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Check Into Cash
Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Senator Bob Corker are Corrupt and Greedy Cleveland, Tennessee
24th of May, 2011 by User883728
Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Senator Bob Corker should all be put in jail. How they have gotten away with virtually robbing low and middle income Americans blind is really beyond me. Let's start with Check Into Cash: With Senator Bob Corker's (bought and paid for by W. Allan Jones) assistance, Check Into Cash has been allowed to basically spiral out of control. Check Into Cash loves to bend the rules and "look the other way" when it is to their advantage. In the meantime, poor and low income people are at the mercy of Check Into Cash. W. Allan Jones is notorious for whining that Check Into Cash makes "less than a burger joint employee" I know, that makes no sense. See that here: Check Into Cash treats their employees like sh*t and the pay is a joke. If you are thinking about working for this company, I'd think again. The environment is hostile, abusive, and rife with sexual harassment and petty gossip. Human Resources is a worthless joke, so going to them for guidance or help is a real exercise in futility. W. Allan Jones: Where to start with this prize? The best thing you can do about W. Allan Jones if you work at Check Into Cash is to STAY AWAY if you see him lumbering into the building. Hide somewhere. Don't worry, he probably won't make eye contact with you unless he wants something or you are a semi-attractive woman with big tits. STAY OUT OF HIS WAY if you can. Any interaction with him will NOT be in your favor. If he asks you to do a task (usually something extremely important, like editing his family photos) this will not end well for you. His instructions will be very unclear, and he mutters. You will not understand what he wants and will try to clarify. He will respond by barking something like, "I'm the only one with any brains around here." When he screams this, you will be scared that you will be fired. You should be scared. Also, when dealing with W. Allan Jones at Check Into Cash, try your hardest not to stare. This is extremely difficult, but trust me on this one. Here are some of the many things you may find when looking at the rotund and neckless W. Allan Jones: Stains. Number one at any time, there will be a stain somewhere. You can bet money on this. Ill-fitting clothing. W. Allan Jones is always wearing something that is too small for him. After his gastric bypass, which I can only guess was a resounding failure, he has gotten even fatter. Sadly, he refuses to buy new garments to compensate for this. A visible "bat in the cave" also known as a booger, in his nose. Often accompanied by excessive nose hair. Top button of his pants is undone. This is because the pants are too small. W. Allan Jones will cleverly disguise this by stretching his over-worked belt over the button, but you will still be able to see it. Frayed cuffs and sleeves. Seriously, dude, go shopping. A glazed-over look in his eyes. The short attention span of W. Allan Jones is also pretty incredible. It is like talking to a four-year-old child that needs a heavy dose of Ritalin. Jones is very erratic, and you will never know where you stand with him except when he is telling you you are a stupid idiot. He loves to brag about his "smarts," and often calls himself "the granddaddy of the payday industry" and the "pioneer of the payday industry." Always listen with rapt attention when he brags about himself, his mansion, his vast holdings, his wrestling days, or his generous donations to the people of Cleveland, or you will probably be sh*t canned. Senator Bob Corker Senator Bob Corker is to W. Allan Jones what Smithers is to Mr. Burns (think The Simpsons). Senator Bob Corker gladly accepts campaign contributions from W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash in exchange for his lobbying efforts for the greedy payday industry. Often cited as a "friend" of the payday lending industry, this good old boy can be bought with no trouble. W. Allan Jones has Senator Bob Corker firmly squeezed into his too-small back pocket. Nice job, Senator Corker. I am sure your constituents are very grateful for your efforts.
5053 days ago by [email protected]
Go find a new job. But, I pity your new employer!
5050 days ago by Doughball
The above comment was probably written by Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones' poor paid PR bastard. Eventually, you will be blamed for all of this bad press so I'd polish up my resume if I were you.

All of the above is perfectly true!

But I forgot to mention how it is all made possible by not only Senator Bob Corker, but banking giants Wachovia and Bank of America, who lend money to W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash in what pretty much amounts to a series of "back room deals."
5049 days ago by Little Chocolate Man
I used to work at Check Into Cash for W. Allan Jones and I confirm the post by Doughball above. W. Allan Jones is terrible to work for -- he treats his employees very poorly and is extremely disrespectful, especially to the female and minority employees.

I was forced to go by the name Little Chocolate Man by W. Allan Jones and his team of executives. It was very degrading and humiliating.

Senator Bob Corker is no prize either.
5047 days ago by MrYellow
I'm not a PR bastard; I'm just a regular man. I'm certainly not the biggest Allan Jones fan myself and I think he should do more for the less fortunate. But hey, at least Allan Jones lists his home phone number and doesn't spend his free time whining on the Internet instead of hiding behind an online persona. Apparently you don't have the balls to say this in person and instead spend your free time harassing current employees of the dude. Yeah, that'll show him.

If Allan Jones is really a racist, you could have easily informed NAACP and gotten a lawyer to sue him. But now you can't because he'll counter-sue you for the obvious libel and defamation you've listed here. It's like you're leaving a crumb trail of idiocy for his lawyers to find.
5042 days ago by Wallanjonessucks
To the regular man up there: I have had to deal with W. Allan Jones and boy is he a jerk. Who cares about W. Allan Jones listing his own phone number. Do you think they actually answer their own phone. As far as his listing his address, how courageous and stand-up of him. Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones' house can easily be located on -- not only that, but at one point (it seems the website has disappeared) W. Allan Jones had an entire website for Creekridge, featuring the house plans and all of the details of his plush mansion, and GET THIS -- the common masses were actually allowed to purchase photographs of the W. Allan Jones Mansion!

Not only is W. Allan Jones a racist, but he is a quoted racist. Perhaps you have failed to research your reply before you wrote it:

Read Gary Rivlin's Portrait of a Subprime Lender so that you can know of what you speak.

What makes you think the NAACP isn't already aware of W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash and how they target minorities and the poor? Just because someone hasn't told YOU about it doesn't mean it isn't the case.

Libel: 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.

Notice the word "untruth" in the definition of libel. I haven't seen one thing that can't be proven to be true.

Also, where are your balls? I notice you don't list your name or any contact information.

As far as a "crumb trail of idiocy, " I believe that trail leads right back to W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash. The sad thing is, the things that are being said now are just the tip of the iceberg. The very, very tip.
5041 days ago by Bob Corker For Hire
To Mr. Yellow: Ha ha. Not only is there a "crumb trail of idiocy, " there is a whole freakin' loaf of idiocy. And it's hanging right out of W. Allan Jones' gaping maw. W. Allan Jones IS a documented racist. Anyone who knows anything about him knows this.

Mr. Yellow sounds like a perfect moniker for you.
5041 days ago by Mr. Yellow
All I know is that YOU spend your days making up fake names and devoting yourself to multiple internet websites hating a guy who is going to be rich and powerful no matter what. Instead of doing something to help, like starting a site to help people with financial problems or offering to donate money to people who might use Check Into Cash's service, you literally spend every waking hour on multiple sites trying to ruin his life. Like he even cares! The real people you are tormenting are the poor employees who work there - providing income for their families - and have to try to fix your mess. Yeah, go you, harassing random people. Why don't you just call Mr. Jones on his LISTED PHONE NUMBER or show up outside of his documented CreekRidge Mansion and talk to him like a real man.

Mr. Jones must be pretty powerful to have someone whose entire life is obsessed with ruining him - and you're just as pathetic to do so. You could move on with your life and get over it, or at least take legal action against the supposed claims, but now you will NEVER win a case against him. And guess what? Apparently you don't know what research is. One OPINION piece of an article, and other reports also written by YOU - are not "research" nor are they "proof." I couldn't find a single negative thing other than that article that wasn't written in the last few weeks - since you started your crusade. The things being said now are all done by you, one person going by multiple names. It's sad, and pathetic.

My guess is that you got fired and now you're literally on these websites 24/7 to try to get back at him. Like he even cares. Guess what dude. Get a job, get a hobby, and get laid. Grow up and get over yourself. You are only harassing his lowly employees who are just trying to put bread on their table. Allan Jones probably doesn't even read these!
5041 days ago by Mr. Yellow
Oh, and one of the ironic things about this - I bet you consider yourself one of those typical, wholesome Cleveland Christians! Forgiveness and humility and all that! You are JUST AS BAD as Allan Jones. Where he lives in greed, you live in anger and hatred and vicious attacks.

Why don't you contact a newspaper or a REAL source of journalism to report on this? Why don't you file a lawsuit? Why don't you do something other than being just another pathetic loser on the internet crying because he got fired?
5041 days ago by Bob Corker For Hire
To Mr. Yellow: I will not be VERY harsh with your here, because it is easy to see you do not have very many true details.

Mr. Jones' fortune is going to fade considerably over the next few years. Yes, he will probably still be richer than you or I, but the reported $500 million he is worth is a thing of the past. Wait and see.

What makes you think I am "devoting" myself to multiple websites? What, I am the only person on the planet who has been mistreated by W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, or Check Into Cash? Plenty of people hate W. Allan Jones. I can't possibly be the only one out there. When you act like an arrogant ass, as W. Allan Jones does, people tend to kind of hate you. Sorry, not my fault.

I am sorry if you are an employee of W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, or Jones Management and it is now part of your responsibility to "fix this mess." That sucks for you. If you hate it so much, you might want to consider other employment. Because this "mess" hasn't even gotten started yet. If you are stressed about this "mess" now, try waiting about a month. Because where there's smoke, there's fire, and W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, Check Into Cash and paid friend Senator Bob Corker are definitely going to be even more prominently featured in the future.

Also, I am not a dude. I have jobs and hobbies and no problem getting laid. Wrong assumptions on your part.

Further, I do not live in Cleveland and am not a "Cleveland Christian." Have you done ANY research at all or are you just talking out of your a@@?

Also, what makes you think I am not in contact with other reporters, the NAACP, and several other prominent publications?

This is just child's play. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Go away, Mr. Yellow. You clearly don't even know the smallest fraction of what is really going on here.
5039 days ago by Bob Corker Gets Paid
W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, Jones Management, and their rag-tag team of "top executives" need to get a reality check. I sincerely hope that they get that reality check sometime soon.

W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management are literally so horrible I could write a movie about it. They are greedy, corrupt, and without morals. The work environment at W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash and Jones Management is literally so hostile that I got a stomach ulcer from the stress of working there.

I know it is hard to believe the things they get away with. Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management conduct themselves as if the law does not apply to them. How do they keep getting away with this? Well, if you make enough campaign contributions to Senator Bob Corker, he'll lobby for you in Congress and make sure that the laws are favorable for your industry. And W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash, plus their friends, family, and employees have given a lot of money to Senator Bob Corker over the years on behalf of the predatory payday industry. A lot.

Senator Bob Corker doesn't mind selling his soul. It's disgusting, the lobbying he has done for W. Allan Jones, Jones Management and Check Into Cash.
5023 days ago by Justice451
The best way I can think of to put a stop to W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management is to ask Senator Bob Corker to stop voting in Congress for questionable payday lenders like W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash. Though W. Allan Jones tries to downplay his generous contributions through the payday-lender-run website, Payday Pundit, I am guessing that friends, family, and employees of W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash are also contributing quite generously.Without the support of Senator Bob Corker, W. Allan Jones would never be able to get away with his ridiculous behavior. Call Senator Corker and tell him to stop supporting W. Allan Jones at Check Into Cash at this number:423-756-2757, or write him at this address:
U.S. Senator Bob Corker
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510
or visit his website:
4990 days ago by Doughball
Stop W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash from victimizing the poor by cutting off their source of funding. If you don't think Check Into Cash is a fair company, write to their major lender, Bank of America, and tell him this is not okay. Here is the contact information for Bank of America CEO:

Mr. Kenneth D. Lewis
100 N. Tryon Street.
Mail Code NC-1-007-18-01
Charlotte, NC 28255

And W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash -- you are a vile, racist pig.
4986 days ago by John Sanders
W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, you are greedy, pompous, and stupid. I can't stand the sight of you. I am so sick of seeing you drive around Cleveland in your luxury cars while most of your employees go without raises to their very, very low salaries. I know, I know, you have to cut corners. Are you also planning on "cutting corners" on your ostentatious, stupidly tacky, way-too-big home? I didn't think so.

You are the very picture of what is wrong with America today. W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, you are a nasty, quoted racist and a complete loose cannon.

You can answer for yourself on judgment day. I know I'll be watching.
4984 days ago by Laverne
Check Into Cash needs to be reorganized for sure. Better yet, why not just clean the place out completely and start all over, it would definitely be cheaper. Don't worry, you really won't be losing any talent. Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management are definitely the lowest of the low -- a major hornet's nest of cut-throat bottom feeders.

The "corporate" climate at W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash would make an excellent movie -- anyone see "Horrible Bosses"? That movie was hilarious, but if they had talked to me first, it would be even funnier. Maybe they will make a "Horrible Bossses 2" featuring pompous, preening jackass W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, Cleveland, Tennessee's "sparkling jewel".

W. Allan Jones is a ginormous dickhead! Please, do yourself a favor and check out the Bald Headed Bistro (the crumbling, out-of-date, bitter restaurant W. Allan Jones created) and see if W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash might grace you with his presence. You can't miss him -- he will be the one with a giant "scotch slurpee" in a red plastic cup bellowing orders and maybe even firing people for not showing him enough deference.

There is a space in front of the Bald Headed Bistro that is reserved for W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash at all times in case he decides to get into one of his luxury cars -- you can't miss it, W. Allan Jones' reserved space is better than a handicap space -- sorry, you'll have to use a wheelchair ramp elsewhere. Just a rich hillbilly with no manners, no clue, no sense, and a huge pot belly.

Can you say yuck?

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