return my emails or phone message. In frustration, I did an internet search on problems with Enterprise making false damage claims, and find I am not alone. I do plan on filing a comlaint with the State of Maryland Insurance Division, Consumer Protection. |
i am in a similar problem currently and was wondering if you ever filed a complaint and what happened to it? |
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