Chris Breland |
Chris Breland Christopher Breland Biggest Thief and conman in the world Greensboro, North Carolina |
31st of Jan, 2011 by |
Chris Breland is the biggest thief and con man in the world. He steals not only from anyone he comes in contact with but also from elderly people and people with mental disabilities. He comes across as innocent and helpless. This is part of his scam. Then once the person gets to trust him, wham, he will then take their money like nobody has ever seen before. He's ripped me off. He has ripped his friends off. He has ripped his co-workers off. I hope everyone who ever thinks about doing business with Chris Breland sees this so they will be forewarned.
My name is Christopher Breland and i live in Greensboro North Carolina. I performed a google search of my name today and realized that i have been BLASTED all over public scam websites (Several owned by a con man Richard Goddeau) who is currently in litigation for Libel & Slander. It hurts me to know that anyone can post ANYTHING that they want in aiming to harm someones reputation. I take my business and my clients services VERY SERIOUSLY. I have worked with hundreds of clients to their satisfaction and am willing to provide any references one may ask for. Go to and simply type Richard Goddeau and you will see how many other people he hes intentionally blasted by libel & slander. Our company provides business services for clients trying to start a successful company. I worked for Dun & Bradstreet for over three years and have been in the financial services industry for seven. i hope this malicious posting has not deterred anyone from doing business with me in the future and i challenge this "anonymous" individual to provide proof of my wrong doing as well as leave your information so we can take care of your concerns . We are in business to help clients become successful and will continue to strive for excellence. for any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Highest Regards,
Christopher Breland |
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