Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Depression and Anxiety Peer Support Group Calgary
Alan Eastman makes deceptive claims - not a real PhD
27th of Jan, 2012 by Grant2.0
WARNING TO PEOPLE CONSIDERING JOINING DAAPS: Before you entrust Alan Eastman to be your counselor you should know about the deceptive claims that he makes.

I was searching online for a support group for my mother in Calgary, AB and came across the Depression and Anxiety Peer Support Group at The group is run by a person who calls himself Dr. Alan Eastman. When I looked into his credentials I discovered that his so-called doctoral degrees are from 'degree mills', or unaccredited and disreputable organizations. For example, he claims to have a PhD in Psychology, but the degree is from Lacrosse University, Bay St. Louis, MS, which a completely discredited as a degree mill (see In Alberta, where Eastman is running his scam, it is illegal to use the title 'Doctor' when offering health services (counselling in this case) unless you have required degrees (valid ones, that is) and are registered with the relevant regulatory colleges, which Eastman is definitely not (I checked).

On another site (, Eastman claims to be a licensed Psychological Assistant and implies that the license is from the College of Alberta Psychologists (the following text appears in a number of his websites: College of Alberta Psychologists license #0343). I checked into this and found that Alan Eastman is not registered with the College of Alberta Psychologists and they haven’t registered Psychological Assistants for many years. Thus it appears that Alan Eastman is purposely trying to mislead potential clients by advertising himself as being a registered clinician.

Alan Eastman also makes deceptive claims in order to pass himself off as an academic and scholar. He claims that he was a professor at Breyer State University, which is another unaccredited and disreputable “school”(see No legitimate academic would consider Breyer State University to be a bona fide institution, and the fact that Alan Eastman presents Breyer State as a valid school demonstrates that he is either supremely ignorant or that he is intentionally trying to deceive people. Either way, it calls into question Eastman’s judgment and character.

Alan Eastman also runs a distance learning website, called Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, that offers degrees (bachelor’s to doctorate level) without the necessary authorization from the Alberta Provincial Government, which is ILLEGAL. The degrees that TDLI issues are totally invalid and would be considered a joke by counselling and psychology regulatory bodies.

Further establishing Alan Eastman as a scam artist is his portrayal of Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute as being in some way officially recognized by a higher authority (The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy). People should know that Alan Eastman is “President” of both Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute AND The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, which suggests that he either doesn’t care about conflict of interest or he is intentionally misleading potential students.

Alan Eastman is a scam artist who is taking advantage of people who are looking for a trustworthy, caring person to help them. Would you want this man to be your counselor?
4761 days ago by Alaneastman
Hello again folks this is Alan Eastman DCH Ph.D. again. This "Grant" is a disturbed person set and bent on hurting me, my education, friends, co-workers, colleagues, family, and my mother and father. He is a sad depressed person, I guess it is not his fault but he is a very sick person. I got a call from this "Grant" at 12:15 am June 6, 2011. I spent a good 45 minutes explaining that the depression and anxiety support group is a social group, get together, for an hour or 2 a week so people can get out of their houses, he as been on a campaign against me, thinks he is destroying my life, family, and career. DAAPS, is a website I am building, it has not been advertised, promoted, nor does it ask for any money from anyone, this "Grant" is now telling different stories and getting mixed up himself, he says he was calling for his mother, the CAP, college of Alberta psychologists told me he was looking for his depressed wife, I told him our support group does not offer therapy, and the only cost is your coffee, or movie ticket or whatever. He is and never was a student, a client, nor a group member, of any kind, I do not know him, he hides behind his generic aliases of email accounts, and sputs slander and liable, these are serious charges. I was a member of CAP for many years, and left due to my success in the hypnotherapy industry, profession. One thing this "user/Grant" does not know or is about to find out that he is seriously mistaken, and made complaints based on false Linked-In false Facebook and webpages he has made using my name. Once CAP is handled, through our complaints by leaking my personal information to the general public, is when we sue them, and the police lay charges, the CAP will be liable and held accountable by the official secrets act, and the freedom of information act, is that we will be handed all the formal complaints, that must be made only with all his correct contact information. I will be posting on our Distance Learning Institutes website front page, about accreditation, registration, and that accreditation is not purposeful nor needed in Canada anywhere in Canada! I/we have done nothing wrong, but I guess be trusting and helping others. And, sometimes when you act as a bridge, to help and educate people you get walked all over.

Once the files are opened and I get to face my accusers, this "Grant/User" will be liable and we will agressively pursue anyone who posts slander, out right lies, character assassination, making false statements based on Linked in pages he made up himself, this is a sever felony to steal someones identity, which is exactly what he did to me. He, this "complainer, who was never asked for a dime, was never harmed in anyway by us/me, does not know me, however, being so close to having the information released, as I have a right to face my accuser in a court of law, he will be criminally charged, and sued for 10 million dollars for each separate posting, and lie filled account, posting, and scam posting, he has made against me. I am completely, professionally, an open book, just call me, our business, 403 454 2887, if you have any doubts about my validity, you can hear the truth directly from me, every thing I mention is completely true, lawful, and harmful to no one. "Grant/User" will be charged criminally, and civilly we will prove every aspect of these statements he makes, and sue with severe malaise. He has harmed a lot of people with his lies, and it stops now, and finishes when the blood drains from his face and he turns ghostly white, as all the blood drains from his smug face, and he is led away, in shackles and hand-cuffs.

What I say is the truth, I can post official transcripts, diplomas and degrees up on our sites, but I am saving this for court. You have had your say "Grant/User" you will soon hear mine.! Any information you hear that is not directly from me is a lie, do not believe this crazed degenerate. Would you take your referral advice about who to see as your counsellor from a delusional paranoid, cyber stalker, identity thief?

We/I am the real deal, can back up everything I say. Who in their right mind would continue to attack a minister of the lord, with a bachelors of ministry degree, finishing his doctorate in theology. Strange and sad really when you think of this Gollum character, writing about me and cyber stalking me. Come out of your cave, and show yourself, or are you scared of me "grant" because you yourself know you are a liar and identity thief who could be facing 20 years in jail, for making up false accounts using my good name. That is all, you are a liar, I am not. Liars and thieves shall not prevail. We are a registered institute, and also a charitable institution in Alberta. To set the record straight, I am not registered with CAP as a psych assistant, though I was for a number of years, until the CAP decided to ask the government to irradicate this licensed profession, under the new health act. You are a mixed up fool, and I do not suffer fools lightly!

I am a registered psychological assistant, with full insurance and professional insurance coverage; I am registered with the PAA, psychologists association of Alberta, number # 0343. Look it up if you have doubts.

Alan Eastman.
4754 days ago by Grant2.0
REALLY, Eastman!?! You’re going to hold me accountable to “the official secrets act (sic)”?!
REALLY, Eastman!?! I’m out of my mind because I’m “attack[ing] a minister of the lord”?!
REALLY, Eastman!?! You’re going to sue me for “10 million dollars for each separate (sic) posting”?!

Are you aware of how ridiculous you sound making these absurd statements? The reason that I’m pursuing this issue is that you seem to be unwilling to change your websites to comply with not only Alberta Provincial law but basic standards of ethical practice. You seem to be attempting to lead potential clients into thinking that you are something that you are not, and you are selling a product that is essentially worthless by continuing to offer potential students invalid degrees. Every one of your websites is built around this grandiose persona called Doctor Alan Eastman, who in actual fact is not a doctor because his so-called doctoral degrees are simply not valid.

In his comment posted above, Eastman tries to backtrack and claims that he is actually “registered” with the Psychologists Association of Alberta, not the College of Alberta Psychologists. Eastman states:

“To set the record straight, I am not registered with CAP as a psych assistant, though I was for a number of years, until the CAP decided to ask the government to irradicate (sic) this licensed profession, under the new health act. I am a registered psychological assistant, with full insurance and professional insurance coverage; I am registered with the PAA, psychologists association of Alberta (sic), number # 0343. Look it up if you have doubts.”

Eastman must believe that his potential clients can’t read because he specifically states on a number of websites that he is registered with the College of Alberta Psychologists, (see the examples below):

“Licensed Psychological Assistant in the Province of Alberta, Canada, registration # 0343 with the College of Alberta Psychologists.”

“Registered as a Psychological Assistant #0343, with the College of Alberta Psychologists”

And on this web page (, Eastman claims to be a “Registered Psychological Assistant (AB) . Licensed Professional # 0343.” Eastman makes no mention of the professional body that issued him a license, but it surely wasn’t the Association of Alberta Psychologists, because they aren’t a licensing body and thus don’t issue licences to practice.

I’ll repeat my statement about Eastman’s accusation of identity theft. I have not posted anything on the Net using his name or assuming his identity in any way. I agree with Eastman that identity theft is wrong. But anyone wanting to take Eastman to task for his deceptive practices wouldn’t need to create incriminating material under his name; Eastman’s own websites (,, etc.) provide more than enough material for establishing his disregard for ethical standards of practice in both healthcare and education.
4722 days ago by Alaneastman
Just so you know, and everybody else knows the Depression and Anxiety support group, was completely funded by myself. There are no membership fees, nothing was asked for and nothing was given, the website was still being worked on for its official launch, where again your nutty mind seems to be strikingly fascinated by me. I am starting to think you are a total loser, who has nothing better to do. Than to run people down and you know for sure you made up false linked in pages, in my name and submitted them to CAP. That is criminal identity theft, and I can prove it because of the information package that CAP sent me had the linked in page photo copied, it was made on June 6, 2011, and has zero links to it, my page has hundreds upon hundreds of links connected to it. That is identity theft, bam, right there now if proven that's 10 to 20 years in jail for you, and you can't do a damn thing about it, we have your submissions the same package you sent to CAP.

Yes really, criminal charges will be filed and are being filed against you, we are working with CAP to allow them to release your name and contact information. Also you should know that making a formal complaint based on faulty information is a felony and will get you at least 10 more years in jail.

I am not grandiose, it only seems like that to you, as you are a bottom feeder. I have accomplished in my life by the age of 27 than most do in their entire lives, it is not grandiose it is simply a fact. I know this actions and writing about me fulfills your sexual desires to be with me sexually, you are a criminal stalker, and I will never stop hunting you down, and lets hope that the police and legal authorities get to you before I do.

I have more and done more and seen more, because I am authentic, your're just too GD lazy to do some reference checking, you are a lazy piece of shit dirt bag lyer. Had I or have I been doing anything, I mean anything Illegal, I can guarantte you Cory the Psychologist would not be my supervisor, contract to my office in Red Deer, nor would he rent 2 offices in my office complex, if there were any wrong doing.

Your chatty blabber is going to be your own down fall. Becareful, tread lightly, cause I am the one carrying the big stick.

I do not have to prove my self to anyone, I do not have to show you anything, I am what I say I am, and people have flown from all over the world to be trained by me, mentored by me, and have sessions with me.

My best profiling, says that you are a loner, mostlikely a failed old, and poor maniac who has nothing to do with his time than to criminally harrass myself, colleages, Cory, my parents, and my family. Nothig I have done is illegal I do not think that way nor do I act that way.

If you are not going to place charges against me through the police, or civil charges, funny though hey cause you are not a student of mine, not a patient, not a member of DAAPS, and DAAPS clearly states there are no fees, you, you fucking loser, are one of the most psychologically imbalanced persons I have ever run into. Get over your obsession with me, Look up the private schools, colleges, and institutes act and then realize I am following it and we have all the registrations we need to operate. Come on man, get it through your head you are ruining lives here and a career, and yes I have a bachelors degree in ministry, I have so many levels that you have persecuted me on, it is quite sad you sorry little shit of a person.

Yes I have sued 3 persons as you state in your misleading almost unreadable text you wrote about me. I have won every single one, and have been paid large amounts of money for the crimes they have committed against me. Remember I won these law suits again much more competent people than you could ever be.

Unless you are going to charge me criminally or civilly as I have already asked you to do, because I can testify to your lies, and show demonstrable proof of your evil doings. If you can't charge me, or sue me criminally, then it is time for you to just disappear stop your criminal bullying, electronic stalking and harassing, and identity theft. You know in your cold heart of coal that you made up false bios, linked-in pages, and websites, to discredit me, however you severely underestimated me. You will not hear from me as to when we decide to prosecute you, but it will happen on a date and time of my own choosing.

If you are in love with me which is demonstrated by your continual harassment over bout the past year, you will get no satisfaction by your nasty approach. Leave me, my family, Cory, all my co-workers, parents, and my friends out of this. This what you are doing, has nothing to do with your. Being one of the most successful therapists in the world, comes with its perks that is for sure, but it also comes with a few pricks such as yourself.

It's time to run up, or simply shut up.

Alan Eastman DCH
2005 International Educator of the Year, by the International Hypnosis Federation.

p.s. suck on that one for a while, and go die in the manner that best suits your needs, and when you are dead and buried, I am going to be the first one to come and piss on your grave, got it you fuck!

The real people in my life have all stood by me, they all know I am completely legit, you are a mere shadow, a stain, something to be wiped away, and thrown away. What have you ever done in your life, you fucking dumb ass prick?

4702 days ago by Grant2.0
Mr. Eastman,
Can you please clarify what you mean when you state in your comments above that "I will never stop hunting you down, and lets [sic] hope that the police and legal authorities get to you before I do."? I interpret your statement as a threat of violence.

This is not the first time you’ve said similar things. In another posting (, you stated: “I will never stop hunting you down, and when I do that's where the hurting begins.” And in another posting, you state: “Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen.” In yet another posting (, you say “You know nothing of the world you have entered into, I suggest caution as you do so, you know not where you are going or who is there to meet you, nor of their intentions when they find you. These statements, too, seem like threats of violence.
4701 days ago by Concerned Advocate321
By following these threads recently, I am the Concerned Advocate for Dr. Alan Eastman, and the Trafalgar Distance Learning...I am very proud (that the remark was stated that my responses to previous thread(s) ) that it was stated that I was Dr. Eastman...Well, I AM NOT Dr. Eastman, and if it’s any of your business, I live Canada, but not in Alberta.

I notice these comments are now starting to turn into shouting matches...
There is NO THREAT of violence in any statement by Dr. Alan Eastman, and to be interpreted that way by you (Grant2.0) shows your ineptness at knowing the laws...

Dr. Eastman, please keep your cool ( is a SCAM--and everything listed on this site is ridiculous & ludicrous, and has no real back up of any kind...they like to tear people & organizations, apart (with no solid proof any wrongdoing), and now with the tone of your replies you are playing right into it---this is want they want)

User.. Grant2.0 you are being totally ridiculous and showing your inability and ineptness at the laws of both Countries. is over the top, and you are an Extortionist, by every meaning of the word. Scaminformer has several lawsuits against it...

User/ Grant2.0 It is very obvious that you have no idea of the legalities of threatening Dr. Eastman as you have above, and in previous harrasing him, his family, co-workers, etc., you actually trying to bully him, In Canada, this will not be tolerated (unlike the U.S. where you are probably from, and where you may get away with this Extortion). Like all SCUM, sooner or later, you will go down !!!

You talk about Accreditation throughout all your threads on Alan Eastman which is the giveaway...get it through your head U. S. HAS ACCREDITATION, CANADA DOES NOT !!!

Your is actually registered in RUSSIA ????!!! The Majority of your traffic comes from the U.S., and more than likely, you are located in the U.S. (just using servers in Russia). The laws governing U. S. and CANADA are vastly different in many respects...There is no possibly way that you
would have an inkling of the laws in Canada, or for that matter, each individual Province...You have to be an expert in the laws of both Countries to know anything determinate about this stuff, which I doubt very much you are an expert in anything...

There are several lawsuits registered against you, has a suit against you for 60 + Million dollars for copyright infrginement ... which is curious, due to the fact your site was a complete copy of entries...hints have been made that you are one and the same...which also makes it confusing...WHICH IS IT??????
Several other lawsuits regarding defamation of character, copyright-infringement, among many others...CARE TO EXPLAIN ???????
IDr. Eastman is registered in the province of Alberta, and does have the authority to issue degrees. WRITTEN PROOF is the only solid proof !! Dr. Eastman has the written proof of all his credentials...
The Canadian Government has given Dr. Alan Eastman

Do you have proof other than website quotations (unless government websites--they mean absolutely nothing) ???? DOUBT IT !!! is making accusations, SHOW THE WRITTEN PROOF !!!

By written proof, I mean legitimate letters (not counterfeited) from the governing bodies that do the controlling, and signed by legitimate people...

So, there you go, ...HERE’S AN OLD SAYING, BUT TURE!!!


Oh, , by the way, your malicious attacks, etc., is/are not hurting Alan Eastman, nor Trafalgar Distance Learning. I have documented proof that Trafalgar and Alan Eastman are enjoying their greatly increased enrollment due partly to your bashing (hmmm, interesting--I guess no one believes you

Concerned Advocate for Dr. Alan EASTMAN and Trafalgar Distance Learning
4701 days ago by Mambo Odette is a terrible company.This company does not allow stuff to be erased unless you pay their lawyer that they have advertised with them. SCAM INFORMER SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE INTERNET. This Scam Informer website is a fraud!!!

It is so easy for ex and fired employees to slander here. It does not investigate the claims they have on this website!

4697 days ago by Alaneastman
Hello all who venture to read this,

Yes, my language is as it is and written because sound logic and reasoning will not be comprehended by the fellow or organization to which is cyber stalking me, made up false linked-in pages using my name stating that I was a psychologist 5 or 6 times, which I am not. I was a member of the College of Alberta Psychologists for many many years, first as a licensed Psychological Assistant, then as a Provisionally Chartered Psychologist, with Cory Hrushka (the psychologist), and CEO of Insight Psychological with offices in Edmonton, Red Deer (in my office complex), and Calgary; and who is a member of CAP, and sits on many of CAP's boards. I would have no doubt such a skilled and reputable Psychologist such as Cory will sit on the leadership position as President or Vice-President in due time. I have discussed this issue directly with Cory, and asked him plainly and directly if I or any of my staff have ever given the impression, said, or misdirected clients to lead them to think in any way I was a psychologist, after my resignation of membership with the College of Alberta Psychologists. I believe the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP) could have quickly put to rest this issue by assuring the disturbed complainant that all my education was fully and carefully considered and on file, as they approved my membership. The CAP has a duty to rectify this situation, and has conferred no action upon me, as I have never misrepresented myself, again this was carefully discussed with Cory and all my staff and volunteers.

As for my language, 'User, ' 'Grant' or 'CAP' whomever is considering posting negative comments and hiding behind a generic email or emails, unfortunately I have had to bring myself to your level of comprehension and actions, which is barely above animalistic behavior; here is what you have done, lied and attacked my personal and professional reputation, and education in a public forum, stolen my identity made up false linked-in pages, and facebook pages, e-mails, and made false and misleading formal complaints against me using this purely false information to lodge a complaint, what you have done, is also attacked my e-mails daily and nightly, logging in false pass-words so that my emails were shut down from 24 to 48 hours on a daily basis for around 8 months, attacked hacked, and blocked my mothers emails in the same way. My mother is 73 years old, and helps me a lot, as does my father both with infallible careers, my mother even receiving commendations from Prime Ministers for her work. I asked as politely as I could to stop attacking my family, you did not do that, I have a full file prepaired, police reports logged, lawyers ready to act, and Internet experts ready to show exactly where your emails originated from. I am sorry I must use street language, and foul words do drive my point into your head and brain, if one exists. My use of language is directed at a very low level of comprehension, as fully functional educated postings on my part only served to entice you to forgo any ethical communication, and make up further lies and continue attacking. The only reason I am responding is because I will never let anyone criminally attack, harass, and cyber stalk me or my family. That is where I draw the line. Nobody I have ever talked to believes any of the lies the 'User' and/or 'Grant' spews; what you have done is criminally falsify documents and submit them in a formal complaint to an organization I do not even belong to anymore. The only thing I needed to change was to update my webpages, which yes was needed, however it was none of your business. I talked to the 'User' and/or 'Grant' on the phone, our lawyers and our records surpassed any blocking of information thus revealing your complete name and contact information.

When I refer to 'hunting you down' we have a problem, once again your paranoid mind plays with you, as if you were important enough for me to waste my time on a sadly sick person. I refer to using all legal means possible to see you brought to justice. To see you brought to a court of law, criminally fined and charged; thus allowing me to serve civil papers and launching a massive civil suit, which will exceed ten million dollars in damages, as I believe you most likely do not have that kind of money, I will then launch a petition to the courts to liquidity all your assets. As I have said I am a much better person, than this to be pandering to your crusade against me personally; but let me say this you have brought on professional and personal attacks yourself, I know who you are, I gave you all the proper information on the telephone, I have your records, and should CAP be in collusion with this criminal harassment I will see all served with papers, no matter the cost, no matter the time. Lastly, should your fascination continue with me, you will be served with restraining orders and orders of protection. Every word, every message, time, date, etc, has been and continues to be logged. When the time is right all shall be visited by a process server.

Do not think you are important enough for me to waste anymore of my valuable time on you. I whole heartedly endorse your intent to report me to any police service of your choice, should you feel threatened. I am not interested in harming anyone or anything physically, I have too much respect for myself and others to do that. My mission is to help others not hurt them. I am saddened that I stooped to your level of arrogance and insolence, however I will never back down from protecting myself and my family, both on a professional level and a personal level. I will stand up for my credentials and my ability to lead a lawful right to earn a lawful living using the skills I have learned in University.

To my supporters, I thank you, deeply from my heart. I never new that in helping others there would be folks who feel threatened by that, at my skills, my passion, my writing, however I know from working with some very influential persons, that putting yourself at the very top of ones profession, there will always be the jealous few who try to knock you down. I have certainly bent through this process, how ever I am and have not broken, and my endearing work to help others will continue and will never be deterred.

P.S. Should the author of these blatant attacks upon myself, colleagues, friends, and family continue; I ask you as I have in the past, criminally charge me, or civilly charge and sue me, then I may display your lies in an open forum, and present the evidence of your lies, your phone call, your criminal harassment, and your ignorance in-front of a court of law. Charge me! Or, put this harassment to rest, removing all your posts, writing a letter to CAP explaining that the information you provided them was falsified and lead to harming or attempting to harming me professionally and personally, and issuing me a letter of apology and also posting it on the internet will be the only way to redeem yourself and stopping me from one of the largest lawsuits you could ever imagine. This is no joke, this is my promise. As I have repeatedly said, time to stand up or shut up. Grow-up and get over your fascination with me, I wish no contact with you, I want nothing to do with you, if you are sick go get help. Do not test me, do not say, I do not know the path I follow, not to what end it will lead, I know exactly what each and every action on your part, where it will lead, and where my actions, and statements will lead. I do not threaten, that would be weak and cowardly, I act, I do, and I accomplish what I say I will do.

Alan Eastman.
To find the truth, or have any questions, anyone, please call me: 403 454 2887. I encourage you to do so as professionally I have nothing to be ashamed of or hide! Never have never will!

P.S. Stop feeding your ego, and go get a hobby!
4697 days ago by Alaneastman
Hello again,

One last comment, after reading my supporters comments, funny I never knew how close to the top of my profession and how successful I really am, sadly I had to inform all my colleagues, that they may one day come across this information, I was a bit embarrassed to do so as I believe anyone would be, however these credentialed professionals, some at the very height of the academic world in New York State and New Jersey, have only solidified that I am on the correct track and a true academic in the real sense of the word. My truth being told to my colleagues, not one, not one, even cared that this information was posted, I have reference letters from Generals, Doctors, etc... They re-assured me they believe in me, knowing me, they know who I am and that I am for real, and what I state I am, I am. I have been so proud of my colleagues not one has left my side, nor ended their support of me. Why, they said I am real, an academic, a leader, a pastor, a true teacher and visionary. These are not my words those are the words of people who really know me. They could turn their backs in an instant and walk away, they have not they have only lifted me higher. And as my supporters have said, this has actually raised my credibility, and fortitude. Since I am totally ethically and honestly sincere in my endeavors, any 'haters' out there only serve to make me more diligent, work harder, help more people, teach more people, do more of what I was born to do, be great and be brilliant, which I am!!!

Alan Eastman

P.S. So, in the words of my hero Winston Churchill: "You continue to do your worst, and I will continue to do my best!"
4697 days ago by Alaneastman
Alan Eastman here,

I am at the end of my comments and interactions with this 1idiot who reckons to be the voice of the down trodden mentally ill, there is a lie in the story, which tells me this 'User' is caught up in a web of lies. He says he was looking for counselling help for his mother, CAP said he reported he was looking for counselling help for his wife. Therein is the lie, which statement is real? Two statements that are not the same, in law, infers that the story is a lie. Which one is lying, we shall let the courts decide. I am signing off professionally here, as I am becoming more and more successful, I care not to respond, to the 'Users' senseless lies. I will never respond to his trashy ignorant lies. Signing out,
Alan Eastman.
4696 days ago by Grant2.0
Mr. Eastman,

I’ll say it again, as I have done many times already: I have NOT engaged in identity theft in any way. I have NOT made up any websites, webpages, posts, or used any other media in an attempt to impersonate you or incriminate you. I agree with you that that is wrong. I also have had nothing to do with email hacking or any kind of cyber-attack on you, or anyone for that matter. I do not endorse any such behavior.

But let’s address the real issue: Do you or don’t you control the website,, on which the following text appears?

“Alan R. Eastman, BA, MA(c), DCH.
Mental Health Therapist and Counsellor.
Licensed Psychological Assistant in the Province of Alberta, Canada, registration # 0343 with the College of Alberta Psychologists”

As well as the following text, further down the webpage:

“- College of Alberta Psychologists - #0343
- Registered & Licensed Psychological Assistant”

Are you denying that you own and operate this website ( It’s been up and running for a very long time, but to my knowledge it hasn’t been revised to reflect that you are not registered or licensed in any way. Presenting your credentials in this way is misleading and unethical. Regardless of whether you have been registered in the past, it is unethical to present yourself as being currently registered, which is how any potential client would interpret this website.

If you are truly an ethical practitioner, as you claim to be, it is your duty to present your credentials with respect to professional registration in a clear and unambiguous manner so that potential clients can make informed judgements about your status.

I shouldn't have to spell this out for you, but your situation is akin to a medical doctor who is no longer licensed to practice medicine maintaining a website on which he claims to be licensed. Or a lawyer who was disbarred or left the bar but still operates a business website on which he claims to be authorized to practice law. This is a serious breach of ethics for someone who is supposed to be trusted to help vulnerable people.
4632 days ago by Grant2.0
A victory on one front: The Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute website states that the site is “under construction” and “closed” (see in order to come into compliance with the relevant legislation. While it gives me some satisfaction to see TDLI’s website in such a state, I find it troubling that the website remains operational because prospective students can still access the site without landing on the homepage. This evasiveness is sadly typical of Eastman. Much more troubling is the LACK OF CULPABILITY that Alan Eastman shows for NOT COMPLYING WITH the Province of Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act and the Programs of Study Regulation. Nowhere in his statements on the TDLI homepage ( does Alan Eastman ADMIT FAULT FOR ILLEGALLY OFFERING INVALID DEGREES. Instead, Eastman seems to be blaming “unknown forces” and “outside influences” for his woes.

On another front, the website still features the following MISLEADING text:

“Alan R. Eastman, BA, MA(c), DCH.
Mental Health Therapist and Counsellor.
Licensed Psychological Assistant in the Province of Alberta, Canada, registration # 0343 with the College of Alberta Psychologists”

As well as the following text, further down the page:

“- College of Alberta Psychologists - #0343
- Registered & Licensed Psychological Assistant”

Does Alan Eastman deny owning and operating this website ( It’s been up and running for a very long time, but as of June 8, 2012, it has not been revised to reflect that ALAN EASTMAN IS NOT REGISTERED OR LICENSED IN ANY WAY. As I’ve said before, Eastman’s presenting his credentials in this way is MISLEADING AND UNETHICAL. Regardless of whether he has been registered in the past, it is unethical for him to present himself as being currently registered, which is how any potential client would interpret his website.

Oh, and may I suggest a no-brainer remedy for Mr. Eastman’s complaint about this false LinkedIn profile in his name that he complains about. One would think that a simple call or email to LinkedIn requesting that the erroneous profile be erased would suffice. D’uh!!
4434 days ago by Alaneastman
Hello everybody this is the real Alan Eastman again.

Linked-in has millions of members they are not going to simply take my information, and erase the illegal site you put up when you stole my identity, they have some 50 million members. [ D'uh!!! ] Just as these false and illegal scam reporting sites will not take off all the lies and false information that you have posted here about me, Heck, I answered some of the Bull Shit identity theft claims you made against me, in haste, truly in my world you have about as much meaning and credibility as a Troglodyte. So sit behind your generic gmail account cower, crawl, deceive others about my fine reputation, and good name; you sound like that sniveling creature Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. Pathetic.

I challenged you to prove one claim you have made here, the nasty way you tried to tarnish my reputation, has only built my allegiances with my colleagues even stronger. I have an army of students, friends, colleagues, who had been notified of your slander, liable, identity theft, and copyright infringement amongst others such as stalking, Internet stalking, hacking, flooding and freezing my e-mail accounts by entering false passwords and for security the server shuts the account off for 24 to 48 hours. You are a pathetic criminal, a digital, scared creature, lashing out because of your own failed life. This tactic is not original you are no 'concerned citizen' an article in Wired Magazine, investigated this type of crime, which happened exactly the same to a Korean Pop singer, sadly the tactics are exactly what you have done to me, and this poor Korean was harassed so much, so entirely evil, that he is a virtual recluse, and is basically a shut in; though, as I said you picked the wrong person to try to extort, as did CAP, who is being drawn fourth to answer about serious privacy leaks and complaints by myself and my legal team, seems as CAP released information to an unidentified 'concerned citizen', thus breaking the law and my rights to privacy. The whole works including you, CAP, and the other internet terrorists are implicated as I have direct proof of each illegal step you made along your path of criminal intent, and deeds.

I told you to back off and you did not, to erase your lies, you did not. I have already started an MLA inquest into this matter, My MLA just happens to be the Premier of Alberta, as well as my actual neighbor. Committing crimes and indignities has led myself and my legal team, to indite you, as well as certain members of CAP including the complaints director and the president of CAP as well, and any other of your Evil-doer clowns do to rev up business for the many other people duped into this system which makes them think they should hire these 'false internet reputation managers.' You all have fallen into a trap revealing that you are quite likely not as intellegent as you think you maybe. On the worst day I am 10x and 10 steps ahead of you clowns on your best day. Quite interesting and telling do you not thnk, that your rants and false concern for others, has accomplished nothing. How does that go again? 'FULL OF SOUND AND FURY, SIGNIFYING NOTHING'

There will also be a MP request for an in-depth investigation, as my MP is Steven Harper, who just happens to live in my neighborhood, and is the Prime Minister of Canada.

The ball is in your court, literally, have me charged criminally report me to the Calgary City Police, or to the RCMP, make a full legal and endorsed by yourself, thus giving them your name all your contact information, there by I must be given the right to face my accuser. In fact, I also not only challenge you to report me to legal authorities, ask for a criminal charge, or sue me civilly, which is exactly going to happen to you, and I can prove your lies and false claims against my person. In fact, I also challenge you to get CAP (College of Alberta Psychologists) to level the same charges against me. Here comes the funny part, CAP already tried to influence and harass a private citizen, namely, me. They did not, could not, and will not, because they hold no legal or binding power in the judicial system, nor are they lawyers, or any other type of justice officials, they wield a Nerf sword incredibly harmless even by a direct hit. Which you evil-doers have already tried, and guess what 'I AM STILL HERE, EITHER GET OVER IT, OR GO AWAY BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE SO GET USED TO ME OR BETTER YET GO AWAY, OR; YOU WILL NEVER BE SAFE AGAIN, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN WITH EVERY LEGAL MEANS AT MY DISPOSAL.
4433 days ago by Alaneastman
The real Alan Eastman here again,

To the poster of these lies against me. You know you are lying!! You are paying to have lies posted on other sites like Answered Questions?

You are seriously one sick fucking waste of a human being.

And you will be called for your day of judgment sooner than you will ever know.

How much does the support group ask for annual fees, 0. How much money did I ask or make from you, 0. How many members of the support group did we have at the time you started your crusade against me and my hard work, we had 0 members. How much advertising had I done to elicit members for the support group, answer = 0. How much promotion had I done to any agency at the time of your creepy in the middle of the night phone call, 0 I did not promote the group because I was not finished designing the parameters of how the group would form, 0.

Zero. No one was asked for money, you were told very clearly that it is not a therapy group, and it will not help eleviate problems that one should see their family doctor about, did I say I could provide you with referrals if you needed serious psychological or medical interventions and treatment and diagnosis which I do not do, I either provided you with the referrals, or offered to give them to you.

Zero, is what you were asked for, You do not know me, you are not a client, you are not a customer, nor are you a student of mine. I have done 0 to harm or scam anyone, I do not need to I am a success in my own right and have no need to swindle people and scam artists usually do their work for free.

So why don't you shut your fucking t.v. off, turn the computer you are glued to off, and please go get a fucking life you loser. I want nothing to do with you, hahaha you are paying for sponsored advertisements to get people to go to other sites and see the other extraneous bullshit you have fabricated about me. l challenge anyone to stand up and come forward to prove any one of your slanderous, liable accusations beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. If you continue this stalking and Internet stalking of me, terrible things are going to happen. Spend your money and time on this harassment, you are leaving a trail that can now be electronically traced, waste your time and life on this, obviously you have nothing better to do with your sad existence, you have nothing better to do, it does not affect my life career or business, nor my charity work. You are simply a real loser with nothing better to do. Nothing I do is illegal, and quite frankly if it is not illegal I will be doing much much more of it. My lawful businesses allow me to legally earn a living with out harassment, that is the law, and to attempt to stop someone from earning a legal and viable honest living is highly illegal, as you will soon find out.

This whole web of lies you are weaving is starting to become so much of a sad joke, most days I laugh my head off over your stupidity. This has been so funny that you would waste your time making lies up againt me, I seriously think it has now become the obvious joke to anyone who would read your dribble.
4433 days ago by Alaneastman
The real Alan Eastman here again,

To the poster of these lies against me. You know you are lying!! You are paying to have lies posted on other sites like Answered Questions?

You are seriously one sick fucking waste of a human being.

And you will be called for your day of judgment sooner than you will ever know.

How much does the support group ask for annual fees, 0. How much money did I ask or make from you, 0. How many members of the support group did we have at the time you started your crusade against me and my hard work, we had 0 members. How much advertising had I done to elicit members for the support group, answer = 0. How much promotion had I done to any agency at the time of your creepy in the middle of the night phone call, 0 I did not promote the group because I was not finished designing the parameters of how the group would form, 0.

Zero. No one was asked for money, you were told very clearly that it is not a therapy group, and it will not help eleviate problems that one should see their family doctor about, did I say I could provide you with referrals if you needed serious psychological or medical interventions and treatment and diagnosis which I do not do, I either provided you with the referrals, or offered to give them to you.

Zero, is what you were asked for, You do not know me, you are not a client, you are not a customer, nor are you a student of mine. I have done 0 to harm or scam anyone, I do not need to I am a success in my own right and have no need to swindle people and scam artists usually do their work for free.

So why don't you shut your fucking t.v. off, turn the computer you are glued to off, and please go get a fucking life you loser. I want nothing to do with you, hahaha you are paying for sponsored advertisements to get people to go to other sites and see the other extraneous bullshit you have fabricated about me. l challenge anyone to stand up and come forward to prove any one of your slanderous, liable accusations beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. If you continue this stalking and Internet stalking of me, terrible things are going to happen. Spend your money and time on this harassment, you are leaving a trail that can now be electronically traced, waste your time and life on this, obviously you have nothing better to do with your sad existence, you have nothing better to do, it does not affect my life career or business, nor my charity work. You are simply a real loser with nothing better to do. Nothing I do is illegal, and quite frankly if it is not illegal I will be doing much much more of it. My lawful businesses allow me to legally earn a living with out harassment, that is the law, and to attempt to stop someone from earning a legal and viable honest living is highly illegal, as you will soon find out.

This whole web of lies you are weaving is starting to become so much of a sad joke, most days I laugh my head off over your stupidity. This has been so funny that you would waste your time making lies up againt me, I seriously think it has now become the obvious joke to anyone who would read your dribble.
4433 days ago by Alaneastman
The real Alan Eastman here again,

To the poster of these lies against me. You know you are lying!! You are paying to have lies posted on other sites like Answered Questions?

You are seriously one sick fucking waste of a human being.

And you will be called for your day of judgment sooner than you will ever know.

How much does the support group ask for annual fees, 0. How much money did I ask or make from you, 0. How many members of the support group did we have at the time you started your crusade against me and my hard work, we had 0 members. How much advertising had I done to elicit members for the support group, answer = 0. How much promotion had I done to any agency at the time of your creepy in the middle of the night phone call, 0 I did not promote the group because I was not finished designing the parameters of how the group would form, 0.

Zero. No one was asked for money, you were told very clearly that it is not a therapy group, and it will not help eleviate problems that one should see their family doctor about, did I say I could provide you with referrals if you needed serious psychological or medical interventions and treatment and diagnosis which I do not do, I either provided you with the referrals, or offered to give them to you.

Zero, is what you were asked for, You do not know me, you are not a client, you are not a customer, nor are you a student of mine. I have done 0 to harm or scam anyone, I do not need to I am a success in my own right and have no need to swindle people and scam artists usually do their work for free.

So why don't you shut your fucking t.v. off, turn the computer you are glued to off, and please go get a fucking life you loser. I want nothing to do with you, hahaha you are paying for sponsored advertisements to get people to go to other sites and see the other extraneous bullshit you have fabricated about me. l challenge anyone to stand up and come forward to prove any one of your slanderous, liable accusations beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. If you continue this stalking and Internet stalking of me, terrible things are going to happen. Spend your money and time on this harassment, you are leaving a trail that can now be electronically traced, waste your time and life on this, obviously you have nothing better to do with your sad existence, you have nothing better to do, it does not affect my life career or business, nor my charity work. You are simply a real loser with nothing better to do. Nothing I do is illegal, and quite frankly if it is not illegal I will be doing much much more of it. My lawful businesses allow me to legally earn a living with out harassment, that is the law, and to attempt to stop someone from earning a legal and viable honest living is highly illegal, as you will soon find out.

This whole web of lies you are weaving is starting to become so much of a sad joke, most days I laugh my head off over your stupidity. This has been so funny that you would waste your time making lies up againt me, I seriously think it has now become the obvious joke to anyone who would read your dribble.

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