Craigslist Craigslist… The Real Review Internet |
11th of Dec, 2011 by User488165 |
Of course there are millions of people that are familiar with Craigslist, and many more, too, that are not. It’s about time someone writes a review and complaint, and it’s important for those that are not familiar to know how this site seemingly operates. Craigslist is a place to create, and locate, posts that offer different ‘things’ people are looking for: whether it being a service of some kind, finding employment, meeting people, or simply to voice yourself in Rant & Raves. However, there are major problems with this site and its administrators. First let’s review employment. Most of the employment ads posted are written by spammers and identify thieves. Replying to most posts is equivalent to simply handing a dubious person, or erroneous organization, your most confidential and personal information. Craigslist holds the ‘users’ responsible to rid their boards of these posts… when in fact it should be their responsibility, but as you’ll come to learn Craigslist seemingly takes very little - if any - responsibility in anything. Craigslist offers a, “For sale,†section; however, it’s more equivalent to let’s spend our days and nights re-posting. Craigslist gives authority to what are called ‘flaggers’. In every post there are options to flag - to be rid of - someone’s post. As you might be able to surmise on your own… those in competition to sell continually flag others’ posts; this causing a lot of time and stress to the honest people simply trying to sell and post. Craigslist has gone so far as to also give sellers an option to make a payment for more security; my how convenient in allowing flagging huh, but it gets worse even yet. I’ve read many complaints online that the ‘pay for posts’ also get flagged off, and when these posters - that have paid - complain to Craigslist… nothing at all is done to help and resolve the issues; not even so much as an acknowledgment of the complaint even; except for a useless automated response. (Now I don’t know this to be a fact when it comes to paying for your post, but judging from the rest of Craigslist, and the online complaints, I believe it.) I’ll slip in right now about their, “Help,†forms; which, wow is a joke unto itself, and of course unto those in need of help also. Unless you’re the local police, or a federal authority, there is no help. When making a complaint, or motion for help, you’re sent an automated message in response that for the most part being… has nada to do with your complaint, and/or need for help; there is no real exchange with a human being at all; definitely no resolution to come from it either. I suspect most complaints - as mine - are legitimate, and need resolution, but Craigslist doesn’t seem to give any care whatsoever to that. They also refer you to their, “Help,†boards; where in which the joke only continues on. Again… Craigslist expects the ‘users’ to take responsibility, and to moderate, in the aide of helping other ‘users’. These particular ‘users/helpers’ - seemingly basement dwellers - are for the most part the bottom of the barrel and as unintelligent as people come. In most cases they offer no real help, but they do offer a lot more stress and wasted time. They act as if they know something of real importance and academic understanding - when they know very little to next to nothing at all, and they also act superior in a mean and vile fashion toward others in need of help. This is the standard Craigslist puts their stamp of approval on. Let’s move onward to their ‘Personals’. This is more like the Devil’s Den. Craigslist seems to take pride in the majority of ‘users’ being the lowest forms of character possible. It amazes me that the most morally corrupt bottom-feeders of society saturate these boards, and while their posts remain… the decent people in society posting are continually being flagged off. Craigslist says that 98% of posts that are flagged must not be abiding by their terms, but this is not the case at all; at least not where I’m from and the boards I’ve used. Not only does Craigslist encourage the use of flagging, but they also now have a limit to how many times one can post, so when your legitimate post is continually flagged, and you have no choice but to keep re-posing… you will have quickly reached a limit and no longer can post; for what seems up to twenty-four hours, and then the cycle continues on. Also where I’m from, and the boards I’ve used, it’s quite easy to determine the majority of users are now Democrats; not only do the posts reflect this, but when anyone else differs politically they are continually flagged off while the democratic mind-set of posts remain. (I suspect, but cannot prove, that since Obama… Craiglist enacted this posting limit to curve the amount of negative posts regarding Obama, and because the Democrats keep flagging while their posts remain… there will virtually be no posts against Obama; at least in locations at Craigslist where too many once voiced their utter disregard for this evil impeachable joke of a President, and seemingly in the states to which Obama needs the most. Most people in America want Obama out; except for heinous groups like what used to be Acorn and followers as such, and of course our very corrupt media; along with the non-federal reserves (deserves no capitalization since they are in fact a private group of wealthy business people and are not federal, and they are an evil legalized mafia cartel to the profoundest of extremes). In reality those outside of being Democrat don’t readily flag; we’re intelligent people and will remain so, and we’re not threatened by those that are less intelligent; plus we actually do believe in freedom, and freedom of speech. Also… oddly enough why is Craigslist a non-for-profit organization and eligible for tax-payers‘ monies via grants? Oh, could it be because our corrupt government benefits from this site?) In essence the overwhelming majority of Craigslist users reflect the mindset of Craigslist and its administrators, and vice a versa; no pun intended… if you’ve been able to catch that. (Administrators that I don’t believe have a thing to do except watch over their servers and help authorities with their growing number of killers.) I will not elaborate on their Discussion Forums, because that is the only area of Craigslist that attracts some form of normalcy, and even then one still has to be careful; especially when reflecting from the rest of the Craiglist community. Conclusion: Don’t waste your time at Craiglist if time is of value to you; Craiglist seemingly doesn’t care about your time at all. Don’t expect to find too much at all from their services: except for headaches, std’s, and the probability that your identity be will stolen. Whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent you must be mindful for the sake of your children, because outside of the growing number of killers Craiglist attracts… they also attract an overwhelming majority of the lowest life forms in society; there are many different kinds of predators Craigslist attracts… as you have been reminded of in this review and complaint. Lastly you will get nowhere with Craigslist administrators when in need of help and/or a resolution, so buyer, and/or user, beware. |
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