Whoever values their money is highly advised to stay away from Dynamite Time, as they are well known for their shady business practices, and selling watches with highly questionable authenticity. Let me share with you my personal experience with Dynamite Time, in as few sentences as I can manage. I shelled out a large sum of cash and ordered an expensive Swiss-made watch from Dynamite time, only to receive a cheap watch made in China. Although I was both shocked and disappointed, I remained calm, knowing full well that legitimate businesses sometimes make mistakes such as this, and are usually more than willing to correct them. After contacting Dynamite Time via e-mail (they don't have a phone number, in retrospect this should have been my first clue of their true character) I received a reply, asking me to provide pictures of the item I received, a reasonable request by all standards. After sending them the pictures, I expected them to accept this watch back and remedy the situation by either sending me the watch I bought or refunding me. Of course, this was not the case. I received an e-mail informing me that a UPS claim was opened to investigate the situation, which would be the determining factor in whether I will be taken care of. Additionally, in a thinly veiled attempt to subvert me from filing a claim, I was told that 'UPS Security Department' would be contacting me shortly. Of course, no such department exists, and when confronting them with that fact, Dynamite Time ignored me. What followed was a heated exchange of e-mails, me demanding that Dynamite Time resolve the situation irregardless of how the UPS claim came out (it is, after all, much more likely that they sent me the wrong watch, deliberately or not, than the possibility that UPS had something to do with the wrong watch being inside that box), and them informing me that they will not budge. It all came to a climax when I sent their watch back to them and informed them of my intent to file a charge back, as a result of Dynamite Time not cooperating to resolve my problem amicably. In turn, they sent me an e-mail with outright threats to 'notify the authorities', of what I do not know. It all ended with me letting them know that their petty attempts to subvert my actions of seeking justice will not work, after which point I filed a charge back. Therefore, to whomever it may concern, Dynamite Time is a shady business that runs on unethical business practices. If you plan to purchase a watch from them, buyer beware.