On August 04, 2010, I filled out a complaint regarding a strange man trying to get a child to drink a bottle of cough medicine on cam at www.chat-avenue.com/videochat.html However, this report isn’t a follow up, but an explanation to all complaints made about www.chat-avenue.com. You will see that chat-avenue is nothing but a large group of organized crime: From hacking other web-sites, soliciting sex to minors, attacking anyone with complaints against them, and actually protecting people who’ve uploaded child-pornography to its forums. Shortly after e-mailing a British website that dealt with cyber crimes, I found that my e-mail had been hacked; hacked by the lunatics at chat-avenue. That’s why I had never gotten a reply from the authorities. Yep, the staff at chat-avenue had hacked my e-mail. In fact, they were trying to cover up what this man did. After my e-mail had been compromised, I learned that these people had attacked a free web-site I’d made to conduct interviews with aspiring bands. They flooded the website with racial slurs, hacked the website’s shout-box and terrorized the distributors of the free shout-box. After I made a new e-mail and placed the shout-box on the page, I got a frantic e-mail from the distributor begging me to remove it from my page. They said they were getting attacked from people claiming to have originated from my website. Finally, they pursued and hacked the only person I’d interviewed. After that, I just gave up. However, they didn’t give up—every password I had became compromised. I gave up social-networking, yahoo, and the thought of interviewing bands. However, I didn’t give up on finding out who these peoples were. I decided to return after a few months, and observe the conversations. After all, they had to give clues as to who they were, and they sure did. The first thing I took note of was a www.myfreecams.com advertisement and a drop in minimum age requirements (from 16 to 13). If you don’t know, myfreecams.com is an adult web-site. Yes! That’s right, an adult website being advertised to children. I also noticed that all of the same people, even this guy I complained about before, was still using chat-avenue. All I did then, was sit back and wait for clues. I also spotted some weird things on chat-avenue’s video chat. Such as bots soliciting sex in a 13 and up chat. These bots are hard to nab at first, but if you log in a few times, you’ll notice you get the same instant message on certain occasions. Specifically if certain moderators are present. I confronted a moderator about the bots and she claimed that they were no threat to chatters, she also refused to remove them from the room. That’s right! The moderator refused to remove bots soliciting sex in a 13 and up room. I also did a “who is” search and found out the registrar of chat-avenue was DirecNic. Also, its C.E.O. was running from a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Shortly after that discovery, I found a man on web-cam who is almost unmistakable for the DirecNic C.E.O. I believe that some of the other people I’ve seen on cam may be his employees. The entire DirecNic staff, along with the C.E.O. vanished, however, I believe they use www.chat-avenue.com as a place to communicate. I’m not 100% sure though, but believe I’m correct. My first clue was when I noticed the staff at chat-avenue attacking and threatening people with chat-logs and pedophilia. I noticed that the entire chat would pick one person, then attack them. However, I thought I was dealing with some kind of cult that attacked children online. Yet, in one sense I was. The guy I first complained about became more disturbed. Aside from posting photos of mutilated corpses in the chat and trying to get a child to drink cough medicine, he started copy-pasting (I hope) horrid stories into the chat. Some of them involved a man killing a child with rough sex, and in gruesome detail. The next thing I noticed was when this guy started threatening users with chat-logs, and making websites to host them on. Finally, as my biggest clue, I noticed one of the moderators refer to this man as Philip. I also noticed other names that were said in the chat, however, it was never clear which chatter owned the name. I also noticed one of the moderators, Black Halo, being referred to as Alex. Now, Alex was the nicest person on chat-avenue, I thought, however, my opinion soon changed. I’ll get back to Alex in a moment. I decided to log in with my old name a few months ago, and see would happen. As I suspected, They remembered me as the guy who tried to turn their friend in. Also, like happened to the others, they started attacking me with threats of pedophilia and chat-logs. I laughed at their threats and mocked their web-sites, because, after all, I did nothing wrong. I decided to visit one of these attack sites they’d prepared for me, and boy was I surprised. My computer started downloading something called “WinRAR chatlogs” that opened with encoded language options. While trying to delete this file they’d placed on my computer, I noticed my computer had actually executed the file and installed something. After some research on Google, it turns out the file was actually a dangerous application known as a rouge connection wizard. What they planned to do with it, I don’t know, but I can only imagine. Now, lets get back to Alex. Mr. Alex, or BlackHalo, presented himself to be the definition of humbled kindness, he seemed to fend for people getting attacked and he also stated how it wasn’t right to treat people on the internet differently than people offline. So, I told Mr. Alex about what had happened and what Philip tried to do to my computer. He acted very concerned and said that he was going to go out of his way to report Philips IP to his ISP. After all, he said, even if he is using a proxy, the ISP will know where the connection is coming from. That made me fell a littler bit at rest, knowing at least someone had taken action against this creep. However, Philip never disappeared, and his chatlogs and threats kept coming. It was around the beginning of last month that I logged in as an anonymous guest and saw Philip threaten a chatter with a website called Perverted Justice. That being said, I Goggled Perverted Justice and found out that they work for NBC. After seeing that, I didn’t pay it any attention, because I knew NBC wouldn’t have drug-idled idiots attacking children for upcoming episodes with Chris Hansen. However, around three weeks ago, Philip attacked me, yet again, with a threat involving chatlogs— this time he mentioned Perverted Justice. Now, I was stumped, why was this retard pretending to be Philip Eide and going out of his way to host his chat-logs on websites of his own creation? Then, it hit me, I’d saw a photo of Eide on an encyclopediadramatica.com article, and below Eide’s photo was a picture of a . . . .I’m not sure what it was a picture of, but his/her name was Alex Manuel Nash. It then hit me that BlackHalo was called Alex, so I confronted BlackHalo. I asked him if he was, in fact, Alex Manuel Nash, and after a long eerie silence, he said “and this is?” Then, I just started putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. However, one thing still bothered me. There was no way Philip Eide would display behavior like that. Everybody pokes jokes around on the internet, but this guy was posting erotic stories about men killing children with rough sex. The administrator Sarah Lynn even said this man had posted child pornography into the chat. There was no way this man could be Philip Eide, and I was right, he wasn’t Philip Eide. In fact, his name was Philip, but not Philip Eide. I then thought back to the user Red, who obtained my phone number and threatened to place it in Philips fake chatlogs, and how she obtained my phone number mysteriously. I also remembered how Red pretended to be a 20 something French Canadian studying 3d art and modeling. However, I always knew her story wasn’t right, because she spoke like an old man using a voice changing application. Further more, she claimed to be around 28 but her face book profile showed a 16 year old Hispanic girl. She became violent and threatening after I turned down her attempts at cyber-sex. She accused me of being homosexual, however, I was already well aware she was, indeed, a man. After some searches on Google (God bless Google) I found out a man named Tobi founded Human Shield and his online name was Red Baroness. After I questioned Red/Tobi, he did, subtly admit up to it. However, I still shudder at the fact this man didn’t present himself to me as an underage girl. Instead he was trying to have cyber-sex with me as a 28 year old French Canadian woman. I hope, however, that he was attempting to have cyber-sex with me in order to gain knowledge of my e-mail address and social-networking sites. Yet, sadly, I don’t believe this was the case. Gross, right? It turns out, after a few slips of the fingers from Philips weak minded friends, he’s possibly a man named Philip Whittaker. Whittaker owns and operates a web-site called . Mind you this man uploaded child pornography to the chat, even an administrator admitted it, however, he fended off the accusations by saying the child in the photo was dead so he couldn’t get in trouble. That’s the most horrific statement I’ve ever herd in my life. I’d also like to remind you this man was the same individual who tried to coax the young girl to drink a bottle of cough medicine. What about the moderators who protected this man? Well, one of them goes by “CrashingWords” and people call her Mar. It turns out that Philip Whittaker has a girlfriend named Mara, or wife. I got really angry and decided to confront these people, and see what their reactions were. Firstly, I was told by this “William” guy that he was proud to catch pedophiles and that I might get in trouble for telling everyone. Then he says he is an FBI agent, then changes his story; he then says he works with the FBI. Finally he says he just talks to the FBI. In my opinion, they are criminals, aside from intercepting the e-mails I tried to send to on-line authorities, hacking my website and a person I’d interviewed, they tried to cover up the fact this Philip guy tried to get a child to drink a bottle of cough medicine on cam. They were also aware that he’d placed child pornography on the chat and they deleted it to cover it up. Then you have to consider the fact they are soliciting sex to minors via adult advertisements. And last but not least, what about this DirecNic C.E.O.? In one sense, I know a lot of people look like a lot of other people, but what’s the odds of a man resembling the DirecNic C.E.O. being on cam at a website hosted by DirecNic? A web-site full of corruption, mind you. I also noticed a lot of complaints about DirecNic on this same website. Also, the owner of chat-avenue was supposedly missing, and the moderators didn’t have the ability to remove certain people so they quit kicking them out. That was their story, however, the owner of chat-avenue is still there. I’ve seen him on cam recently. Also, It’s an odd coincident that Philip Whittaker is from Canada, and a poster on this website said she’d gotten abusive e-mails from the “owner” of chat-avenue. I think that’s strange. . . Especially since chat-avenue is located in California. Go figure. I would also like to believe that Xaviar Von Erck has no idea what these people are, or what they are doing. However, if Red is Red Baroness, then possibly he does. However, I will pray it's not true. |