Certified payment processing SCAM New York, New York |
6th of Apr, 2011 by User991201 |
Cedric Taylor Certified Payment Processing Corporate Hiring Manager 800.277.2602 fax 877.288.7556 ext 5730 [email protected] www.cpp-360.com Reply ForwardReplySolise to Cedric show details 1:10 PM (1 hour ago) But again, you don't sound professional...really. So try a degree in communications. And consider a position with morals! Solise- Show quoted text - Reply ForwardReplyCedric Taylor to me show details 1:19 PM (1 hour ago) Its called mimicking. You match the demeanor, voice tone, volume, and vocabulary of the person you are talking with. This enhances the communication process between the sender and the receiver. I understand that communication is not based on intent, but reception; so I apologize for you receiving my message incorrectly. Hopefully, next time you communicate with someone, you will keep this in mind. Finally, Have a good day. And Good luck with your job search. From: Solise
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:11 PM To: Cedric Taylor Subject: Re: My Contact info - Show quoted text - Reply ForwardReplySolise to Cedric show details 1:26 PM (1 hour ago) Apparently your mimicking did not work. If you were speaking to a person with a Cantonese accent do you mimic that? No, you would surely insult that person. And you philosophy is not taught in any communication course or sales workshop. Solise- Show quoted text - Reply ForwardReplyCedric Taylor to me show details 1:30 PM (1 hour ago) Actually it WAS taught in interpersonal COMMUNICATION. And secondly, obviously I wouldnt mimic an accent. That would be laughable. But I would put emphasis on our other commonalities. But anyway, I have a job; I would love to engage in more pointless banter with you, but you are way more skilled at it than me. So HAVE A GOOD DAY. From: Solise
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:26 PM To: Cedric Taylor Subject: Re: My Contact info Apparently your mimicking did not work. If you were speaking to a person with a Cantonese accent do you mimic that? No, you would surely insult that person. And you philosophy is not taught in any communication course or sales workshop. Solise On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Cedric Taylor wrote: Its called mimicking. You match the demeanor, voice tone, volume, and vocabulary of the person you are talking with. This enhances the communication process between the sender and the receiver. I understand that communication is not based on intent, but reception; so I apologize for you receiving my message incorrectly. Hopefully, next time you communicate with someone, you will keep this in mind. Finally, Have a good day. And Good luck with your job search. From: Solise Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:11 PM To: Cedric Taylor Subject: Re: My Contact info But again, you don't sound professional...really. So try a degree in communications. And consider a position with morals! Solise On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Cedric Taylor wrote: Cedric Taylor Certified Payment Processing Corporate Hiring Manager 800.277.2602 fax 877.288.7556 ext 5730 [email protected] www.cpp-360.com Reply ForwardReplySolise to Cedric show details 1:44 PM (1 hour ago) Making points up as you go along does not validate your claim. Secondly, it only undermines the lack of integrity of yourself and the company your represent. Lastly a person who "has a job" in the capacity that you do/claim further undermines the integrity of your company by wasting company time, and shows a complete lack of professionalism in representation of your company. Now hear this and obey if you have any good sense. Though I know that a guy like you is very tempted to respond, keep in mind if you do these series of emails are guaranteed to make it way to upper management. Also keep in mind since I do have a bit of time on my hands than you should I WILL DO MY DUE DILIGENCE to ensure that these series of emails make there way to the appropriate place. Now try your luck by responding... Solise- Show quoted text - Reply ForwardReplyCedric Taylor to me show details 2:04 PM (1 hour ago) Threats are pointless. You initiated this conversation with some fraudulent, defaming information about a company that I have worked with for three years. I am not ashamed of anything I have corresponded in these emails. I am defending my company. I would love for you to submit this series of emails to my upper management. This company has been in business for 20 years. That longevity speaks for itself. You accused my company of being a scam. I NEVER asked you for any money. Of course, we can not control the actions of business owners who unfortunately either change their mind or forget an appointment that they agree to. That is an unfortunate part of any appointment based sales position. We operate in good faith with our sales reps. And a sales person will understand there are good days and bad days. I wouldnt stay at a company for three years if it was unscrupulous or underhanded in any way. Wal-Mart is on Ripoff report. For the last time, HAVE A GOOD DAY. Cedric Taylor Certified Payment Processing Corporate Hiring Manager 800.277.2602 fax 877.288.7556 ext 5730 [email protected] www.cpp-360.com
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