Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Connie Brown-Fraudster
Connie lied and took over $1,500 and never trained our staff
30th of May, 2012 by sam Smores
Connie Kay Brown living in a trailer park in lower class Dallas is running a scam & spam business on Craigslist in the financial section where she lures in unsuspected customers for their quick book work.

Only within a few hours she says that she is needed e;sew here and demands a check for the next days training. Connie never returns. No answers our calls..

Beware of Connie Brown, she is white order lady in her 50's very pleasant, large in weight. Very unkempt .

she is also on so we are not the only victims.
4630 days ago by Sam Smores
yes we learned the hard way too :(
4630 days ago by Idhfgkjdf
2012Sorching summer comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

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$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans, LV, Coogi jeans, Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes, Shox shoes, Gucci, LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle, t-shirt, caps, jerseys, handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy, LV, Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach, Gucci, LV, Prada, Juicy, Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci, Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====
4589 days ago by Bible Church
...there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Mark 1:15 ...The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out...

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved... (Acts 16:31)

Dear Reader, I do not check emails for this website. (If you would like to read this introductory letter in a smaller font size, please click here.)

If you are not saved, we have many articles here for you. Pray to God to help you to understand his simple message to you--in love he wants to redeem you from the power of Satan and sin. This word is nigh unto you. You can be saved and safe today. You do not have to wait until tomorrow. You do not have to wait for a preacher. God cares for us and he is an ever present help in the time of trouble. If you are not saved, you are in big trouble. God loves the souls that he made--even though we have done wickedly. God so loved this wicked world that he sent his all-powerful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ did not remain dead, he rose from the dead on the third day and stands ready right now to save your soul. Believest thou this? Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, his resurrection, his blood that was shed for your sins, his word, his power, his love for you.

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Are you ready to know God? Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Are you ready to REPENT? That means change. Making a change from the Satanic way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. I can tell you right now that he will lead you OUT of the dance hall club. He will lead you OUT of the crack house. He will lead you OUT of your current life and INTO GLORY!!! But you have to count the cost. Are you ready to live the life of one of the despised ones? I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! AND I MEAN IT! I began my ascent out of the abyss almost two decades ago and I am still following on to know my Lord! It has been an EXHILARATING journey! I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!! PRAISE HIM ALL YE SAINTS! PRAISE HIM!!!

God took me out of the dung heap, blood in my skirt and all, and I'm still standing today. He led me out through his word. Won't you come? Believe the gospel--that Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again the third day. Do you believe it? If you do, tell him so and ask him to save your soul. He will do it. I know he will because he said so--

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
If you hear God's call, come on to Jesus. The word is nigh thee. It is not far away. It is right in your mouth and in your heart. That is how close it is--

Romans 10:8 ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.


Once you come to Jesus, start seeking the Master's face. The way you seek him is in his word. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. You can download a free and accurate Authorized Bible here. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is information on that link to show you how to bind your Bible. The major publishers of the Authorized King James Bible are now altering the text. Print and bind your own. You can find an overview of the entire Bible here.


And another word for you, precious lamb. This is a warning for you. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are perversions of the scriptures. Many of them have the audacity to say that they are the most accurate. That is a lie. They claim to be easy to understand but I am here to tell you that you can understand the AUTHORIZED King James Bible. My daughter requested straight King James Bible reading when she was two years old and was reading it herself at three years old. You can understand the King James Bible. The Father will help you. Cursor down on this current page for articles on heaven, hell, evolutionism, false churches to avoid, and much more. Do not spend too much time on the internet, tear yourself away from the television, and don't read blasphemy. Much of what is on this page is for those in sin. I do not want you to read everything that is here, be careful. I wrote these things back when I was confronted with these many errors. Pray, read your Bible, do good, and fall in love with Jesus. You also need to be baptized and learn how to live the Christian life--go here for more information. Cleave to the scriptures. They will keep you safe. I commit you to the love of God. You can find hymns and spiritual songs (free--with words and music) at this link to encourage, admonish, and uplift your spirit.

Be careful of church people and church buildings. No Roman Catholic "church" can be right because Roman Catholic doctrines are not right. They directly contradict the scriptures. The Roman Catholic religion teaches multitudes to pray to "Mary" instead of in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It calls its Mary "the Queen of Heaven". In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44 (along with Deuteronomy 32:16-17), the Queen of Heaven is revealed to be a devil. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". This is a very great blasphemy. Many Catholics possess and pray to little statue idols that they call "saints" when the Bible says do not make unto thyself any graven image (ref. Exodus 20:4)--this includes images and pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (many are guilty of this trespass). They light candles for the dead, bow before relics (e.g., a dead man's finger) and believe in a fictional purgatory that they try to pay their way out of--more money for the coffers of the "church". Their leaders have deceived them and are making merchandise of them. The love of money is the root of all evil. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you are familiar with the Romish rituals. You must never return to those unclean things. Get rid of all traces of Romanism that may be in your life--including the rosary which is used for what our Lord Jesus Christ called, "vain repetition" (ref. Matthew 6:7).

But I would not have you ignorant. The Roman Catholic institution is not the only apostate church--but she does have a special status. She is the mother of them all--Revelation 17:5 calls her MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (cursor down this link to see Revelation 17:3-6 and photographs showing how she fulfills it). The Bible also calls her the great whore (Rev. 17:1; 19:2). As a whore, she has MANY children. And since she is a whore, you do not know who the fathers are of these various bastard children ("bastard" is a Bible word e.g. Heb. 12:8). You just see the hordes of false churches with their hierarchal systems. Instead of a pope they have a superstar pastor at the top with all kinds of departments below him (some churches even have investment counsellors). They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, et al. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Do not jump at the chance to be called by any other name but what the Bible calls you--Christian, saint, disciple, etc. Calvin was not crucified for me. I would never call myself a Calvinist, a Baptist or any such thing. Do not follow man and his traditions. Follow the scriptures.

I know that I am putting a lot of information on you here, but you must be warned. You will understand in time. The Bible says that there will be a great falling away at the end of time before the Lord Jesus comes back. We have already entered this falling away. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. Perilous times have come, but fear not, little one, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (ref. I John 4:4). Your safety is in reading the word of God so that you can know the truth for yourself--and the truth shall make you free. The Lord may be preparing someone right now to hold on to your hand. But even then, you will examine that person and their teachings based on the word of God--that includes me and my writings on this website. However things work out for you, the Lord Jesus will personally be there with you until the end of the world (ref. Matthew 28:20). Goodbye for now, dear one.

For disciples-- Read your Authorized King James Bible diligently and obey it. Ask God to show you the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16)--the old way of living and worshipping God. Look for the old ways--Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. You will find rest for your soul and a whole new world will be opened to you. You will be changed at your root. Let the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers. Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home.

Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bibles, Pure Cambridge Edition. Heathens have been tampering with the Authorized King James Bible, incorporating alterations and adding all kinds of abominations (e.g., "study aids, " commentaries, illustrations, cartoon pictures, geneaological record sheets, etc.) to the text. Go here for an excellent download and more information.

In America, we have almost completely lost our manhood and womanhood. Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. God made man to rule the world. Man was destined for greatness. May the men reading this understand that they are the image and glory of God. Repent of your sins, hide the word of God in your heart and rise to who you were made to be. Get out of debt (including your house note/mortgage) for the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility.

Woman, clean your house and teach your children at home from the Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures. The Authorised (British spelling) Version gives the foundations/rudiments of everything in all of creation and every subject to be studied--Language Arts, Geography, Counting & Mathematics (e.g., Geometry), History, Botany, Law, Economics, Science (e.g., Chemistry)--everything. Embrace Genesis 1:1 - 2:7 as your outline--read it to your child regularly until you both have a good understanding of it. By God's grace and almighty power, babies can (as a matter of course) read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorised Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God. Little children can exercise Biblical discernment and be wise. They can choose righteousness because they can see and feel its excellencies for themselves. I'm not perfect, but can't we at least try to rise up and set our expectations higher as we lift up God's word in the education of our children? Let us turn our hearts back toward home instead of constantly on the distant mission field.

WARNING TO CHRISTIANS-- The American school system (public, private, and "Christian") is dangerous. Combine this with the television and you will understand why the children are turning out deficient and full of problems--physical, mental, and spiritual. There are reasons the school system is failing and turning out sots (dull heads), rebels, whoremongers, and freaks--it is by design. Americans were once a strong, independent, rugged, innovative, productive, freedom-loving people. But now look, we are at the bottom of the barrel dependent on someone else for every morsel of food that we eat--let the grocery stores close down and see what happens across this land. Through "progressive" education (progressing toward what?) we have been turned inside out. Americans were in an uproar when the progressives first tried to implement compulsory schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. But now look. We kick our children out the door at five years old (and earlier if Mother works) into "kindergarten". Christians did not belong in the school system in the first place (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)--may the true disciples bail out of that sinking ship and exchange it for a sanctified homeschool under a Biblical Scholarship.

Beware to ALL Christian peoples all over the whole world on every continent and on every island! That includes those that live on houseboats! You aspire to the American model in so many ways--lifestyle, education, clothing styles, church organization and doctrines, maybe even a small family size, etc.--I urge you to repent of this aspiration. We Americans can quickly quench the Spirit with our tracts, suits and ties, and programs. You do not have to imitate us nor should you. Do not rush out to our seminaries and colleges. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Our Lord never learned letters (ref. John 7:15). In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. You do not have to go to Bible college to know God or to know how to conduct a proper church meeting (ref. I Corinthians 14:26). Beware of our American missionaries, their teachings, their scripture translations, and the technologies they may want to introduce to "increase productivity" in your village. If they bring you seeds, ask questions about those seeds. Better yet, only use your own native food and seeds. Even the seeds in America are being corrupted through false science ( Americans are oblivious as to what is happening. If you homeschool, don't blindly follow our various "Christian" homeschool curricula for they are just warmed-over worldly scholarship sprinkled with a few Bible verses! The American system is death! This warning comes from one with a college degree (I destroyed that piece of paper)! Don't give up your ox for a tractor machine! Don't give up the old ways! Keep your dairy goat and your broody hens. Go back in time and figure out how your forefathers did things! Get your hand tools and live a real and simple life--it is inexpensive and your children will love it. The American model is a trap!

And if you watch that filthy trance medium called television, shame on you! You cannot have a sanctified home if you are not sanctified! Are you a Christian or not? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). The designer clothes, the mortgage on the big house, the credit cards, the Kraft grocery store food, endless sweets (we are addicted to sugar), fast food, fancy restaurants, resorts, amusements, cable television, car notes, video games, spa memberships, ad nauseum--if we had listened to the scriptures, Christians would not have gotten entangled! They would have remained separate from this net. If the preachers had preached the word and lived right, they would have warned us. But no, by and large, they were blind and ignorant. They were dumb dogs that could not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. They were greedy dogs which could never have enough, and they were shepherds that could not understand: they all looked to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter (ref. Isaiah 56:10-11). Today, instead of warning us and giving us good teaching and instruction to get out of this calamity, they have their game nights, plays, "watermelon Sundays", morning service, evening service, mid-week service, men's Bible study, women's Bible study, youth group meetings, special services, retreats, "revivals", etc. And a great number of these false teachers have turned the church building into a brothel! They join in marriage divorced persons who have living spouses--in direct contradiction to the scriptures (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). This is adultery. "Christians" are laying up in the bed naked with people who are not their spouses! And then when the adulterers have children of whoredom, the preacher smiles and holds a "baby dedication" during the church service!

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Many of these ungodly men are adulterers themselves. One may have a living wife and is now shacking up with a concubine that he calls "wife". For another, maybe his woman has a husband roaming the earth while she is in the
4589 days ago by Bible Church
...there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Mark 1:15 ...The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out...

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved... (Acts 16:31)

Dear Reader, I do not check emails for this website. (If you would like to read this introductory letter in a smaller font size, please click here.)

If you are not saved, we have many articles here for you. Pray to God to help you to understand his simple message to you--in love he wants to redeem you from the power of Satan and sin. This word is nigh unto you. You can be saved and safe today. You do not have to wait until tomorrow. You do not have to wait for a preacher. God cares for us and he is an ever present help in the time of trouble. If you are not saved, you are in big trouble. God loves the souls that he made--even though we have done wickedly. God so loved this wicked world that he sent his all-powerful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ did not remain dead, he rose from the dead on the third day and stands ready right now to save your soul. Believest thou this? Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, his resurrection, his blood that was shed for your sins, his word, his power, his love for you.

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Are you ready to know God? Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Are you ready to REPENT? That means change. Making a change from the Satanic way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. I can tell you right now that he will lead you OUT of the dance hall club. He will lead you OUT of the crack house. He will lead you OUT of your current life and INTO GLORY!!! But you have to count the cost. Are you ready to live the life of one of the despised ones? I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! AND I MEAN IT! I began my ascent out of the abyss almost two decades ago and I am still following on to know my Lord! It has been an EXHILARATING journey! I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!! PRAISE HIM ALL YE SAINTS! PRAISE HIM!!!

God took me out of the dung heap, blood in my skirt and all, and I'm still standing today. He led me out through his word. Won't you come? Believe the gospel--that Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again the third day. Do you believe it? If you do, tell him so and ask him to save your soul. He will do it. I know he will because he said so--

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
If you hear God's call, come on to Jesus. The word is nigh thee. It is not far away. It is right in your mouth and in your heart. That is how close it is--

Romans 10:8 ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.


Once you come to Jesus, start seeking the Master's face. The way you seek him is in his word. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. You can download a free and accurate Authorized Bible here. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is information on that link to show you how to bind your Bible. The major publishers of the Authorized King James Bible are now altering the text. Print and bind your own. You can find an overview of the entire Bible here.


And another word for you, precious lamb. This is a warning for you. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are perversions of the scriptures. Many of them have the audacity to say that they are the most accurate. That is a lie. They claim to be easy to understand but I am here to tell you that you can understand the AUTHORIZED King James Bible. My daughter requested straight King James Bible reading when she was two years old and was reading it herself at three years old. You can understand the King James Bible. The Father will help you. Cursor down on this current page for articles on heaven, hell, evolutionism, false churches to avoid, and much more. Do not spend too much time on the internet, tear yourself away from the television, and don't read blasphemy. Much of what is on this page is for those in sin. I do not want you to read everything that is here, be careful. I wrote these things back when I was confronted with these many errors. Pray, read your Bible, do good, and fall in love with Jesus. You also need to be baptized and learn how to live the Christian life--go here for more information. Cleave to the scriptures. They will keep you safe. I commit you to the love of God. You can find hymns and spiritual songs (free--with words and music) at this link to encourage, admonish, and uplift your spirit.

Be careful of church people and church buildings. No Roman Catholic "church" can be right because Roman Catholic doctrines are not right. They directly contradict the scriptures. The Roman Catholic religion teaches multitudes to pray to "Mary" instead of in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It calls its Mary "the Queen of Heaven". In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44 (along with Deuteronomy 32:16-17), the Queen of Heaven is revealed to be a devil. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". This is a very great blasphemy. Many Catholics possess and pray to little statue idols that they call "saints" when the Bible says do not make unto thyself any graven image (ref. Exodus 20:4)--this includes images and pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (many are guilty of this trespass). They light candles for the dead, bow before relics (e.g., a dead man's finger) and believe in a fictional purgatory that they try to pay their way out of--more money for the coffers of the "church". Their leaders have deceived them and are making merchandise of them. The love of money is the root of all evil. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you are familiar with the Romish rituals. You must never return to those unclean things. Get rid of all traces of Romanism that may be in your life--including the rosary which is used for what our Lord Jesus Christ called, "vain repetition" (ref. Matthew 6:7).

But I would not have you ignorant. The Roman Catholic institution is not the only apostate church--but she does have a special status. She is the mother of them all--Revelation 17:5 calls her MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (cursor down this link to see Revelation 17:3-6 and photographs showing how she fulfills it). The Bible also calls her the great whore (Rev. 17:1; 19:2). As a whore, she has MANY children. And since she is a whore, you do not know who the fathers are of these various bastard children ("bastard" is a Bible word e.g. Heb. 12:8). You just see the hordes of false churches with their hierarchal systems. Instead of a pope they have a superstar pastor at the top with all kinds of departments below him (some churches even have investment counsellors). They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, et al. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Do not jump at the chance to be called by any other name but what the Bible calls you--Christian, saint, disciple, etc. Calvin was not crucified for me. I would never call myself a Calvinist, a Baptist or any such thing. Do not follow man and his traditions. Follow the scriptures.

I know that I am putting a lot of information on you here, but you must be warned. You will understand in time. The Bible says that there will be a great falling away at the end of time before the Lord Jesus comes back. We have already entered this falling away. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. Perilous times have come, but fear not, little one, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (ref. I John 4:4). Your safety is in reading the word of God so that you can know the truth for yourself--and the truth shall make you free. The Lord may be preparing someone right now to hold on to your hand. But even then, you will examine that person and their teachings based on the word of God--that includes me and my writings on this website. However things work out for you, the Lord Jesus will personally be there with you until the end of the world (ref. Matthew 28:20). Goodbye for now, dear one.

For disciples-- Read your Authorized King James Bible diligently and obey it. Ask God to show you the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16)--the old way of living and worshipping God. Look for the old ways--Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. You will find rest for your soul and a whole new world will be opened to you. You will be changed at your root. Let the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers. Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home.

Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bibles, Pure Cambridge Edition. Heathens have been tampering with the Authorized King James Bible, incorporating alterations and adding all kinds of abominations (e.g., "study aids, " commentaries, illustrations, cartoon pictures, geneaological record sheets, etc.) to the text. Go here for an excellent download and more information.

In America, we have almost completely lost our manhood and womanhood. Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. God made man to rule the world. Man was destined for greatness. May the men reading this understand that they are the image and glory of God. Repent of your sins, hide the word of God in your heart and rise to who you were made to be. Get out of debt (including your house note/mortgage) for the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility.

Woman, clean your house and teach your children at home from the Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures. The Authorised (British spelling) Version gives the foundations/rudiments of everything in all of creation and every subject to be studied--Language Arts, Geography, Counting & Mathematics (e.g., Geometry), History, Botany, Law, Economics, Science (e.g., Chemistry)--everything. Embrace Genesis 1:1 - 2:7 as your outline--read it to your child regularly until you both have a good understanding of it. By God's grace and almighty power, babies can (as a matter of course) read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorised Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God. Little children can exercise Biblical discernment and be wise. They can choose righteousness because they can see and feel its excellencies for themselves. I'm not perfect, but can't we at least try to rise up and set our expectations higher as we lift up God's word in the education of our children? Let us turn our hearts back toward home instead of constantly on the distant mission field.

WARNING TO CHRISTIANS-- The American school system (public, private, and "Christian") is dangerous. Combine this with the television and you will understand why the children are turning out deficient and full of problems--physical, mental, and spiritual. There are reasons the school system is failing and turning out sots (dull heads), rebels, whoremongers, and freaks--it is by design. Americans were once a strong, independent, rugged, innovative, productive, freedom-loving people. But now look, we are at the bottom of the barrel dependent on someone else for every morsel of food that we eat--let the grocery stores close down and see what happens across this land. Through "progressive" education (progressing toward what?) we have been turned inside out. Americans were in an uproar when the progressives first tried to implement compulsory schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. But now look. We kick our children out the door at five years old (and earlier if Mother works) into "kindergarten". Christians did not belong in the school system in the first place (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)--may the true disciples bail out of that sinking ship and exchange it for a sanctified homeschool under a Biblical Scholarship.

Beware to ALL Christian peoples all over the whole world on every continent and on every island! That includes those that live on houseboats! You aspire to the American model in so many ways--lifestyle, education, clothing styles, church organization and doctrines, maybe even a small family size, etc.--I urge you to repent of this aspiration. We Americans can quickly quench the Spirit with our tracts, suits and ties, and programs. You do not have to imitate us nor should you. Do not rush out to our seminaries and colleges. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Our Lord never learned letters (ref. John 7:15). In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. You do not have to go to Bible college to know God or to know how to conduct a proper church meeting (ref. I Corinthians 14:26). Beware of our American missionaries, their teachings, their scripture translations, and the technologies they may want to introduce to "increase productivity" in your village. If they bring you seeds, ask questions about those seeds. Better yet, only use your own native food and seeds. Even the seeds in America are being corrupted through false science ( Americans are oblivious as to what is happening. If you homeschool, don't blindly follow our various "Christian" homeschool curricula for they are just warmed-over worldly scholarship sprinkled with a few Bible verses! The American system is death! This warning comes from one with a college degree (I destroyed that piece of paper)! Don't give up your ox for a tractor machine! Don't give up the old ways! Keep your dairy goat and your broody hens. Go back in time and figure out how your forefathers did things! Get your hand tools and live a real and simple life--it is inexpensive and your children will love it. The American model is a trap!

And if you watch that filthy trance medium called television, shame on you! You cannot have a sanctified home if you are not sanctified! Are you a Christian or not? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). The designer clothes, the mortgage on the big house, the credit cards, the Kraft grocery store food, endless sweets (we are addicted to sugar), fast food, fancy restaurants, resorts, amusements, cable television, car notes, video games, spa memberships, ad nauseum--if we had listened to the scriptures, Christians would not have gotten entangled! They would have remained separate from this net. If the preachers had preached the word and lived right, they would have warned us. But no, by and large, they were blind and ignorant. They were dumb dogs that could not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. They were greedy dogs which could never have enough, and they were shepherds that could not understand: they all looked to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter (ref. Isaiah 56:10-11). Today, instead of warning us and giving us good teaching and instruction to get out of this calamity, they have their game nights, plays, "watermelon Sundays", morning service, evening service, mid-week service, men's Bible study, women's Bible study, youth group meetings, special services, retreats, "revivals", etc. And a great number of these false teachers have turned the church building into a brothel! They join in marriage divorced persons who have living spouses--in direct contradiction to the scriptures (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). This is adultery. "Christians" are laying up in the bed naked with people who are not their spouses! And then when the adulterers have children of whoredom, the preacher smiles and holds a "baby dedication" during the church service!

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Many of these ungodly men are adulterers themselves. One may have a living wife and is now shacking up with a concubine that he calls "wife". For another, maybe his woman has a husband roaming the earth while she is in the
4589 days ago by Bible Church
...there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Mark 1:15 ...The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out...

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved... (Acts 16:31)

Dear Reader, I do not check emails for this website. (If you would like to read this introductory letter in a smaller font size, please click here.)

If you are not saved, we have many articles here for you. Pray to God to help you to understand his simple message to you--in love he wants to redeem you from the power of Satan and sin. This word is nigh unto you. You can be saved and safe today. You do not have to wait until tomorrow. You do not have to wait for a preacher. God cares for us and he is an ever present help in the time of trouble. If you are not saved, you are in big trouble. God loves the souls that he made--even though we have done wickedly. God so loved this wicked world that he sent his all-powerful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ did not remain dead, he rose from the dead on the third day and stands ready right now to save your soul. Believest thou this? Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, his resurrection, his blood that was shed for your sins, his word, his power, his love for you.

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Are you ready to know God? Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Are you ready to REPENT? That means change. Making a change from the Satanic way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. I can tell you right now that he will lead you OUT of the dance hall club. He will lead you OUT of the crack house. He will lead you OUT of your current life and INTO GLORY!!! But you have to count the cost. Are you ready to live the life of one of the despised ones? I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! AND I MEAN IT! I began my ascent out of the abyss almost two decades ago and I am still following on to know my Lord! It has been an EXHILARATING journey! I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!! PRAISE HIM ALL YE SAINTS! PRAISE HIM!!!

God took me out of the dung heap, blood in my skirt and all, and I'm still standing today. He led me out through his word. Won't you come? Believe the gospel--that Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again the third day. Do you believe it? If you do, tell him so and ask him to save your soul. He will do it. I know he will because he said so--

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
If you hear God's call, come on to Jesus. The word is nigh thee. It is not far away. It is right in your mouth and in your heart. That is how close it is--

Romans 10:8 ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.


Once you come to Jesus, start seeking the Master's face. The way you seek him is in his word. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. You can download a free and accurate Authorized Bible here. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is information on that link to show you how to bind your Bible. The major publishers of the Authorized King James Bible are now altering the text. Print and bind your own. You can find an overview of the entire Bible here.


And another word for you, precious lamb. This is a warning for you. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are perversions of the scriptures. Many of them have the audacity to say that they are the most accurate. That is a lie. They claim to be easy to understand but I am here to tell you that you can understand the AUTHORIZED King James Bible. My daughter requested straight King James Bible reading when she was two years old and was reading it herself at three years old. You can understand the King James Bible. The Father will help you. Cursor down on this current page for articles on heaven, hell, evolutionism, false churches to avoid, and much more. Do not spend too much time on the internet, tear yourself away from the television, and don't read blasphemy. Much of what is on this page is for those in sin. I do not want you to read everything that is here, be careful. I wrote these things back when I was confronted with these many errors. Pray, read your Bible, do good, and fall in love with Jesus. You also need to be baptized and learn how to live the Christian life--go here for more information. Cleave to the scriptures. They will keep you safe. I commit you to the love of God. You can find hymns and spiritual songs (free--with words and music) at this link to encourage, admonish, and uplift your spirit.

Be careful of church people and church buildings. No Roman Catholic "church" can be right because Roman Catholic doctrines are not right. They directly contradict the scriptures. The Roman Catholic religion teaches multitudes to pray to "Mary" instead of in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It calls its Mary "the Queen of Heaven". In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44 (along with Deuteronomy 32:16-17), the Queen of Heaven is revealed to be a devil. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". This is a very great blasphemy. Many Catholics possess and pray to little statue idols that they call "saints" when the Bible says do not make unto thyself any graven image (ref. Exodus 20:4)--this includes images and pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (many are guilty of this trespass). They light candles for the dead, bow before relics (e.g., a dead man's finger) and believe in a fictional purgatory that they try to pay their way out of--more money for the coffers of the "church". Their leaders have deceived them and are making merchandise of them. The love of money is the root of all evil. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you are familiar with the Romish rituals. You must never return to those unclean things. Get rid of all traces of Romanism that may be in your life--including the rosary which is used for what our Lord Jesus Christ called, "vain repetition" (ref. Matthew 6:7).

But I would not have you ignorant. The Roman Catholic institution is not the only apostate church--but she does have a special status. She is the mother of them all--Revelation 17:5 calls her MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (cursor down this link to see Revelation 17:3-6 and photographs showing how she fulfills it). The Bible also calls her the great whore (Rev. 17:1; 19:2). As a whore, she has MANY children. And since she is a whore, you do not know who the fathers are of these various bastard children ("bastard" is a Bible word e.g. Heb. 12:8). You just see the hordes of false churches with their hierarchal systems. Instead of a pope they have a superstar pastor at the top with all kinds of departments below him (some churches even have investment counsellors). They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, et al. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Do not jump at the chance to be called by any other name but what the Bible calls you--Christian, saint, disciple, etc. Calvin was not crucified for me. I would never call myself a Calvinist, a Baptist or any such thing. Do not follow man and his traditions. Follow the scriptures.

I know that I am putting a lot of information on you here, but you must be warned. You will understand in time. The Bible says that there will be a great falling away at the end of time before the Lord Jesus comes back. We have already entered this falling away. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. Perilous times have come, but fear not, little one, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (ref. I John 4:4). Your safety is in reading the word of God so that you can know the truth for yourself--and the truth shall make you free. The Lord may be preparing someone right now to hold on to your hand. But even then, you will examine that person and their teachings based on the word of God--that includes me and my writings on this website. However things work out for you, the Lord Jesus will personally be there with you until the end of the world (ref. Matthew 28:20). Goodbye for now, dear one.

For disciples-- Read your Authorized King James Bible diligently and obey it. Ask God to show you the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16)--the old way of living and worshipping God. Look for the old ways--Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. You will find rest for your soul and a whole new world will be opened to you. You will be changed at your root. Let the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers. Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home.

Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bibles, Pure Cambridge Edition. Heathens have been tampering with the Authorized King James Bible, incorporating alterations and adding all kinds of abominations (e.g., "study aids, " commentaries, illustrations, cartoon pictures, geneaological record sheets, etc.) to the text. Go here for an excellent download and more information.

In America, we have almost completely lost our manhood and womanhood. Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. God made man to rule the world. Man was destined for greatness. May the men reading this understand that they are the image and glory of God. Repent of your sins, hide the word of God in your heart and rise to who you were made to be. Get out of debt (including your house note/mortgage) for the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility.

Woman, clean your house and teach your children at home from the Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures. The Authorised (British spelling) Version gives the foundations/rudiments of everything in all of creation and every subject to be studied--Language Arts, Geography, Counting & Mathematics (e.g., Geometry), History, Botany, Law, Economics, Science (e.g., Chemistry)--everything. Embrace Genesis 1:1 - 2:7 as your outline--read it to your child regularly until you both have a good understanding of it. By God's grace and almighty power, babies can (as a matter of course) read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorised Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God. Little children can exercise Biblical discernment and be wise. They can choose righteousness because they can see and feel its excellencies for themselves. I'm not perfect, but can't we at least try to rise up and set our expectations higher as we lift up God's word in the education of our children? Let us turn our hearts back toward home instead of constantly on the distant mission field.

WARNING TO CHRISTIANS-- The American school system (public, private, and "Christian") is dangerous. Combine this with the television and you will understand why the children are turning out deficient and full of problems--physical, mental, and spiritual. There are reasons the school system is failing and turning out sots (dull heads), rebels, whoremongers, and freaks--it is by design. Americans were once a strong, independent, rugged, innovative, productive, freedom-loving people. But now look, we are at the bottom of the barrel dependent on someone else for every morsel of food that we eat--let the grocery stores close down and see what happens across this land. Through "progressive" education (progressing toward what?) we have been turned inside out. Americans were in an uproar when the progressives first tried to implement compulsory schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. But now look. We kick our children out the door at five years old (and earlier if Mother works) into "kindergarten". Christians did not belong in the school system in the first place (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)--may the true disciples bail out of that sinking ship and exchange it for a sanctified homeschool under a Biblical Scholarship.

Beware to ALL Christian peoples all over the whole world on every continent and on every island! That includes those that live on houseboats! You aspire to the American model in so many ways--lifestyle, education, clothing styles, church organization and doctrines, maybe even a small family size, etc.--I urge you to repent of this aspiration. We Americans can quickly quench the Spirit with our tracts, suits and ties, and programs. You do not have to imitate us nor should you. Do not rush out to our seminaries and colleges. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Our Lord never learned letters (ref. John 7:15). In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. You do not have to go to Bible college to know God or to know how to conduct a proper church meeting (ref. I Corinthians 14:26). Beware of our American missionaries, their teachings, their scripture translations, and the technologies they may want to introduce to "increase productivity" in your village. If they bring you seeds, ask questions about those seeds. Better yet, only use your own native food and seeds. Even the seeds in America are being corrupted through false science ( Americans are oblivious as to what is happening. If you homeschool, don't blindly follow our various "Christian" homeschool curricula for they are just warmed-over worldly scholarship sprinkled with a few Bible verses! The American system is death! This warning comes from one with a college degree (I destroyed that piece of paper)! Don't give up your ox for a tractor machine! Don't give up the old ways! Keep your dairy goat and your broody hens. Go back in time and figure out how your forefathers did things! Get your hand tools and live a real and simple life--it is inexpensive and your children will love it. The American model is a trap!

And if you watch that filthy trance medium called television, shame on you! You cannot have a sanctified home if you are not sanctified! Are you a Christian or not? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). The designer clothes, the mortgage on the big house, the credit cards, the Kraft grocery store food, endless sweets (we are addicted to sugar), fast food, fancy restaurants, resorts, amusements, cable television, car notes, video games, spa memberships, ad nauseum--if we had listened to the scriptures, Christians would not have gotten entangled! They would have remained separate from this net. If the preachers had preached the word and lived right, they would have warned us. But no, by and large, they were blind and ignorant. They were dumb dogs that could not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. They were greedy dogs which could never have enough, and they were shepherds that could not understand: they all looked to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter (ref. Isaiah 56:10-11). Today, instead of warning us and giving us good teaching and instruction to get out of this calamity, they have their game nights, plays, "watermelon Sundays", morning service, evening service, mid-week service, men's Bible study, women's Bible study, youth group meetings, special services, retreats, "revivals", etc. And a great number of these false teachers have turned the church building into a brothel! They join in marriage divorced persons who have living spouses--in direct contradiction to the scriptures (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). This is adultery. "Christians" are laying up in the bed naked with people who are not their spouses! And then when the adulterers have children of whoredom, the preacher smiles and holds a "baby dedication" during the church service!

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Many of these ungodly men are adulterers themselves. One may have a living wife and is now shacking up with a concubine that he calls "wife". For another, maybe his woman has a husband roaming the earth while she is in the
4589 days ago by Bible Church
...there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Mark 1:15 ...The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out...

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved... (Acts 16:31)

Dear Reader, I do not check emails for this website. (If you would like to read this introductory letter in a smaller font size, please click here.)

If you are not saved, we have many articles here for you. Pray to God to help you to understand his simple message to you--in love he wants to redeem you from the power of Satan and sin. This word is nigh unto you. You can be saved and safe today. You do not have to wait until tomorrow. You do not have to wait for a preacher. God cares for us and he is an ever present help in the time of trouble. If you are not saved, you are in big trouble. God loves the souls that he made--even though we have done wickedly. God so loved this wicked world that he sent his all-powerful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ did not remain dead, he rose from the dead on the third day and stands ready right now to save your soul. Believest thou this? Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, his resurrection, his blood that was shed for your sins, his word, his power, his love for you.

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Are you ready to know God? Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Are you ready to REPENT? That means change. Making a change from the Satanic way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. I can tell you right now that he will lead you OUT of the dance hall club. He will lead you OUT of the crack house. He will lead you OUT of your current life and INTO GLORY!!! But you have to count the cost. Are you ready to live the life of one of the despised ones? I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! AND I MEAN IT! I began my ascent out of the abyss almost two decades ago and I am still following on to know my Lord! It has been an EXHILARATING journey! I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!! PRAISE HIM ALL YE SAINTS! PRAISE HIM!!!

God took me out of the dung heap, blood in my skirt and all, and I'm still standing today. He led me out through his word. Won't you come? Believe the gospel--that Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again the third day. Do you believe it? If you do, tell him so and ask him to save your soul. He will do it. I know he will because he said so--

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
If you hear God's call, come on to Jesus. The word is nigh thee. It is not far away. It is right in your mouth and in your heart. That is how close it is--

Romans 10:8 ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.


Once you come to Jesus, start seeking the Master's face. The way you seek him is in his word. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. You can download a free and accurate Authorized Bible here. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is information on that link to show you how to bind your Bible. The major publishers of the Authorized King James Bible are now altering the text. Print and bind your own. You can find an overview of the entire Bible here.


And another word for you, precious lamb. This is a warning for you. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are perversions of the scriptures. Many of them have the audacity to say that they are the most accurate. That is a lie. They claim to be easy to understand but I am here to tell you that you can understand the AUTHORIZED King James Bible. My daughter requested straight King James Bible reading when she was two years old and was reading it herself at three years old. You can understand the King James Bible. The Father will help you. Cursor down on this current page for articles on heaven, hell, evolutionism, false churches to avoid, and much more. Do not spend too much time on the internet, tear yourself away from the television, and don't read blasphemy. Much of what is on this page is for those in sin. I do not want you to read everything that is here, be careful. I wrote these things back when I was confronted with these many errors. Pray, read your Bible, do good, and fall in love with Jesus. You also need to be baptized and learn how to live the Christian life--go here for more information. Cleave to the scriptures. They will keep you safe. I commit you to the love of God. You can find hymns and spiritual songs (free--with words and music) at this link to encourage, admonish, and uplift your spirit.

Be careful of church people and church buildings. No Roman Catholic "church" can be right because Roman Catholic doctrines are not right. They directly contradict the scriptures. The Roman Catholic religion teaches multitudes to pray to "Mary" instead of in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It calls its Mary "the Queen of Heaven". In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44 (along with Deuteronomy 32:16-17), the Queen of Heaven is revealed to be a devil. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". This is a very great blasphemy. Many Catholics possess and pray to little statue idols that they call "saints" when the Bible says do not make unto thyself any graven image (ref. Exodus 20:4)--this includes images and pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (many are guilty of this trespass). They light candles for the dead, bow before relics (e.g., a dead man's finger) and believe in a fictional purgatory that they try to pay their way out of--more money for the coffers of the "church". Their leaders have deceived them and are making merchandise of them. The love of money is the root of all evil. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you are familiar with the Romish rituals. You must never return to those unclean things. Get rid of all traces of Romanism that may be in your life--including the rosary which is used for what our Lord Jesus Christ called, "vain repetition" (ref. Matthew 6:7).

But I would not have you ignorant. The Roman Catholic institution is not the only apostate church--but she does have a special status. She is the mother of them all--Revelation 17:5 calls her MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (cursor down this link to see Revelation 17:3-6 and photographs showing how she fulfills it). The Bible also calls her the great whore (Rev. 17:1; 19:2). As a whore, she has MANY children. And since she is a whore, you do not know who the fathers are of these various bastard children ("bastard" is a Bible word e.g. Heb. 12:8). You just see the hordes of false churches with their hierarchal systems. Instead of a pope they have a superstar pastor at the top with all kinds of departments below him (some churches even have investment counsellors). They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, et al. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Do not jump at the chance to be called by any other name but what the Bible calls you--Christian, saint, disciple, etc. Calvin was not crucified for me. I would never call myself a Calvinist, a Baptist or any such thing. Do not follow man and his traditions. Follow the scriptures.

I know that I am putting a lot of information on you here, but you must be warned. You will understand in time. The Bible says that there will be a great falling away at the end of time before the Lord Jesus comes back. We have already entered this falling away. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. Perilous times have come, but fear not, little one, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (ref. I John 4:4). Your safety is in reading the word of God so that you can know the truth for yourself--and the truth shall make you free. The Lord may be preparing someone right now to hold on to your hand. But even then, you will examine that person and their teachings based on the word of God--that includes me and my writings on this website. However things work out for you, the Lord Jesus will personally be there with you until the end of the world (ref. Matthew 28:20). Goodbye for now, dear one.

For disciples-- Read your Authorized King James Bible diligently and obey it. Ask God to show you the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16)--the old way of living and worshipping God. Look for the old ways--Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. You will find rest for your soul and a whole new world will be opened to you. You will be changed at your root. Let the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers. Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home.

Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bibles, Pure Cambridge Edition. Heathens have been tampering with the Authorized King James Bible, incorporating alterations and adding all kinds of abominations (e.g., "study aids, " commentaries, illustrations, cartoon pictures, geneaological record sheets, etc.) to the text. Go here for an excellent download and more information.

In America, we have almost completely lost our manhood and womanhood. Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. God made man to rule the world. Man was destined for greatness. May the men reading this understand that they are the image and glory of God. Repent of your sins, hide the word of God in your heart and rise to who you were made to be. Get out of debt (including your house note/mortgage) for the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility.

Woman, clean your house and teach your children at home from the Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures. The Authorised (British spelling) Version gives the foundations/rudiments of everything in all of creation and every subject to be studied--Language Arts, Geography, Counting & Mathematics (e.g., Geometry), History, Botany, Law, Economics, Science (e.g., Chemistry)--everything. Embrace Genesis 1:1 - 2:7 as your outline--read it to your child regularly until you both have a good understanding of it. By God's grace and almighty power, babies can (as a matter of course) read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorised Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God. Little children can exercise Biblical discernment and be wise. They can choose righteousness because they can see and feel its excellencies for themselves. I'm not perfect, but can't we at least try to rise up and set our expectations higher as we lift up God's word in the education of our children? Let us turn our hearts back toward home instead of constantly on the distant mission field.

WARNING TO CHRISTIANS-- The American school system (public, private, and "Christian") is dangerous. Combine this with the television and you will understand why the children are turning out deficient and full of problems--physical, mental, and spiritual. There are reasons the school system is failing and turning out sots (dull heads), rebels, whoremongers, and freaks--it is by design. Americans were once a strong, independent, rugged, innovative, productive, freedom-loving people. But now look, we are at the bottom of the barrel dependent on someone else for every morsel of food that we eat--let the grocery stores close down and see what happens across this land. Through "progressive" education (progressing toward what?) we have been turned inside out. Americans were in an uproar when the progressives first tried to implement compulsory schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. But now look. We kick our children out the door at five years old (and earlier if Mother works) into "kindergarten". Christians did not belong in the school system in the first place (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)--may the true disciples bail out of that sinking ship and exchange it for a sanctified homeschool under a Biblical Scholarship.

Beware to ALL Christian peoples all over the whole world on every continent and on every island! That includes those that live on houseboats! You aspire to the American model in so many ways--lifestyle, education, clothing styles, church organization and doctrines, maybe even a small family size, etc.--I urge you to repent of this aspiration. We Americans can quickly quench the Spirit with our tracts, suits and ties, and programs. You do not have to imitate us nor should you. Do not rush out to our seminaries and colleges. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Our Lord never learned letters (ref. John 7:15). In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. You do not have to go to Bible college to know God or to know how to conduct a proper church meeting (ref. I Corinthians 14:26). Beware of our American missionaries, their teachings, their scripture translations, and the technologies they may want to introduce to "increase productivity" in your village. If they bring you seeds, ask questions about those seeds. Better yet, only use your own native food and seeds. Even the seeds in America are being corrupted through false science ( Americans are oblivious as to what is happening. If you homeschool, don't blindly follow our various "Christian" homeschool curricula for they are just warmed-over worldly scholarship sprinkled with a few Bible verses! The American system is death! This warning comes from one with a college degree (I destroyed that piece of paper)! Don't give up your ox for a tractor machine! Don't give up the old ways! Keep your dairy goat and your broody hens. Go back in time and figure out how your forefathers did things! Get your hand tools and live a real and simple life--it is inexpensive and your children will love it. The American model is a trap!

And if you watch that filthy trance medium called television, shame on you! You cannot have a sanctified home if you are not sanctified! Are you a Christian or not? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). The designer clothes, the mortgage on the big house, the credit cards, the Kraft grocery store food, endless sweets (we are addicted to sugar), fast food, fancy restaurants, resorts, amusements, cable television, car notes, video games, spa memberships, ad nauseum--if we had listened to the scriptures, Christians would not have gotten entangled! They would have remained separate from this net. If the preachers had preached the word and lived right, they would have warned us. But no, by and large, they were blind and ignorant. They were dumb dogs that could not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. They were greedy dogs which could never have enough, and they were shepherds that could not understand: they all looked to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter (ref. Isaiah 56:10-11). Today, instead of warning us and giving us good teaching and instruction to get out of this calamity, they have their game nights, plays, "watermelon Sundays", morning service, evening service, mid-week service, men's Bible study, women's Bible study, youth group meetings, special services, retreats, "revivals", etc. And a great number of these false teachers have turned the church building into a brothel! They join in marriage divorced persons who have living spouses--in direct contradiction to the scriptures (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). This is adultery. "Christians" are laying up in the bed naked with people who are not their spouses! And then when the adulterers have children of whoredom, the preacher smiles and holds a "baby dedication" during the church service!

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Many of these ungodly men are adulterers themselves. One may have a living wife and is now shacking up with a concubine that he calls "wife". For another, maybe his woman has a husband roaming the earth while she is in the
4589 days ago by Bible Church
...there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Mark 1:15 ...The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out...

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved... (Acts 16:31)

Dear Reader, I do not check emails for this website. (If you would like to read this introductory letter in a smaller font size, please click here.)

If you are not saved, we have many articles here for you. Pray to God to help you to understand his simple message to you--in love he wants to redeem you from the power of Satan and sin. This word is nigh unto you. You can be saved and safe today. You do not have to wait until tomorrow. You do not have to wait for a preacher. God cares for us and he is an ever present help in the time of trouble. If you are not saved, you are in big trouble. God loves the souls that he made--even though we have done wickedly. God so loved this wicked world that he sent his all-powerful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ did not remain dead, he rose from the dead on the third day and stands ready right now to save your soul. Believest thou this? Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, his resurrection, his blood that was shed for your sins, his word, his power, his love for you.

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Are you ready to know God? Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Are you ready to REPENT? That means change. Making a change from the Satanic way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. I can tell you right now that he will lead you OUT of the dance hall club. He will lead you OUT of the crack house. He will lead you OUT of your current life and INTO GLORY!!! But you have to count the cost. Are you ready to live the life of one of the despised ones? I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! AND I MEAN IT! I began my ascent out of the abyss almost two decades ago and I am still following on to know my Lord! It has been an EXHILARATING journey! I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!! PRAISE HIM ALL YE SAINTS! PRAISE HIM!!!

God took me out of the dung heap, blood in my skirt and all, and I'm still standing today. He led me out through his word. Won't you come? Believe the gospel--that Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again the third day. Do you believe it? If you do, tell him so and ask him to save your soul. He will do it. I know he will because he said so--

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
If you hear God's call, come on to Jesus. The word is nigh thee. It is not far away. It is right in your mouth and in your heart. That is how close it is--

Romans 10:8 ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.


Once you come to Jesus, start seeking the Master's face. The way you seek him is in his word. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. You can download a free and accurate Authorized Bible here. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is information on that link to show you how to bind your Bible. The major publishers of the Authorized King James Bible are now altering the text. Print and bind your own. You can find an overview of the entire Bible here.


And another word for you, precious lamb. This is a warning for you. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are perversions of the scriptures. Many of them have the audacity to say that they are the most accurate. That is a lie. They claim to be easy to understand but I am here to tell you that you can understand the AUTHORIZED King James Bible. My daughter requested straight King James Bible reading when she was two years old and was reading it herself at three years old. You can understand the King James Bible. The Father will help you. Cursor down on this current page for articles on heaven, hell, evolutionism, false churches to avoid, and much more. Do not spend too much time on the internet, tear yourself away from the television, and don't read blasphemy. Much of what is on this page is for those in sin. I do not want you to read everything that is here, be careful. I wrote these things back when I was confronted with these many errors. Pray, read your Bible, do good, and fall in love with Jesus. You also need to be baptized and learn how to live the Christian life--go here for more information. Cleave to the scriptures. They will keep you safe. I commit you to the love of God. You can find hymns and spiritual songs (free--with words and music) at this link to encourage, admonish, and uplift your spirit.

Be careful of church people and church buildings. No Roman Catholic "church" can be right because Roman Catholic doctrines are not right. They directly contradict the scriptures. The Roman Catholic religion teaches multitudes to pray to "Mary" instead of in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It calls its Mary "the Queen of Heaven". In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44 (along with Deuteronomy 32:16-17), the Queen of Heaven is revealed to be a devil. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". This is a very great blasphemy. Many Catholics possess and pray to little statue idols that they call "saints" when the Bible says do not make unto thyself any graven image (ref. Exodus 20:4)--this includes images and pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (many are guilty of this trespass). They light candles for the dead, bow before relics (e.g., a dead man's finger) and believe in a fictional purgatory that they try to pay their way out of--more money for the coffers of the "church". Their leaders have deceived them and are making merchandise of them. The love of money is the root of all evil. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you are familiar with the Romish rituals. You must never return to those unclean things. Get rid of all traces of Romanism that may be in your life--including the rosary which is used for what our Lord Jesus Christ called, "vain repetition" (ref. Matthew 6:7).

But I would not have you ignorant. The Roman Catholic institution is not the only apostate church--but she does have a special status. She is the mother of them all--Revelation 17:5 calls her MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (cursor down this link to see Revelation 17:3-6 and photographs showing how she fulfills it). The Bible also calls her the great whore (Rev. 17:1; 19:2). As a whore, she has MANY children. And since she is a whore, you do not know who the fathers are of these various bastard children ("bastard" is a Bible word e.g. Heb. 12:8). You just see the hordes of false churches with their hierarchal systems. Instead of a pope they have a superstar pastor at the top with all kinds of departments below him (some churches even have investment counsellors). They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, et al. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Do not jump at the chance to be called by any other name but what the Bible calls you--Christian, saint, disciple, etc. Calvin was not crucified for me. I would never call myself a Calvinist, a Baptist or any such thing. Do not follow man and his traditions. Follow the scriptures.

I know that I am putting a lot of information on you here, but you must be warned. You will understand in time. The Bible says that there will be a great falling away at the end of time before the Lord Jesus comes back. We have already entered this falling away. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. Perilous times have come, but fear not, little one, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (ref. I John 4:4). Your safety is in reading the word of God so that you can know the truth for yourself--and the truth shall make you free. The Lord may be preparing someone right now to hold on to your hand. But even then, you will examine that person and their teachings based on the word of God--that includes me and my writings on this website. However things work out for you, the Lord Jesus will personally be there with you until the end of the world (ref. Matthew 28:20). Goodbye for now, dear one.

For disciples-- Read your Authorized King James Bible diligently and obey it. Ask God to show you the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16)--the old way of living and worshipping God. Look for the old ways--Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. You will find rest for your soul and a whole new world will be opened to you. You will be changed at your root. Let the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers. Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home.

Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bibles, Pure Cambridge Edition. Heathens have been tampering with the Authorized King James Bible, incorporating alterations and adding all kinds of abominations (e.g., "study aids, " commentaries, illustrations, cartoon pictures, geneaological record sheets, etc.) to the text. Go here for an excellent download and more information.

In America, we have almost completely lost our manhood and womanhood. Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. God made man to rule the world. Man was destined for greatness. May the men reading this understand that they are the image and glory of God. Repent of your sins, hide the word of God in your heart and rise to who you were made to be. Get out of debt (including your house note/mortgage) for the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility.

Woman, clean your house and teach your children at home from the Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures. The Authorised (British spelling) Version gives the foundations/rudiments of everything in all of creation and every subject to be studied--Language Arts, Geography, Counting & Mathematics (e.g., Geometry), History, Botany, Law, Economics, Science (e.g., Chemistry)--everything. Embrace Genesis 1:1 - 2:7 as your outline--read it to your child regularly until you both have a good understanding of it. By God's grace and almighty power, babies can (as a matter of course) read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorised Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God. Little children can exercise Biblical discernment and be wise. They can choose righteousness because they can see and feel its excellencies for themselves. I'm not perfect, but can't we at least try to rise up and set our expectations higher as we lift up God's word in the education of our children? Let us turn our hearts back toward home instead of constantly on the distant mission field.

WARNING TO CHRISTIANS-- The American school system (public, private, and "Christian") is dangerous. Combine this with the television and you will understand why the children are turning out deficient and full of problems--physical, mental, and spiritual. There are reasons the school system is failing and turning out sots (dull heads), rebels, whoremongers, and freaks--it is by design. Americans were once a strong, independent, rugged, innovative, productive, freedom-loving people. But now look, we are at the bottom of the barrel dependent on someone else for every morsel of food that we eat--let the grocery stores close down and see what happens across this land. Through "progressive" education (progressing toward what?) we have been turned inside out. Americans were in an uproar when the progressives first tried to implement compulsory schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. But now look. We kick our children out the door at five years old (and earlier if Mother works) into "kindergarten". Christians did not belong in the school system in the first place (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)--may the true disciples bail out of that sinking ship and exchange it for a sanctified homeschool under a Biblical Scholarship.

Beware to ALL Christian peoples all over the whole world on every continent and on every island! That includes those that live on houseboats! You aspire to the American model in so many ways--lifestyle, education, clothing styles, church organization and doctrines, maybe even a small family size, etc.--I urge you to repent of this aspiration. We Americans can quickly quench the Spirit with our tracts, suits and ties, and programs. You do not have to imitate us nor should you. Do not rush out to our seminaries and colleges. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Our Lord never learned letters (ref. John 7:15). In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. You do not have to go to Bible college to know God or to know how to conduct a proper church meeting (ref. I Corinthians 14:26). Beware of our American missionaries, their teachings, their scripture translations, and the technologies they may want to introduce to "increase productivity" in your village. If they bring you seeds, ask questions about those seeds. Better yet, only use your own native food and seeds. Even the seeds in America are being corrupted through false science ( Americans are oblivious as to what is happening. If you homeschool, don't blindly follow our various "Christian" homeschool curricula for they are just warmed-over worldly scholarship sprinkled with a few Bible verses! The American system is death! This warning comes from one with a college degree (I destroyed that piece of paper)! Don't give up your ox for a tractor machine! Don't give up the old ways! Keep your dairy goat and your broody hens. Go back in time and figure out how your forefathers did things! Get your hand tools and live a real and simple life--it is inexpensive and your children will love it. The American model is a trap!

And if you watch that filthy trance medium called television, shame on you! You cannot have a sanctified home if you are not sanctified! Are you a Christian or not? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). The designer clothes, the mortgage on the big house, the credit cards, the Kraft grocery store food, endless sweets (we are addicted to sugar), fast food, fancy restaurants, resorts, amusements, cable television, car notes, video games, spa memberships, ad nauseum--if we had listened to the scriptures, Christians would not have gotten entangled! They would have remained separate from this net. If the preachers had preached the word and lived right, they would have warned us. But no, by and large, they were blind and ignorant. They were dumb dogs that could not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. They were greedy dogs which could never have enough, and they were shepherds that could not understand: they all looked to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter (ref. Isaiah 56:10-11). Today, instead of warning us and giving us good teaching and instruction to get out of this calamity, they have their game nights, plays, "watermelon Sundays", morning service, evening service, mid-week service, men's Bible study, women's Bible study, youth group meetings, special services, retreats, "revivals", etc. And a great number of these false teachers have turned the church building into a brothel! They join in marriage divorced persons who have living spouses--in direct contradiction to the scriptures (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). This is adultery. "Christians" are laying up in the bed naked with people who are not their spouses! And then when the adulterers have children of whoredom, the preacher smiles and holds a "baby dedication" during the church service!

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Many of these ungodly men are adulterers themselves. One may have a living wife and is now shacking up with a concubine that he calls "wife". For another, maybe his woman has a husband roaming the earth while she is in the

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