Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Danny Wall
Danny Wall Heidi Wall scam - internet - eviction colorado springs, Colorado
10th of Apr, 2011 by User799678
Danny Wall was recently evicted from his home on Ravenel in Colo Springs (over the winter). I evicted him from Flax Court. He was also evicted from 8930 April Dr in Colo Springs. Lori Jake was his last land lord 719-648-5223. He still owes me money too. I filed with a collection agency, "Community Management" 719-471-0720. No luck. He's been arrested in El Paso County (Colo Springs), so there is record of him here. They may have more info on him. Same guy, same kids, no doubt about it. Wish I knew is current address...
5054 days ago by Vincam
Danny Wall is a professional scammer if you were not aware. He has a website here:
if you want to monitor what he is up to. You can read about all his scamming here:

He is nominated for scam of the year and currently is winning. If I can find a new address for you I will try to contact you to get it to you through here. The downfall of Danny Wall is one of my priorities in life. He has stolen in the $100's of thousands of dollars at a minimum, I don't know why we can't get this guy in jail considering all he has done but his time will come.
5054 days ago by Savannah22
This guy is a career criminal con man peddling his cons from internet marketing, to forex trading, to flipping domain names, and even real estate scams. He has no conscience whatsover, whether he uses his wife and childrens' names as covers for the money he steals from hard working people to even saying his wife had a miscarriage to garner sympathy. Who knows, maybe his wife and kids are in cahoots with him and maybe he is teaching his kids to be criminals and the entire family is trash. I know this because he conned me out of my money! But, I will not stop trying to seek justice till he is paying for his crimes-what goes around comes around...and even he knows deep down inside this will not go on forever and eventually he will have to pay the piper.
5027 days ago by RufusP
Anyone have a current address/phone for Danny Wall?
5017 days ago by Jwall_31
I think it is great what you are doing and all warning people about scams. I can speak about this because Danny is my Brother.

I am sure you all have claims of what happened here or there, personally our communication is not what it should be as I live in Europe. One thing I know for sure is there is always two sides of a story, and if he really stole hundreds of thousands of dollars as you guys claim he would be in jail, because he is not that hard to find.

@Vincam & User799678
If my brother has stolen hundreds of thousands at a minimum, why would he have been evicted from several houses and flats? My brother is not a flashy guy and never has been. He doesn't drive a Benze or anything like that! Come on man what you all are saying it doesnt make sense.

All of these statements contradict one another, on one hand he has stolen as mentioned Hundreds of Thousands of dollars, on the other hand he has been evicted from houses and apartments, you guys are either stupid or real stupid.

Judging by your deductive reasoning skills based on what is written on this board, a fool and his money soon part. You guys seem like fools to me. You can not even construct a plausable argument other than talking. WHERE IS THE PROOF, WHY ARE THE AUTHORITIES NOT INVOLVED?

Next, the Colorado incident had nothing to do at all with anything you are saying on this forum, so before you bring that up check facts completely. Plus I am sure some of you who have written have had a run in with the law with a conviction so I think you should leave this alone.

He is ffar from a career criminal and actually has a clean criminal history! I think you need to do your research better or shut your mouth. My brother has no conscience whatsoever are you kidding me? He has raised beautiful children two of which are using the GI Bill for school, so again you are just talking about stuff you do not know!
About his wife the miscarriage is absolutely true and a tough time to deal with as I am sure you can understand and should respect that instead of throwing it in with all of your unsubstantiated slander.

Next issue never bring kids or family into an issue when your problem is with one person my brother!

@RUFUS, I do but I would never give a number out to a guuy named Rufus, I can hear the banjobeing played by aunt grandma now. See how I just made that up with no proof. Maybe I will start an anti rufus site and accuse you of being a hillbilly redneck who married his 13 year old cousin.

I can speak for my own success I am not hard to find on the internet (You can find me on linked in). We have two wonderful parents married 45 years, and as mentioned he has brilliant children one of which right out of high school has published her first book. Also do some research before you talk that is the least you could do before posting something of this nature.

What is meant you will not stop to seek justice, does that mean you are implying physical harm? If so that is illegal. If he did something wrong report it to the authorities, prove it and that's it. If you have not done that, then it is you who is at fault not him.

I just find this shit funny actually, that people can come on here give out personal details of my brother while accusing him of Scamming on a grandious scale, but at the same time you just hide behind your computers and write. If it was as you wrote above, then get him arrested file a report with the authorities. You have not done this for one simple reason, there is no report to file and no proof of any wrong doing on my brothers part.

It is very easy to say someone did something and if you have the proof of as you guys put it my life long criminal brother by all means come forward. If you do not my suggestion to you all is as follows; Just shut the fuck up either shit or get off the pot.

In summary you post multiple conflicting statements saying my brother is a life long criminal who got hundreds of thousands of dollars minimum. yet at the same time stating he has been evicted from multiple homes. Second you accuse him of all of this horrible stuff, but yet at the same time this life long criminal as you put it, has a clean record? Are you guys for real? Are you that stupid not to understand what I am talking about? Do you all have any deductive reasoning skills, available at all?

Anyway I wish you all the best and please do not just post shit without proof. Not nice to stumble upon and it is just wrong!

Jason Wall
5011 days ago by Savannah22
Dearest Jason - You have a lot of nerve - you live in Europe - so obviously you know nothing of what your brother does to countless people - stealing money and ruining lives!!! Your worm of a brother is a career criminal - just google him and you will find stuff on the Warrior Forum and so on, going back almost ten years ago. And as for involving his family - he is the one who did that, not us. If you have a fax I will be glad to send you copies of his "Guaranteed Pool" agreements - one with Jordyn's name and one with Heidi's name, so there you have it. Yeah, I know, he is husband/father of the year - NOT.

The authorities are involved, but as you may have surmised, the wheels of justice turn very slowly, but he will get his. As for physical harm, where the hell did you get that? I myself will not rest till he is in prison where he belongs. I don't condone violence, but your brother really has destroyed lives, and he doesn't stop, I am trying to stop him from stealing other people's money till then. You believe the lies he keeps spewing - he is GREAT at that - LIES!!! Yeah, we did get conned by him, but HE was the one who LIED and STOLE - NOT US...And I keep my name private because I don't know how far HE will go...I have a copy of every email he ever gave me - and it proves that HE stole my money...and I even have copies of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he stole from a man in Canada. By the way your brother has more fake names and personas - so who is hiding?!

Think about it - why have so many people come out and said he is a liar and a thief - why do you think we are so angry?! Do you think we wouldn't want to occupy ourselves with something a little more pleasant to occupy our time, huh? Just Google your precious brother or "Danny Wall scam" and you will find all the threads...why don't you read what he said on "Forexpeacearmy" - those are his promises to return the money - then he never did it - he is up for "Scam of the Year" by the way over there and I think he will win...

And what's up with the redneck joke - according to one of Danny's Twitter posts (I have a copy of that too) you guys are the rednecks who grew up white trash in a trailer park - his words not you better think long and hard, Jason, and don't attack people who were already victimized. All we were trying to do was learn skills to make more money and support ourselves and our families when your brother took advantage of that and made promises and took our money.

If he really does keep getting evicted even after stealing all that money, then he is even more of a loser than I thought. Notice not a single person who has been a customer has ever stood up for him as an "honest" marketer - but of course, you are his brother, who just happens to live in another country, of course you would stand up for him, very commendable.
5011 days ago by Vincam

Please call the CFTC, the FBI and the Colorado Attorney General and then come back and talk here. You can ask for Matt Elkan at the CFTC, one of their lawyers. He HAS been reported, numerous times, and IS under investigation. Have you been to his site lately? Just look at the three links he has up there, he claims he is managing a mulitmillion dollar account in there. The man he is using for a case study, Don Kergil, he stole $1000 from. Do you want a copy of his Guaranteed Pool agreements? Do you want copies off all the e-mails he sent me where he just outright stole my $1000 and ceased talking to me? Do you want all the names of the victims I am aware of? What do you want Jason as proof he is a thief? You let me know and I will send it to you. As Savannah said, HE has involved his family, HE has opened accounts in both his wife's and daughter's names to steal peoples money. Whatever proof you want Jason, you let me know and I'll give it to you. I'm sorry to tell you but your brother is a con man. I hope to see you're reply in here real soon...
5011 days ago by Savannah22
By the way, Jason Wall, up until this point, Danny's scamming people has enabled him to live (as best he could) with his family in a flat, buy food for his family, pay the bills, etc. because of the money he has stolen from people, and even if you say his wife and kids are not involved, they are, because they had benefited from his thievery, whether they liked it or knew it, they did. I just hope that I had a hand in stopping him from creating more victims.
5011 days ago by Vincam

My first response to you above was metered, this one won't be so as the more I read your response the more it angers me.

You have some serious stones to come in here and tell us we are all full of sh** when you yourself know absolutley NOTHING about what he has done or is doing.

Have you spoken to the victims? I have. Have you contacted the authorities to verfiy anything that we say is true? I have. Have you looked and read the TONS of stuff there is on the internet about your POS brother? I have. Have you seen his countless videos on YouTube of your brother claiming to be trading millions of dollars for people, asking for you to send him your thousands of dollars for him to trade? I have. Have you read his websites and his claims of success on there? I have. For that matter have YOU done one shred of any kind of research to verify our claims??? NO!! And you think you can come in here and call bull*** on us! I'll make it real easy for you.

1. YOU call the CFTC, ask for Matthew Elkan, you ask him if there are any complaints against your brother.

2. YOU call the FBI and do the same.

3. YOU call the Colorado Attorney General and do the same.

4. Read ALL this:

( I have excluded links that may be duplicates of reports)

YOU watch this:

and then YOU go and watch all the videos on YouTube of your brother's claims of what he does and has and what he can do for you. Just type Danny Wall Forex on YouTube.

When you have done ALL that show your a** back up in here and make your statement, unti then YOU shut the f*** up!
5011 days ago by Savannah22
By the way you have the nerve to call me on your sister in law's miscarriage - how do you think we found out about it? It is not something we could find out on our own unless Danny told us about it. That's right, up until your posting here I did not even think it was true, after all the lies he told us already. But your sicko brother is the one who told us "my wife just had a miscarriage, please let us heal" - using that as another excuse to hide behind, to get himself time, while he helped himself to our money, while we all felt bad for them and left them alone. What kind of animal would use his wife's miscarriage - that's really sick...
5010 days ago by Savannah22
Here is the link to the thread from 2008 (before I even came across DW) and how he was scamming them there in internet marketing, and lo and behold, both Danny Wall and Jordyn Wall made an appearance:

So either Jordyn Wall did not fall very far from the apple tree - or - Danny Wall was pretending to be a 16 year old girl, using his daughter as his alias. Which would you prefer?
5010 days ago by Vincam
Here you go, the votes have been tallied Jason, your brother has won the Scammer of the year here:

Voted on by close to 200 people and viewed by thousands with not ONE, not ONE defender of Danny, not ONE person said they received their money back. More will come forward now, more reports will be filed. I have another place for you to call, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies at 303-894-2320. Give them a call also before you show back up here and defend this pile of crap.
5009 days ago by Redfred
Jason Wall = Danny Wall
5009 days ago by Vincam
You could be right Redfred. Danny has more aliases than you can count, I noticed he has not come back to check here yet, I am waiting patiently, I hope it is his real brother and he makes those phone calls...
5008 days ago by Savannah22
I don't agree actually - I do believe it is his brother. Danny Wall has NEVER defended his family. Jason Wall should think about that too - I mean, if people were out there attacking my character and worse of all, my family's good name, I would be out there shouting from the rooftops to defend myself and my family's honor - especially if I knew that I was in the right. How come Jason Wall had to defend his brother AND his family? Why doesn't Danny Wall do it?! No, Danny Wall just slunk away and went back underneath the rock he came from. He is nothing but a sleazy tool!!!
4992 days ago by Jason Wall
HAHAHAHA you guys really make me laugh. I was clearly pounting out that if my brother stole 100, 000's of thousands of dollars then he wouldnt have been evicted. Second I have checked all of this because he is my brother and I too if it is true find it sad and I also do not condone such a thing if it happened. I also noticed how old some of these posts are. I know the wheels of justice do not turn that slow if you have solid proof, especially if we are talking about 100, 000's of thousands of dollars as was stated before.

As to my nerve coming on here, why not, why wouldnt I try to look after my family. You can say whatever you want about him, when it is in court and proven that he has done any mis dealings I would apologise to each of you personally. I was simply pointing out flaws in what was written on here nothing more.

Also as far as me= Danny not in the least, feel free to do an internet search on me, you will find tons of articles on me about my baseball llife in Europe as well as small stint playing pro ball in the US.

You all have taken it like I was attacking you and that is not the case. I just said any jackass and a computer can write what he wants. Also define scam. If I tell you if you give me 1, 000, 000, 000 dollars in pennies and I will eat it and turn it in to 2, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 dollars guaranteed and you do it, who really is at fault.

Also why do I need to make any phone calls to anyone about my brother. If the wheels of justice are taking place then the proof is in the findings of the courts. Once again I have to say that the amount of money spoken about on this forum was atleast one LARGE sum, I know the justice system has a tendancy to act on things like that not take years, especially in a small state like Colorado.

I also notice there are three forums, how do I know that you are all are not the same person? if he is the scammer of the year then he would be plasterd on more than just three or four forums.

Also as a general rule you should not attack a man's family. These are younger girls not even in college yet so I would expect if you are talking about how low someone is, look at yourselves too. Wether he did or did not use there names is irrelevant, but if a 16 year old girl would be able to dupe you out of money, then well I have to say you would deserve it. If what you are saying is true and my brother did use other names and you still insist on bashing my neice then you really are just a peice of shit.

If you have an issue with my brother take it up with him. I do not get into his personal finance life no more than he gets into mine.

I also noticed on this forum there are two people writing on it. I can create a web forum also and write what I want about it. I can say now that I think Savannah, Redford and Vitcan are the same person. I can write anything I want and then createe an award for it. I have read all of these forums. But it seems it is not a large number of people and it also seems to be the same style of writing.
In essence this would say to me that a few people were pissed off thier investments didnt work and wanted to get back at him. That is why I am waiting for a court ruling or anytthing like that, but there is nothing. If there was such concrete proof that he stole this absorbant amount of money he would have been arrested on the spot, period. If he wasnt then I think your problem should be less with my brother and more with the judicial system. I have not noticed you writing complaints about them.

I am a nice average person living my life working and doing things the way I should with my wife, one son and one on the way. Yes I want my family name to be good, but before someone slanders or says anyhting present the proof to the authorities, or atleast on the forum. post the letters he sent you, post the proof that he did all of this. Right now all I see is words from a SMALL group of people who could be writing on the same forums. Hell I can make 100 names and write on here all day if I want.

So if you want to prove something to me then do it. Let me know how you want to do this to where we all can be sure. I do not care about calling anyone. I want to see your so called proof that you say you posess. Please let me know the way you would like to do this.

Also about the Trailer park, that was true when we were young. My father worked his ass off to take care of our family, hence why he was the best man at my wedding. So also leave any sort of family reference outside of your problem. I just simply notice stories that do not add up. On one hand he stole 100, 000's of dollars at once, then on the other hand 1000 at a time? Who the hell gives someone just one thousand dollars that they do not know or have not done a check on? that alone tells me this is a bit off.

I mean really hmmm hello FBI are you investagating a guy named Danny Wall, does that sound like a resonable request to make??? Also call whatever the guys name is, really about what? What would I ask him??? Show me! In this country we are INNOCENT until proven guilty not the other way around. Please also take the family out of this and do not mention the kids, it is not nice and not the way people accusing others of doing something wrong then turn around and bash innocent kids.

Enjoy your day,

4990 days ago by Savannah22
Actually the wheels of justice DO turn that slow - MURDER cases take YEARS to get to court so I guess stealing will have to take a back seat. At this point I really don't care what you think, if you are laughing, angry or not, I will just concentrate on our case just like you said. I think if we sent you proof you will just twist it to your brother's benefit, I can see that from the tone of your last post. You don't think it matters if he used your niece's name or not and if she was a part of it, we are just fools? First of all, if she is innocent then that is on him to use a kid's name as part of his scams, not worrying if she will be caught up in it, just like she has. And I checked out your niece's book - she is "self-published" on Kindle, she was not picked up by a publisher - anyone can do that. And don't get pissed - I never said her book is no good, I don't know, I would never buy it. But, you know either Danny jeapordized that, or your niece did because there is all kinds of stuff out there that she is a con also. Later people may question if she even writes her own stories or steals them. You say we should not attack her even if she did do it because she is 16 years old and if a 16 year old girl can do that to us, we deserve it? I did not know there was an age limit on crime?!
Like I said before, your sister in law's name, Heidi, and your niece's name, Jordyn, is on banking agreements, so it looks to me like they are thieves also!!! I didn't type that up - they did!
Have a nice life.
Savannah (BTW - this is my real name!) So funny you said it was fake - no your brother is the fake, not me.
4990 days ago by Savannah22
Also, your brother and his family live off of scamming people on the internet, so how can you say they are not involved? You ask us for mercy on your nieces and nephews, where was his mercy when he was stealing people's life savings? Why don't YOU ask your dear brother for PROOF he paid us back? Even just days ago, July 2nd, someone asked to be one of one of "three" to be mentored by him on He is STILL doing the same old same old schtick - so you tell me this - if he was evicted from his last home because he could not pay the rent - isn't he lying to people when he says that he can teach you how to trade, when he KNOWS for a fact he could not trade out of a paper bag? You're making excuses for him because you're his brother, you're the one who is blind to the facts. But, again, stop blaming us for involving his family - Danny did that not us. I am not going to stop putting out info out there that he is a thief until we get our day in court, why should we, we are just trying to stop him from scamming other people of their money.
4990 days ago by Vincam
"You all have taken it like I was attacking you and that is not the case. I just said any jackass and a computer can write what he wants. Also define scam. If I tell you if you give me 1, 000, 000, 000 dollars in pennies and I will eat it and turn it in to 2, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 dollars guaranteed and you do it, who really is at fault."

Wow Jason, really? This is your stance? If a person guarantees he will do something and they are taken at their word, the fault lies with the victim of the scam? If this is the case then there are a whole lot of people at fault in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scam. Let's let Bernie out why don't we? I can see why you guys are brothers. Make up a line of BS to get the money and then if someone believes it they are at fault? You're integrity must be in the toilet swirling around along with your brother's.

"Also why do I need to make any phone calls to anyone about my brother. If the wheels of justice are taking place then the proof is in the findings of the courts. Once again I have to say that the amount of money spoken about on this forum was atleast one LARGE sum, I know the justice system has a tendancy to act on things like that not take years, especially in a small state like Colorado."

You're right, you don't have to make phone calls. The proof is in the system and will come out. The point is don't come in here and call BS on us when it is YOU who have done no research to verify what WE say. We say he has stolen, we have submitted the proof to the authorities, when you can refute that then you have something to say. Those are our claims, now disprove them.

"I am a nice average person living my life working and doing things the way I should with my wife, one son and one on the way. Yes I want my family name to be good, but before someone slanders or says anyhting present the proof to the authorities, or atleast on the forum. post the letters he sent you, post the proof that he did all of this. Right now all I see is words from a SMALL group of people who could be writing on the same forums. Hell I can make 100 names and write on here all day if I want."

Seriously, are you literate? You read my thread on FPA? Where I posted him stating that "he had large off exchange trades closing soon" and our money would first be wired, then mailed, certified because his "legal team" said that is the way he had to do it that way? And then when no one received any money back he just quit communicating? I posted his statements in there. I can only post what I have, what is mine, what is sent to me by him. Others that chosen not to post their communications with them have their own reasons for not doing so. I have seen them but it is not my place to post them. I only lost $1000. My money is gone and will never be efficiently recovered. If I had lost 30k, 100k, I may be hesitant to publicly post anything that could jeopardize the recovery of those sums of money. If you have read all those threads, watched all your brother's videos, and read all the complaints out there and still think your brother is an upstanding guy then the fool is you.

"I mean really hmmm hello FBI are you investagating a guy named Danny Wall, does that sound like a resonable request to make??? Also call whatever the guys name is, really about what? What would I ask him??? Show me! In this country we are INNOCENT until proven guilty not the other way around. Please also take the family out of this and do not mention the kids, it is not nice and not the way people accusing others of doing something wrong then turn around and bash innocent kids."

Uh yeah??? You call the FBI and see if they currently have any IC3 complaints against Danny Earl Wall out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Why don't you try it and see what happens? Call ALL those places, who will tell you what, I don't know but why don't you give it a shot.

What will you ask Matt Elkan, one of the senior trial attorneys at the CFTC? Hello Mr. Elkan, I am the brother of Danny Wall out of Colorado Springs and I would like to offer you any assistance I can give into any investigations you may have on him because I want to help clear his name because I KNOW he has not done anything wrong." If you are right the answer you will hear is Danny who??? Never heard of him.

The CFTC has since turned over the case to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies whom will shortly have all the info sent to them, the forms are being filled out as we speak, but you give Matt a call, he'll know who you're talking about. Give the CDR a ring too, just for fun. Then you can DISPROVE all we say here, just like that. Name cleared, Danny never stole our money, nobody reported him and we just try to warn others about him because uh.. er.. we saw him once on youtube and were jealous of his crazy good looks and feel like bringing down this completely innocent guy cause we have nothing better to do.

You will see, Jason, the time will come, you're brother will be in jail. When that happens, you can put your blinders on again and call him a saint, an innocent victim of a conspiracy to take him down.

Enjoy your day as well Jason.
4989 days ago by Jason Wall
Vitcam and Savannah,

Putting blinders on is not my intention at all. I did read all of the forums and posts, it just seemed to me that all of this came from the same small group of people. Could I be wrong of course.

To be honest I have seen his websites I have seen his videos. So I have done my homework, but in this great country of ours you are innocent until proven guilty.

I am in fact simply stating that putting it on the internet does not make it true, it does not make it untrue either. I will takew your challenge please would you post the number to the proper people to call and I would be more than happy to give them a ring. As I said I do not approve of anyone doing anything bad to anyone else period.

Now again back to the kids, I know them very well and they are good kids, what names were used and reasons to them do not matter if they feel they are helping their Dad. I would blindly help my parents do anything just because they asked. I have seen mentioned on forums about Jordyn and Heidi. But that is not the childs fault that is all I am saying.

Once again as mentioned I am living and working in Europe, prior to here I was in the Middle east working as well (QPM, ACS, and Hill International), so I have been out of the states a solid 11 years. IN saying that as mentioned before give me the numbers of said people and I would be happy to call and ask questions. Even better you give me the questions to ask and I will.

As I also said before if this is true it is sad, I just cannot beleive this until I have 100% proof, I think everyone would feel the same about their family.

Have a good one,

4989 days ago by Jason Wall
Also the statement murder cases take years to go to court, maybe but the guiy is in jail in the interim because there is sufficient proof to put him there. If there was this sufficient proof he would be in jail until his trial, or atleast an arrest warrant and he would have to pay bail and surrender his passport until the court date.

So that story I am not so fond of either. But as mentioned tell me who to call and what to ask and I will do so.


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