This is from an EX-employee. I started working at Sears Portraits/CPI in May of 2010, and when I started it was okay. Then things started to get wierd. I was told to disregard coupons that customers brought in, that the SuperSaver discount was conditional and to stick to that (instead of actually getting the free photo sheet, no purchase necessary, they now were required to purchase something), and that I would be making calls for half the time I was scheduled to work. Not only was that impossible to do, as there were many other MORE IMPORTANT things to do while working, but things started to get worse. I'm a freelance nature photographer, and I like to do unusual things with my photography, so when I started trying new things, my DM said "oh thats great! Keep doing that!" But after while, she started getting "complaints" about an employee who always seemed to by working during the week, and how said employee was rude, belligerent to numerous customers and unwilling to compromise about many things (actually talking about my manager, but it was blamed on me). Of course, I started seeing notes lying around..."L. needs to work on her posing," "Talk to her about interacting with customers and her attitude (what attitude?)" and finally, the piece de resistance, "Called A and J in to look at L.'s photography, and all agree, needs to work on posing and interaction."
I'm not hard to work with, and my emotions rarely get in the way of my job, but the way they pushed and DM told me to get on the e-learning, and take the tests, then my SM told me that I was spending too much time doing the e-LEARNING and I needed to start making outreach calls, but when I started doing that, my DM jumped back on my back and demanded to know why I wasn't getting my e-learning done. Pair this with my manager interfering in my sales sessions and telling to delete pictures (while the customers were sitting right there!), then yelling at me for deleting them made me unable to cope with working there.
I finally sat back and looked at what had happened. I spent more time at work than I did with my husband (My manager told me outright that she needed to spend more time with her boyfriend than I did with my husband), and when we were together, all we did was fight about my job. I failed to realize until my husband brought it up that I was being phased out because of all that I was apparently doing wrong, when it wasn't me who was being complained on, but my manager. After a while, I was "given" a week off to get some rest before the busy season started, but before I went back, I had already decided to quit because I was only scheduled to work on saturdays and sundays (which, coincidentally, are the only full days I have with my husband) because my manager didn't want to work, or she was too hungover to work. So when my manager called to discuss next weeks schedule, I told her that I quit and not to call me anymore.
DO NOT GO TO CPI FOR ANY REASON. They are the biggest ripoff out there, and they will not stop at anything to get your money.