Carolyn Gibson |
Carolyn Gibson, Pingry School Carolyn Dow Gibson: Psycho Private School |
14th of Jan, 2008 by User493312 |
Kudos to whoever had the good sense and the guts for putting a Ripoff Report on this website concerning a New Jersey private school "teacher" from the Pingry School called Carolyn Dow Gibson. I had the misfortune as a child to be subjected to the grotesque unprofessionalism of Mrs. Gibson. I am writing this now as a fully grown woman and I can say definitively that Mrs. Gibson was the worst, most
vicious, most two-faced, hypocritical, passive-aggressive freak I have ever known anywhere. Gibson was sociopathic. To be subjected to her in a school setting was beyond unconscionable on the part of the school I attended, another private prep school called Vail-Deane, which went bankrupt (and deserved to). Gibson absolutely thrived when it came to targeting certain children to use as depositories for her verbal abuse and total obnoxiousness, and she even told enormous, ludicrous lies about those she did not personally likein the hopes that she could get us thrown out of school. In my case she lied about me on the one hand, then would laugh in my face about it when no adults from the teaching staff or the administration happened to be around on the other. How convenient. At one point I was even threatened by her outside against the brick wall of the school building. It was disgusting. There I was, a private school kid whose parents were paying a lot of money for me to attend Vail-Deane, being threatened up against a brick wall. Literally. By Gibson. I remember her mocking kids in front of other kids, too. Her worst comment was about a shy little girl named Missy. Gibson was sitting there and sneering, "Missy - SHE'S the one with buck teeth, braces and glasses," and then laughing uproariously about that, as though it was funny. What kind of a sicko would sit there, as a TEACHER, and say such a thing, which only served to encourage kids to be cruel to a child who was totally harmless but just physically plain, like Missy was? At the time of that incident, Missy was eight (8) years old! And Carolyn Gibson was about 35. Watching Gibson was like watching a case of arrested development in action. How many people in their 30's need to mock kids the way that schoolyard bullies in grammar school do? But there was a major flaw in Carolyn Gibson's little game plan: she did not seem to realize that, bully certain children though she might, the day eventually dawns when those children grow up. Some of us even grow up and have no problem whatsoever with blowing the whistle on people like her. And then what happens to Mrs. Gibson's little house of cards? Like the fabled walls of Jericho, it comes a-tumblin' down! Carolyn Dow Gibson is a complete disgrace to teaching and to humanity. I think she works exclusively in private schools because she knows on some level that the public schools would never tolerate her emotional problems; she would not be able to fly under the radar as easily in a public school with an active PTA looking out for the children's interests. The Pingry School must be run by people who are either too cheap to pay teachers of a higher caliber than Gibson or too stupid to see what kind of a "woman" is standing before them when they look at her, because there's no other explanation as to why anybody in their right mind would hire Carolyn Dow Gibson. I caution parents against sending their children to Pingry or to any other school that would hire this strange and deeply sick woman. To paraphrase an old Vietnam era anti-war poster, "Carolyn Gibson is not healthy to children and other living things." Caesar's wife
Elizabeth, New Jersey U.S.A. |
Let me tell you something. I was the victim of child abuse at another school by one of the people who is now employed by Pingry's clueless administration. She was a really sick ticket and she should have been stopped in her tracks way back when. You want to stop this sort of thing? Then take some positive action! Install surveillance cameras in every single classroom! Preferrably ones with streaming video! Let the board, the administrators and the parents have a chance to access what's going on in those classrooms over their computers! Let every single move those teachers are making be on film so that the teachers have no choice but to be accountable for their actions. My, my, how nice that would be for a change with a psycho like that freak you've got on the staff! Then also allow the students to have phones that can record movies of what goes on in the classrooms if there isany kind of sicko trouble! If you already had that mother you've got on your staff in a position where she was getting filmed and had to answer to her superiors for every last one of her actions you would not be on Ripoff Report for being an abusive school that doesn't care about your students in the first place. Do something constructive and nip this in the bud and do it before she escalates and this gets worse. You don't know what you're dealing with on your staff, but I was abused by the same lunatic and I do know! |
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