doc edward herba neurologist chicago, doc john dudzinski, doc milton herba radiologist, dr. edwin kl |
unrelenting torture: phsyical and mental cruielty, exploitation, pimping for the purposes of procuring and theft of real estate and intellectual prop |
12th of Jan, 2012 by freda cull |
i dk how to access the info i require as i am not having any luck with boards and medical colleges etc. i've tried all of them and they usually dismiss me but the problem is that the old boys in my family and t heir wives have never given a darn about me and now are fine with me accidentally dying in diabolical violence. i am in shock also from the knowledge of their longterm h atred... they have many co business folks in the military ...most violent towards me is donna law rose and her husband paul rose who have some affiliation with hsbc /lloyd i have not been able to verify...except through innuendo and suffering the 3rd hand gossip ...the latter h owever stalk my banking and regularly attempt murder ttbombk; donna always claims it is her father ; i am a civilian and do not own weapons. the attacks are unprovoked except by teachers in grade school who may have called me the smart kid...this made me the focus of their scam...worst part is that the torture is unrelenting and psychological and physical with usual mengele and provoking strong emotional outburst characteistics of professional interrogators. cia funding for tracking me and my most innocuaous th ougthts and h abits is a problem for me. i did not receive any money and also i am not able to find work, now even more crippled than just fromt h emaiming int he 60s but after a series of incidents of extreme violence and mental cruelty . i am seeking a way to get them to cease and desist and a no contact order. i believe t he problem is surveillance ....the use of the computer by someone claiming to be lindy england was unhealthy for her but diabolical vilence for me.She has ended up in the wrong therapy group . i cannot determine where they are contacting me from |
the names doc edwin klaponksi, franceis klaponski, and brian klaponski of carte intl are also involved. i am in constant grief and i do not know hoe to stop them and theri business associates. |
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