I went to ocean city md, for a family vacation in june of 2011, I rented a scooter off the boardwalk, (domani scooters) the first scooter they put me on the breaks failed before I left the parking lot, the forgiener who rented me the scooter says "no problem we put you on another scooter" the second scooter they put me on broke down in the parking lot, they put me on a 3rd scooter that wouldn't even start, finally the 4th scooter they put me on broke down 5 miles and 15 minutes after leaving the parking lot, I had to hitch a ride back to the rental place where I gave the keys to the forgiener told him where it was, he said he knew where that was and would go get the scooter, was gonna leave and say screw it, he says" no problem you did nothing wrong, don't worry about it I put you on another scooter, the 5th scooter now leaving the parking lot 1 30 minutes into the 3 hour rental, I was given no discounts on time or anything, I paid full price for half the time, when I turned in the scooter and the end of the rental, I asked if they got the scooter, they said they were really busy and haddn't had the chance to go pick it up, I asked them if they wanted me to show them where it was, they said no they knew where it was located and that they would pick it up later. I said call me if you can't find it. the forgein guys writes down the adress of the broken down computer. this wouldn't be so bad to swallow if it ended then and there but it gets worse. a week later I see a charge for 245.00 from domani scooters, I call they store, no one will talk to me, I call the city of ocean city finally get a number on file for owner through his vendor's license, I call it and it is another business in jamaca, ny... he laughs at me tells me good luck in getting my money back, I am fired up now, they just stole 245.00 from me, I call the store and ask for a copy of the contract they refused to give me one. I contact my bank and dispute the charges, they submit a contract saying I am responsible to return the scooter in the same way I found it.... but there was already something wrong with all the scooters. so it is then charged again to my card, I was advised by my bank, that I have to pay because I do not have a copy of my contract with them that they refused to give me both when I signed it and also when I called to get it. so later I found out that they never went to pick it up, and the city impounded the bike and they charged me for the impound even thought the time stamp on the tow and impound paper was the next day and they were in possesion of the keys to the scooter. I did some digging into this company and they are all attached to shell companys that you can't track, only through tax revenue reports and applications, but it all go's back to a no name company, and p.o box in New york...718) 995-9100 is the cell phone to the leader of the shell companies I contacted the chamber of commerce and city hall, the BBB and the Federal trade commission but until I can produce the original contract I am screwed, so beware any info I can provide to take these suckers down please email me at thanks and good luck |