After receiving a call from a Credit Mri account manager,Chris Thomas, stating that the company has refined their processes, I opted to utilize their services for a second time. I wasn't expecting much, but after my first round of disputes, some progress was made. Credit Mri never mad any claims guaranteeing any specific results, but in their contract it clearly outlines fees and billing. After receiving my first invoice for services, the money was drafted out of my account immediately, but was not reflected in my account for nearly a month, and until I notified them, they didn't not proceed as detailed in the contract. After the first billing and service issue, things only got worse. I received a second invoice for the services rendered which immediately caught my attention. On the invoice it seemed as if I were mis-billed for 4 items which I immediately contacted them about. Onnolee Hickey, Senior Admministrator, responded with an email specifically contradicting the terms of the agreement. After reviewing the agreement further I replied to her, clearly outlining the the terms and conditions, which in turn brought about a reply from Barron Reyes. Barron Reyes, claimed owner and CEO, called on Saturday 2/9 to my surprise, and the call was quite pleasant. He pointed out that under my new agreement, the contract had been updated. I informed him that I needed to further review the contract, and we arranged to speak the following Monday, 2/11. After a detailed review of the contract, it clearly states that all "charge off" items updated, or reviewed would be billed at $20, they have billed me $100, 5 times that amount, even though their contract which I agreed to stated otherwise. I emailed Barron with the exact details word for word on the contract, which seems to enrage him. I informed him that I wanted to get this resolved, as I had other people who wanted to utilize their service, his response was that they have helped 1000's of people as if my referrals are meaningless. Things continued to go downhill during our conversation and he became verbally combative. He said that he did not have time for this as he had a meeting at 3:00, our call took place at 2:34, and if I wanted to bicker over the details he would have their attorney Stephen Laskero call me, I am still waiting for this call. For some reason due to the lack of professionalism on Barron's behalf, I doubt that any of this was brought to their attorneys attention. Based on my experience, Credit Mri is far from reputable! I recommend that if anyone considers using them, they run for the hills. Barron does not value your business, nor does he seem to run a company that has clear processes put in place. No further contact on their behalf has been made to resolve this issue. |