Dogs bred by Linda and family 1: Cloe expected summer 2011 2: Auara Bred several times not always conceiving. March 08, Dec 09, bred twice 2010, expecting litter May 2011. 3: Jill bred twice 2007, bred 2008, and bred 2009 4: Ellie bred once 2008, bred twice 2009, bred twice 2010, Litter march 2011 5: Cloe new puppy planned litter summer 2011 6: Cassie bred twice 2006, bred twice 2007, bred twice 2008, bred twice 2009 7: Bobbi bred twice 2008, bred twice 2009, bred twice 2010, expecting litter June 2011 8: Dancer bred 2006, bred twice 2007, bred twice 2008, bred twice 2009 9: Fancy bred once 2007 died from birthing 10: Lady bred twice 2010 11: Missy bred twice 2010 12: Lucy bred 2008, bred 2009, bred 2010 13: Mia bred 2008, bred 2009, bred 2010 14: Mikka bred 2010, breeding 2011 15: Muggles bred twice 2009, bred 2010, expecting 2011 16: Nicky bred 2008, bred 2009, bred 2010, expecting 2011 17: Special bred twice prior to 2006, bred twice 2006, bred twice 2007, bred twice 2008, bred twice 2009, bred twice 2010 18: Siraz's bred twice 2010 19: Mary bred twice 2010, bred 2011 20: Grace bred 2010 21: Buttons bred 2011 22: Mistress breeding 2011 23: 8 listed males Estimated income: 400,000.00 a year Please add to this list if your aware of more dogs or breedings that have or are taking place. Linda is known to not list all her litters and dogs. Dogs still being bred Shiraz bred born Nov 27/11 Buttons bred spring 2012 Muggles bred spring 2012 Lady's bred born Nov 5, 2011 georgia bred born Nov 7, 2011 Poodles bred at De Medic Poodles also owned by Linda chloe Nov 2011 Aurora Fall 2011 Found out that the reason behind all the money making here is to put her children through private school. To pay for a home with in a couple years by cash. Why do breeders breed mutts cockapoo lab and poodle crosses and sell them for $3000 each? To pay for private school fee's of over $5000 a month!d #24 Spice #2 Summer #25 Dancin Girl #3 Cassie #26 Sugar #4 Dancer #27 Buttons #5 Fancy #28 Domino effect #6 Lucy #29 Fudge #7 Bobbi #30 My oh My #8 Nicky #31 Cloe #9 Muggles #10 Mia’s #11 Aurora #12 Jill #13 Ellie #14 Lady #15 Nicole #16 Lucy #17 Grace #18 Marcy #22 Mischief #23 Reflection you can see both houses and sheds used for breedings if you google map 3660 and 3662 River Rd Chemainus,-123.752865&spn=0,0.002709&t=h&z=19&lci=com.panoramio.all&layer=c&cbll=48.909415,-123.752968&panoid=5HizAUzGp1FqFYI5XZ2Tgg&cbp=12,172.3,,0,5.44 |