Callan Krystofiak Callan Krystofiak - A LIAR WHO DOES NOT PAY HER BILLS, THEN SLANDERS THE INNOCENT. Madison, Wisconsin |
26th of Oct, 2011 by User367585 |
CALLAN KRYSTOFIAK – One word about sums her up, and that word would be “liar.†HORSE SELLERS BEWARE!!! CALLAN IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! A LIAR WHO DOES NOT FULFILL HER OBLIGATIONS, THEN LIES ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS ON THE INTERNET!! My unfortunate experiences with this lying, dead-beat, troublemaker began when she attempted to purchase a horse from me on a payment plan several years ago. Just as most payment plans, a horse payment plan has deadlines for receiving payments; deadlines, that must be met in a timely fashion. The only difference in a horse payment agreement is, that the buyer is also is obligated to pay for the horse’s care (AKA BOARDING EXPENSES: feed, hay, vet, farrier, etc.) while the horse is being paid for. After a certain number of days without payment, the buyer goes into default of the agreement, and the buyer forfeits their rights to the horse, and the sum already paid towards the horse. Callan saw no problem with this, and signed the agreement willingly. Needless to say, It wasn’t long before good ole CallCall was in default of her agreement/payment plan, and behind on her boarding expenses for care of the horse. She tried to come up with several excuses about wrecks, sick grandparents, and a few other colorful stories, before I just had enough. After extending her a “grace period†in order to try to help her with no success, I decided that it was time to take possession back of the horse due to unpaid boarding fees, and default of the contract. Just as the agreement clearly stated, I took back possession of the horse, and I kept the funds already paid. This is where my problems began. Callan was FURIOUS, even after I extended her a grace period on her agreement in order to try to help her. She threatened to sue me, and said that I would be “sorry†for taking back possession of the horse. This is where all my problems with Callan Krystofiak began. Just a short while after her idle threats of a lawsuit, I began noticing posts from for on the Chronicle of the horse Forums. She posted all over the website, that I can scammed her, stolen her money, and that she had sued me and won a settlement. Soon people started questioning her, and caught her in her lies. No matter, Callan just keeps on lying, because a liar is all that she is. This girl has so many online identities that it isn’t even funny. She obviously has no friends, and no life in order to spend such a vast amount of time sitting on the internet lying about people. On “The Chronicle Of The Horse Forums,†she has at least 2 identities that we know of. She poses at first as “HANNOMERCY†then shows up only minutes later as “LuneTheGrayMare†in order to appear to be 2 different people. In total, this mad cow posted over 85 messages about me and my farm from alias names. This girl has posted lies ALL over the internet, when SHE was the person at fault. Callan Krystofiak was unable to pay her bills, yet has the time to slander me all over the internet when I was just abiding by the terms of the agreement that she willingly signed. SELLERS BEWARE OF THIS ONE! SHE IS A SELLERS WORST NIGHTMARE. SHE CAN’T PAY, EVEN WHEN YOU TRY TO HELP HER, SHE WILL SLANDERS YOU, AND BECOME A HELPLESS VICTIM ON SOME ONLINE WEBSITE. SHE IS A HABITUAL LIAR WHO IS INCAPABLE OF TELLING THE TRUTH. SHE IS ALSO THE WORST RIDER THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN. SHE IS A JOKE, AND SHE SHOULD BE HUMILIATED FOR THE WAY THAT SHE BEHAVES. I NORMALLY NEVER POST THINGS LIKE THIS, BUT IT’S TIME TO EXPOSE THIS LIAR FOR WHAT SHE IS: A LYING DEAD-BEAT, WITH ENTIRELY TOO MUCH TIME ON HER HANDS. |
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