Darin Vega |
Darin Vega Darin Vega perpetrates yet another scam in Springfield Springfield, Missouri |
18th of Apr, 2011 by User292217 |
First off, I would like to say that I can verify every claim that I submit in this report. I am not a disgruntled employee, an internet troll or someone seeking personal profit by destroying the reputation of another person. These people are professional con artist, especially Mr. Darin Vega who just finished defrauding eight people with a false company called Rose Medical Supply. It started with an advertisement on the employment forums on Craigslist, offering people positions selling Air Purifiers around Springfield. Usually, I am highly skeptical of any job that involves selling things of this nature, but he did conduct interviews in person and did not require me to preform door-to-door sales or to cold call potential clients, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and work for the company. He conducted a few training classes and seemed to have an unusually extensive knowledge of morally ambiguous sales techniques, but being somewhat familiar myself with aggressive sales tactics I chalked it up to routine corporate practices and never gave it any more consideration...until the senior members of the sales team blew the whole fiasco wide open. Apparently, Mr. Vega has a quite a reputation here in Springfield, and while preforming their daily assigned tasks the managers had made quite a discovery: COPIED SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS AND HORDED CREDIT CARD NUMBERS. Also, the landlord of the home office had banned Mr. Vega from the property as a penalty for being two months behind on the rent! We contacted some of the people who had their personal information stolen by this man, and it turns out that they were also former employees whom Mr. Vega had also defrauded. Also, the retail price of the Filtropure Air Purifier was around $250 USD, and Mr. Vega was charging over $2,000 for each unit. I can provide you with the name and number of the landlord if you would like to verify this claim, and I can also provide you with contact information for all seven employees who will corroborate my story. Do not listen to people who defend this man and submit rebuttals. They will use every tactic at their disposals to defend these criminals, including accusing you of "not checking the facts" or of being a "disgruntled employee." I am presenting you with facts at this very moment, and I am prepared to back up my claims with evidence. The people that defend this man are nothing more than his shrills who have been ostensibly paid off. Also, I am sure there are some people who have lost or gained money while working with Dan or Darin, and they frequently blame themselves for the loss or, paradoxically, credit one of the Vegas for the gain. This is a common sales scheme perpetuated by unscrupulous stock brokers or investment bankers. If you lose money its your fault, and if you gain money its their credit. The reality of the situation is this: You will lose money most of the time, but if any money is actually gained it can usually be attributed to good timing (much like pulling the lever of a slot machine). I beg you, please do not fall for this nonsense and steer a wide course around both Dan and Darin Vega. |
Everything you say is completely true. Almost $3000.00 for our unit. They sold the item under false pretense that our insurance would cover the majority since they are a class II medical device with a lifetime warranty if we replace the main airfilter yearly to renew the warranty. We were told $80 dollars for a filter now are told almost 200 dollars for each filter and we have to bring the units to them. I did have a better winter health wise, but not at the expense of my family’s financial well being.
As it being a class II medical device they were unable to produce the documentation efficiently. "We've never been asked for that before!" They took so long my insurance company that HAD been almost ready to work with me told me we passed the deadline. When I received the documentation it was something copied off the internet and the notarized date expired over a month ago.
They refuse to work with me and although the attorney General and BBB both agree with me they can do nothing more than put a "black mark" on their record.
I even researched BBB Prior to purchase. I have kept impeccable records to no avail. I wish I understood how to bring a class action suit. Filtropur itself refuses to deal with the customers and simply refers us to their suppliers (although they ALSO agree that things weren't handled properly). "sorry they told you that."
Any ideas and I definitely will join my voice and evidence |
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