My daughter's car loan ended up at Citizens Bank/Citizens Automotive Financing and I co-signed for the loan. (Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!)
We began to get phone calls telling us that they hadn't received the monthly payment even though her bank assured us that the payments were being made.
Citizens Bank then let us know that the loan was in default because of non-payment for three months. Still my daughter's bank said that Citizens Bank was receiving the funds. Just to be sure, the last payment was send via mail in a money order.
While we are working with both banks to figure out what is going on, they repossessed the car.
Just in case it really was my daughter's bank that was causing the problem, we arranged to have $1500 sent from my bank via a bank to bank expedited payment. When my bank verified that the payment had been made, I waited until the next day to call Citizens Bank. They claim that they did not receive it and did not receive the money order payment either. We verified the bank to bank payment information to make sure there were no mistakes. I then sent another bank to bank expedited payment for the additional missing payment.
Somehow I knew exactly what Citizens Bank was going to say when I called today to get a status report. Of course, they claim that they haven't received any payments.
Meanwhile, the credit ratings for both my daughter and myself are being destroyed.
Also, the towing and storage charges for my daughter's car continues to multiply. We even found out that the towing company has freighted the car to Idaho so it can be sold at an auction when the waiting time is up in a few weeks. (I'm guessing that Citizens Bank has a monetary "relationship" with this towing company.) If we ever get Citizens Bank to admit that they received payments, getting the car back from the towing company will cost another thousand or so.
Now Citizens Bank wants me to send them the money via Western Union. Ya, like making all the payments a third time is going to work.
At this point we don't even know how to proceed. We can certainly gather evidence from our banks for a lawsuit but you won't get Citizens Bank to ever admit any wrongdoing. Still, a lawsuit seems the only option we have left.
So the question I have is -- Is Citizens Bank incompetent or are they thieves?
I'm voting for the later.