On 1-27-11 while flying Delta from Louisville, KY to Gulfport, MS, I had a connecting flight in Memphis, TN-- which happens to be the most incompetent hub in the U.S.
After several delays, the flight was simply cancelled. No explanation was given. Presumably Delta simply didn't have enough extra planes for the flight. They never do. There was no problem with the weather. All the runways were clean and dry, just as they were in Louisville.
The next scheduled flight to Gulfport was of course booked solid. I was given the choice of waiting until the following day, or of flying to another city. I chose to fly to Mobile that evening, and to have relatives travel to pick me up.
Delta's personnel were not the least bit apologetic, and were completely indifferent to people's problems. I was given a food voucher-- for $6 !! Since 6 bucks couldn't even buy a cheap hamburger, I asked for a supervisor. After a 1/2 hour wait, the supervisor appeared, and told me that Delta's policy was to give only a $6 voucher. She said there was nothing she could do about it.
I asked her if she didn't think it was an insult that my day was ruined, all my plans had to be changed, that I was stranded-- and all Delta could come up with was $6? She had nothing to say about that.
An identical thing happened the last time I flew Delta one year ago. Come to think of it, I've never flown Delta without there having been a problem of some sort. I believe that the airline has gotten so mammoth, that their only concern is profits. Reportedly they've profited $1.2 billion on expenses of $327 million, so they're doing very well.
Another tactic they use is to practice substandard service, and blame it on FAA regulations! Delta is not alone in this.
They have a fleet of Canadian Regional Tin Cans (CRJ200) which they use in all but their largest city markets. The only possible good use for these aircraft would be to fly young children. Anyone else would be too small to have any degree of comfort.
So I'm done with Delta. I'll fly any airline to avoid having to use Delta. I noticed that there were 108 complaints for Delta on RipOff, whereas U.S. Airways only had 12. I'm writing Delta's CEO, Richard Anderson, to complain-- only because I feel compelled to do so. However there is no doubt in my mind that it's a waste of time.