iI HOPE EBS ASSOCIATES - MATT CARLISLE AKA MATT CARLILSE , REGINA SMITH , EARVIN BOWEN AND LAVELL BOWEN ARE GOPING TO SEE THE INSIDE OF STATE AND COUNTY JUDICIAL SYSTEM. YOU CAN RUN - BUT - YOU CAN'T FIDE. WE ARE GOING TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO CLOSE YOU DOWN AND BRING THE CRIMINAL AND COUNTY COURTS TO YOUR FRONT DOOR. We The People: Please read this document in its entirety and do what is stated within this document “ if “ you have been contacted and “ threatened “ by EBSS ASSOCIATES, MATT CARLISLE aka spelling MATT CARLILSE , LAVELL BOWEN , EARVIN BOWEN , REGINA SMITH and others who are employed at EBSS ASSOCIATES, 1100 Hammond Drive N.E., Suite 410 A , Atlanta, Georgia 30328, ( 678 ) 074-1978 & ( 404 ) 227- 8135. We the People fully intend to bring forth Criminal & Civil Complaints ass well as to County Complaints to: The Georgia Attorney General , The Fulton County District Attorney , The Federal Trade Commission ,The Sherriff’s Department in Fulton County, Georgia, and other bureaus which we will list below. We the people request yourcomplaints to be filed with each bureau we will list below. Our intention is the Bring a Criminal & Civil Complaint to The authorities below and requesta Grand Jury hearing , and subsequent will request Criminal “ and “ Civi charges against EBSS ASSOCIATES , MATT CARLISLE AKA MATT CARLILSE, REGINA SMITH, EARVIN BOWEN, and LAVELL BOWDEN. WeE intend to also bring a Class action Suit against EBSS ASSOCIATES and the employees stated above. EBSS must carry Liability Insurance, therefore and awarded JUDGMENT or JUDGMENTS against EBSS ASSOCIATES and its Owners, Directors and Employees, The Insurance Carrier will be forced to “ by Law “ pay any awarded JUDGMENT that may be awarded. Should EBSS ASSOCIATES not have Liability Insurance or Bond that are by law supposed to carry, then “ each “ of the JUDGMENTS that may be awarded against EBSS ASSOCIATES and the individual defendants will be the sole responsibility of those individuals that the JUDGMENT was awarded against “ personally “. We have contacted an Attorney and were briefed about what can be done against all parties that a Judgment was awarded against. According to the Attorneys, a ORDER OF REPLEVAN can be done against each party the JUDGMENT was awarded against. What is an ORDER OF REPLEVAN ? This is a document file with the Court, Signed by Judge who presided on the case or cases against the Defendants, in which an ORDER is given to the Judge to sign, which allows a Court Legal Representative to locate the ASSETS of the Defendants, including but not limited to Bank Accounts, Employment Checks,property owned by that individual ( as defined by Georgia Law ) vehicles own outright by the defendant ( s ) , or any item that can be attached by the COURT and SOLD by an appointed representative of the Court, that can be applied to that specific Judgment against that specific party or business. The Courts have the right to enter the business and remove any item that the Court can SELL to satisfy the Judgment. That may include: desks, chairs, computers, computer screens, telephones, etc. The defendant must surrender those items to the Sherriff’s Department , or PAY OFF THE Judgment Amount that was ordered by the Court. The Court may grant a time limit to resolve the matter, but if the defendant or defendants can not resolve the matter, any and all property will be SOLD by the Courts and an appointed trustee who will act in behalf of the Court. We contacted the Fulton County Court, and although they can “ not “ by law give you LEGAL ADVISE, the SUPERVISOR did indicate… “ Should you obtain a JUDGMENT against any individual or Business entity, the defendants can be served an ORDER OF REPLEVAN by a DEPUTY SHERRIFF , or Court appointed member of the Court, and they “ CAN SEIZE “ your home, your property, your pay, your vehicle, any of the contents of the residential property and can SELL said property to pay off the JUDGMENT. “. Boy did I smile. EBSS ASSOCIATES, and its employees MATT CARLISLE aka MATT CARLILSE, LAVELL DOWEN, REGINA SMITH, and EARVIN BOWEN have numerous COMPLAINTS on line File by “ NUMEROUS “ people they have HARRASSED , THREATEN ARREST with, and will FULL INTENT acted in violation of both FEDERAL and STATE STANDARDS. MATT CARLISLE willfully and with malicious INTENT fully INTENDED to HARRASSE , ALARM, and bring “ FEAR “ into the parties contacted in hopes of getting the money he “ claims†they owed. It will be our INTENTION to bring a CLASS ACTION SUIT against EBSS ASSOCIATES, its OWNERAS, DIRECTORS and above mentioned staff. We are requesting that you… “ THE VICTIM “ of these ILLEGAL CALLS, THREATENING CALLS work to HELP US, CLOSE DOWN EBSS ASSOCIATES, and to bring a GRAND JURY INDICTMENT against EBSS ASSOCIATES, and the employees stated within. It is our INTENTION to not only obtain JUDGMENTS against each entity, but to REQUEST the COURTS BAR ... EARVIN BOWEN, LAVELL BOWEN, MATT CARLISLE aka MATT Carlilse, and REGINA SMITH from continuing to act in the capacity of a Collections Representative in the State of Georgia. The Courts do have the FULL CAPACITY to have any individual barred from public contact to any resident in the State of Georgia. The Court also has the legal right to bar the owners from continuing to act as a COLLECTION AGENCY in which the residents of the state would request SANCTIONS against any Business Entity or any private Individual from being contacted by Earvin Bowen, Lavell Bowen, Matt Carlisle aka Matt Carlilse and Regina Smith. Failure to comply would subject those individuals to be held in CONTEMPT OF COURT, and subject to ARREST. Enclosed are addresses you should contact by letter, making a FORMAL COMPLAINT to each entity. This will start each bureau to investigate your filed report. For each bureau you contact, they are “ REQUIRED “ to respond to you by mail as to what is, or will be done. The individual bureaus may often forward your letter to an even HIGHER AUTHORITY, which will proceed to make an investigation, and will often file your case with The Attorney General of the State of Georgia, The Fulton County District Attorney and The Federal Trade Commission. Each of them has the power to proceed with Investigations and individual Litigation against EBSS ASSOCIATES the the employees stated within this document. Next Step: It is requested you contact each entity below. Your input will put these people OUT-OF-BUSINESS and bring forth an Investigation by each Bureau below, Don’t just sit there and be “ABUSED†. Get up and HELP US put EBSS ASSOCIATES out of BUSINESS once and for all. CONTACT THE FOLLOWING BUREAUS BY MAIL Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2222 ……………………………………………………………………………… Internal Revenue Service 401 W Peachtree St Nw, #980, Atlanta, GA 30308 ……………………………………………………………………………… Atlanta Department of Finance (404) 330-644268 68 Mitchell St Sw, #6100, Atlanta, GA …………………………………………………………………………. Department of Banking and Finance 2990 Brandywine Road Suite 200 Atlanta, Georgia 30341-5565 Phone: (770) 986-1633 Toll Free: (888) 986-1633 ……………………………………………………………………….. Georgia Bureau of Investigation 3121 Panthersville Road Decatur, Georgia 30034 Fax your request to 404-270-8529 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Better Business Bureau 503 Oak Pl, Ste 590 Atlanta GA 30349 …………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………… Department of Banking and Finance 2990 Brandywine Rd., Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30341-5565 Phone Number: 770-986-1633 Toll-free: 1-888-986-1633 (GA) ………………………………………………………………………. DEBT COLLECTOR HARRASSEMENT COMPLAINT LINE 1-800-303-9840 GOVERNORS OFFICE 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 356 Atlanta, Georgia 30334-9077 Tel: 404-651-8600 or 1-800-869-1123 (toll-free in Georgia, …………………………………………………………………………………………………. SAM OLENS ATTORNEY GENERAL Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, Ga 30334 Phone: (404) 656-3300 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Fulton County District Attorney’s Office 136 Pryor Street, SW, Third Floor Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: (404) 612-4181 ……………………………………………………………………………. YOU CAN ALSO CONTACT R.BRUNO BY E-MAIL AT [email protected] MR. BRUNO WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR COMPLAINT TO THE VARIOUS STATE FEDERAL AND COUNTY Bureaus Fulton County Sheriff 185 Central Ave SW, Ste T9500 Atlanta, GA 30303 ... (404) 612-5100 DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO YOU GET UP … AND… STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS AND HELP US CLOSE THESE MALICIOUS – DEGRADING – INSULTING- COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS. Thank You: We The People / USA |