Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
brandon school division association
Caroline Emily Hall using Blackmail and Extortion
24th of Nov, 2011 by samantha_fox19
Brandon school division association

-Caroline Emily Hall using Blackmail and Extortion

This is Caroline Emily Hall using extortion and lies to con money out of our son, saying that if we don’t send her $100 she can’t come return our son's loan and promising to repay this is after she gave our son her sin card promising to come pick it up, it’s been over a year The snake is now in hiding, please help us to find her, Call Radmila at 613-728-6080 or
Bill Ferguson at 204-942-4567. Caroline even told us that she buried her mother and was broke yet her dead mother called our house about the ad in the Winnipeg Sun, Caroline is a thief and a con artist, all information will be kept confidential. You can see how evil and wicket she is like vampire sucking money out of our son, not caring if he is suffering and broke.

chief_spanking_monkey: hello
karly_0010: I have no one else to turn to m.......I need $100 to get my car out of the pound
karly_0010: can u send it tonight
chief_spanking_monkey: my family expecting me home March I haven’t looked for no one
chief_spanking_monkey: I haven’t touched sin card'
karly_0010: hey...u'll get ur money I just need to get my car out
karly_0010: otherwise i cant come
karly_0010: its 275 and i'm 100 short
chief_spanking_monkey: this is blackmail'
karly_0010: i'll do whatever u ask
chief_spanking_monkey: if i dont have money yiu dont want come
karly_0010: how can i come with no fukn vehicle
karly_0010: i plan to leave next week
chief_spanking_monkey: family7 expecting me home march
karly_0010: its only fukn 100 and not thousands
chief_spanking_monkey: money mart receipts be here
karly_0010: r u going to help me or not
chief_spanking_monkey: even letter for balnce of 3100
karly_0010: remember this i helped u many times
karly_0010: dont go there
karly_0010: making threats
chief_spanking_monkey: and even sign letter saying i not look for no one keep the peace
karly_0010: i have 2 hours before the shop closes
karly_0010: and tomorrow and monday is a holiday
karly_0010: help or not?
chief_spanking_monkey: sin card here didnt touch it
chief_spanking_monkey: money mart receipts will be here
karly_0010: will u help me out or not
chief_spanking_monkey: and even will write letter for balance
karly_0010: i've been there for u many times
chief_spanking_monkey: for income tax
karly_0010: the least u can do is help as well
chief_spanking_monkey: and signing paper saying i not look for no one
chief_spanking_monkey: i need to talk to my family
karly_0010: will you help or not....this will obviously b the last time
karly_0010: i just wan tto get my car out
chief_spanking_monkey: was the last time 2 years ago
karly_0010: i'm asking one last time
karly_0010: and its only 100
chief_spanking_monkey: is 3000 plus 100 or 3100
chief_spanking_monkey: every time is one last time
karly_0010: no problem paying u back....i got my income tax as well so no worries there
chief_spanking_monkey: money mart receipts is here
karly_0010: help me out here
chief_spanking_monkey: sin card is here
karly_0010: i want my car out
karly_0010: time is running out
chief_spanking_monkey: even write letter for balance
karly_0010: r u listening to me
chief_spanking_monkey: sign paper i keep the peace
karly_0010: r u going to help or not
chief_spanking_monkey: never looked for no one
chief_spanking_monkey: family expecting me home march
karly_0010: i'll even throw in another 200
chief_spanking_monkey: last time you gave sin card
chief_spanking_monkey: almost a year now
karly_0010: help me out here
chief_spanking_monkey: you not come for sin card
karly_0010: i fukn helped u
karly_0010: fuk
karly_0010: shit.....ur a shit head
chief_spanking_monkey: almost year sin card is here
karly_0010: u ruined so many things in my life
karly_0010: i dont hold that against u
chief_spanking_monkey: you said 2 weeks will return for sin card
karly_0010: and u fukn treat me this way
karly_0010: fukn shit
chief_spanking_monkey: is going almost year
karly_0010: u go to hell
karly_0010: get a fukn lawyer
chief_spanking_monkey: almost a year
karly_0010: we'll see how much u owe me and we'll settle this
karly_0010: in court
karly_0010: fukn shit
chief_spanking_monkey: you promised me come pick u8p sin card
karly_0010: cant even help me out here
karly_0010: so fuk u
karly_0010: asshole
chief_spanking_monkey: you said last time 2 years ago
chief_spanking_monkey: 2 years ago last time
karly_0010: well i guess i wont b making it this month
chief_spanking_monkey: 2 years ago was last time
karly_0010: so there
karly_0010: no car
karly_0010: no travel
karly_0010: more waiting for u
chief_spanking_monkey: you promised send cheque saw nothing
karly_0010: u wanted it in person
karly_0010: so dont fukn pull that shit on me
chief_spanking_monkey: ok yes
karly_0010: either help me or u piss urself off
chief_spanking_monkey: you said last time 2 years ago
karly_0010: i'm talking of me and my situation
karly_0010: not urs
karly_0010: i dont have time to argue
chief_spanking_monkey: sin card waiting almost a year was only be 2 weeks
karly_0010: i swear if i leave here mad i will not forgive u
karly_0010: and not only that
chief_spanking_monkey: i dont have even money for rent
karly_0010: but i wont have a way there
chief_spanking_monkey: let alone food
karly_0010: choice is urs
chief_spanking_monkey: still rent not yet paid from last month
karly_0010: make it and i'm out of here
chief_spanking_monkey: was 2 years now you kept saying last time
karly_0010: i'm talkin of this situation
karly_0010: not urs
karly_0010: whats it going to b
chief_spanking_monkey: i havent seen anything since year before when you gave 300
karly_0010: i have to let them know
karly_0010: whether i'm making the payment
karly_0010: if not they're closed tomorrow and monday
karly_0010: and i will not b there
karly_0010: bec. of no car
chief_spanking_monkey: only once you return 300
chief_spanking_monkey: and took back way over 1000
karly_0010: at least i did
karly_0010: shows u something
chief_spanking_monkey: only 1 time i saw return
karly_0010: but stop playing this game answer my question
chief_spanking_monkey: but not made nothing since
karly_0010: will u or not
chief_spanking_monkey: was 2 years said last time
karly_0010: fuk answer the question
chief_spanking_monkey: almost a year not pick up sin card
karly_0010: i have to tell them in 5 minutes
karly_0010: before they close
chief_spanking_monkey: money mart receipts here
chief_spanking_monkey: and will even write letter for income tax for balance and sign it
karly_0010: i'll check back in half hour for the number for the transaction....i have to go and sign papers
karly_0010: so u better b on ur way to money mart
chief_spanking_monkey: and even sign letter saying i keep peace not look for no one
karly_0010: i'll b here in half hour for u to give me the number
chief_spanking_monkey: i got nothing for money mart
chief_spanking_monkey: let alone money for rent
chief_spanking_monkey: let alone for food

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

Crissi helps Caroline scam family $3100

We got scammed by a teacher by the name of Caroline Emily Hall mother and
grandmother to Dawn Rose and Sonny [Keith] while she was married to her husband Mark Jason Hall and engaged and living with our son at the same time. She scammed our family for $3100 conning and lying telling our son that she can't return his loan till he sent her $150 for gas using blackmail and extortion, threatening to put our son behind bars if he didn’t send her money. Her last visit to Winnipeg where she had sex with our son in the back seat of her cousins crissi’s red van, she gave our son her sin card last 5 digits 03-704 signed E. Caroline Hall with promise to come back and pick up her card and return the borrowed $3100, this was last summer and still no return, we believe she is hiding in Brandon in a 7 bedroom house with an indoor pool, red room with pool table, she is a crook not living in poverty. Mark Jason Hall is not man enough to come pick up his wife's bra and panties along with items belonging to his son sonny [Keith] and his daughter dawn rose. There are 2 full boxes of your wife’s clothes Mark, along with sensuous text messages, love letters and money mart receipts. The whole Hall family is crooked and has no back bone, even Mark's mother a Winnipeg district school board supervisor is a coward and a crooked scam artist like her daughter in-law for she didn't reply to the ad in the Winnipeg Free Press

Looking for school board supervisor regarding legal matters
while your daughter in-law Caroline Emily Hall was engaged and
living with our mentally challenged son.
We need to talk for you & Mark don't have a clue of the pain
and suffering Caroline is putting our family and son through
by not returning his belongings and ring, money
so he can come home Radmila 613-728-6080

This ad cost our family a lot of money, hoping that the mother of Mark Jason hall being a Winnipeg school board supervisor would be professional and have compassion being a mother herself. But instead it seems she was on the scam to scam our family $3100, and thousands of dollars in computer hardware and software, office equipment and kitchen appliances. How much did Caroline pay Mark's mother to ignore the ad and not reply to us. This a double scam both Mark Jason Hall and his mother, Mark is a guidance councilor advising young children, is this who you want to guide your children, a man too coward to come pick up his wife's bra and panties from her fiancée who his wife was engaged to at the same time while being married to Mark. Please help us so to get back our family engagement ring, belongings and $3100 which was conned by yours truly Manitoba School Boards Association finest Caroline Emily Hall, all information will be held in the strictest confidence Radmila 613-728-6080 and Dave 204-942-4567, any help
would be most appreciated.

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi

- Caroline Emily Hall-Brandon/Winnipeg school teacher

Please help us with the contact information of one Caroline Emily Hall,
elementary school board member thief and con artist, believed now
living in Brandon, with her cousin her son sonny [Keith] and her daughter
Dawn Rose and her new daughter, in a 7 bedroom house, with pool table in
the rec room, indoor swimming pool, while she rips off our son $3100
and not return our family engagement ring; she was living with our son
on 2 separate occasions he took her in when she had no place to live
in Winnipeg, sent her money when her own husband kicked her out, while
she was still engaged to our son and still sleeping with our son when
visiting Winnipeg, that is adultery, being married and engaged to another
man at the same time.
Her previous address was Troy Ave, Winnipeg; she is in her late thirties
approx 5ft 4in, long black hair, driving big red 4 door car wears
tinted blue rectangular glasses, was married to a mark Jason, Mark
Jason Hall is a school board member guidance teacher, Mark's mother
is a district school board supervisor in Winnipeg, also believed to
be in on the scam to scam our family $3100 because when an ad was
posted looking for her in the Winnipeg Free Press, she wasn't, woman
enough to reply and talk to us, is this the kind of crooked district
school board supervisors working in Winnipeg. Mark's mother doesn't
know that Caroline was living and sleeping with our son while still
married to Mark, and that Caroline told us that she used to visit Mark
at work and have sex in his office, the son of a school board district
supervisor having sex in a school office Caroline Emily hall has 2
children teenagers, sonny [Keith], and dawn rose who recently had a
baby, Caroline mother lives in Winnipeg on portage avenue near the
perimeter, her uncle Greg for years ran the native addiction centre
in Brandon, downtown, Greg is married to Barbara they have a daughter
Christine, who owns a red minivan, also Caroline has cousins, Nicki
common law wife to roman, who have a 1 year old girl, René who is
living common law with Jake, and another cousin Sabrina, and a male
cousin named Jackson and a friend Ricky, Caroline previous license
plate number is dzu544, if you any information about this woman
or her husband please call Radmila 613-728-6080 or Dave 204-942-4567
She is wanted for entrapment, blackmail of over $3,100 and in
possession of property not belonging to her, refusing to return computer
and over 100 dvd software along with office equipment and kitchen appliances.
Told us she buried her mother and didn’t have money to return loan yet her mother called us regarding an ad in the Winnipeg Free Press. This is a Manitoba School Board Association teacher lying about her mother passing away the teacher of maybe your own children, is this who you want to teach your children set an example.
All information and identity will be kept confidential, please help us to
get back our family's money and belongings from this person, who calls herself a teacher,

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family
inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

- School teacher steals $3100

Caroline Emily Hall formerly of Troy Ave Winnipeg,
mother and grandmother to Dawn Rose Sonny [Keith] has
stolen from our family $3100 she was repaid her $1,500
for bringing our son to Ottawa when she was living with
our son, while still married to her husband Mark Jason
Hall, our son took her in twice, she even came to Ottawa
and ate with us at our home, then her daughter Dawn Rose
ran away from home, and our son felt sorry and helped her
with loans from money mart, which she promised to repay
and even asked for our sons banking information and mailing
address and nothing was returned. Caroline Emily Hall said
she had a flood in her house but no insurance papers were
shown and thousands of dollars in computer equipment and
software never returned all that was offered was a Toshiba
satellite laptop, several years old only worth $300 max.
She was living with our son while still married to her
husband, and that is adultery, and even confessed to our
son that she slept with Roman her cousins Niki's boyfriend
who have been common-law for many years and that is incest,
and even told son she slept with Jackson, she said "I know
how far I let him go" and that is also incest. She also told
our how she used to go down to her husband’s school who was
then a guidance councilor and have sex in his office, that
is breaking Manitoba school boards violations.
If anyone knows this Caroline Emily Hall please call
Radmila at 613-728-6080, so that we can try to recover the
$3,100 she stole from pour son so that he may come home,
She told our son that she couldn’t repay because she buried her
mother, her mother then called our house regarding an ad in
The Winnipeg Sun, what kind of person lies about burying their
own mother, her mother is alive and living on Portage close to
the perimeter. Please help us Caroline is hurting our family
and we need the $3100 she conned our son out of, she even used
Blackmail saying that if our son didn’t give her money the
Police would be at his door step and saying she needed $150
for gas or she can’t bring our son his money. That is extortion.
All information and names will be held confidential, she is
supposed to be a Manitoba school boards association teacher, do you
want your children being taught by this woman.
Help us please tell all your friends to read this post or send
this post to everyone you know

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

Teacher is a thief

Where is our son's $3100?

Caroline last summer when you had sex with our son in the back seat
of Crissi’s van, while still married to your husband and asked to borrow
another $100 for a total of $3100 our son asked for some guarantee that you would return to repay all the money and you gave him your sin card, last 5 Numbers 03-704 card was signed E Caroline Hall. We have the legal right to look for you any means or ways possible till you return the family engagement ring, the $3100 borrowed, the rest of our family’s belongings in your possession, office equipment and kitchen appliances and show us the proof of the flood in your basement where $5, 000 in computer, computer equipment and over 100 software DVDs were lost.
You were still married to Mark while sleeping with our son all those years and never got the divorce you promised, and you slept with Roman your cousin
Nikki's man, like you said in that phone call that night you called our son to hurt him and make him feel worse, now all will know that you slept with Roman and do you remember that Christmas you told our son how you slept with Ricky at the Clarion hotel while married to your husband and engaged to our son, Caroline you are technically still engaged to our son, since you never returned the ring just like when you wanted $50 to buy back the ring at the pawnshop, saying you lost it and you saw it at the pawnshop; you took the $50 from our son but never returned
the ring, then you said your mom died, you had to bury her, but she called our house regarding the ad in the Winnipeg free press. Caroline is living in a big house, pool table in rec room and indoor pool, 7 bedrooms with her cousin, her daughter Dawn Rose and her son sonny aka Keith, 2 very expensive Himalayan cats, Doberman pincher, yet she refuses to return our sons $3100 used through blackmail, telling our son she will
put him in jail if he doesn’t give her money, and extortion telling our son that you can’t return his money if he don’t send you $150 for gas, when you had his mailing address and bank info to do direct deposit. Caroline we believe is in Brandon cause when she spoke to him on the phone she said that Nikki and roman were in the pool and the house with the pool is in Brandon. When Dawn Rose ran away from home we helped your
daughter now you keep our son stranded in Winnipeg won’t return his $3100,.
Attention all parents if you know anything about Caroline Emily Hall her contact information for work and home and how we can contact her to get our money and belongings back please call Radmila at 613-728-6080, please help us Caroline should not even be a teacher.

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

Mark Jason Hall husband of Caroline Emily Hall

Mark Jason Hall can you please return to our family your wife's
engagement ring given to her by our son in Brandon inside a 4 door
brown impala license plate dzu544, your wife promised to marry our son
in March of that year and start a family, telling our son that she was
in the middle of a divorce and begged our son to come up and be with her,
long story short she ran back to her marriage with you, but still was
sleeping with our son while married to you, sleeping with our son
at the airport motel in Winnipeg on numerous occasions and the Viscount Gort hotel, Mark we have your wife’s bra and panties and love letters
and cell texts and money mart receipts your wife didn’t return the loans
for helping Caroline when you kicked her out of the house, she begged our son for $150 for hotel, and last summer gave our son her sin card last 5 numbers 03 - 704 with the name E. Caroline Hall, just so you know she slept with our son in the back seat of Crissi van that same night, while you were still married to your precious Caroline. Be a man and return the $500 engagement ring which your daughter Dawn Rose may still be wearing, you seen the ring yellow gold, 2 carat blue sapphire heart and diamond on each side, and also Mark can you return the $3100 your wife blackmailed our son for, telling our son that she will put him in jail if he didn’t give her money, also mark she said she buried her mother but her mother called our house replying to an ad in the Winnipeg free press. Mark if you think your man enough to return our family’s ring and money please call Radmila at 613-728-6080

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

Caroline Emily Hall Scams $3100

We got scammed by a teacher by the name of Caroline Emily Hall mother and
grandmother to Dawn Rose and Sonny [Keith] while she was married to her husband Mark Jason Hall and engaged and living with our son at the same time. She scammed our family for $3100 conning and lying telling our son that she can't return his loan till he sent her $150 for gas using blackmail and extortion, threatening to put our son behind bars if he didn’t send her money. Her last visit to Winnipeg where she had sex with our son in the back seat of her cousins Crissi’s red van, she gave our son her sin card last 5 digits 03-704 signed E. Caroline Hall with promise to come back and pick up her card and return the borrowed $3100, this was last summer and still no return, we believe she is hiding in Brandon in a 7 bedroom house with an indoor pool, rec room with pool table, she is a crook not living in poverty. Mark Jason Hall is not man
enough to come pick up his wife's bra and panties along with items belonging to his son Sonny [Keith] and his daughter Dawn Rose. There are 2 full boxes of your wife’s clothes Mark, along with sensuous text messages, love letters and money mart receipts. The whole Hall family is crooked and has no back bone, even Mark's mother a Winnipeg district school board supervisor is a coward for she didn't reply to the ad in the Winnipeg Free Press

Looking for school board supervisor regarding legal matters
while your daughter in-law Caroline Emily Hall was engaged and
living with our mentally challenged son.
We need to talk for you & Mark don't have a clue of the pain
and suffering Caroline is putting our family and son through
by not returning his belongings and ring, money
so he can come home Radmila

This ad cost our family a lot of money, hoping that the mother of Mark Jason hall being a Winnipeg school board supervisor would be professional and have compassion being a mother herself. But instead it seems she was on the scam to scam our family $3100, and thousands of dollars in computer hardware and software, office equipment and kitchen appliances. How much did Caroline pay Mark's mother to ignore the ad and not reply to us. This a double scam both Mark Jason Hall and his mother, Mark is a guidance councilor advising young children, is this who you want to guide your children, a man too coward to come pick up his wife's bra and panties from her fiancée who his wife was engaged to at the same time while being married to Mark.
Please help us so to get back our family engagement ring, belongings and $3100 which was conned by yours truly Manitoba School Boards Association finest Caroline Emily Hall, all information will be held in the strictest confidence Radmila 613-728-6080 and Dave 204-942-4567, any help would be most appreciated

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline
not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


Manitoba School Boards Association

- who wants to spank Crissi???

Attention mother in-law of Caroline Emily Hall

Mother in-law of Caroline Emily Hall, we know you’re a district school board Supervisor for the city Of Winnipeg, and that your son Mark Jason Hall, Caroline claims that Hall is not her husband’s last name; we know Caroline has been using the name Montero on yahoo.
We have asked you mother of Caroline Emily Hall to contact us in the Winnipeg Free Press because Caroline Emily Hall is hurting our son and this family by not returning his belongings, engagement ring and $3100 so he can return home. Caroline Emily Hall has been committing adultery living and sleeping with our son in Winnipeg while married to your son Mark, and committing incest while married to your son Mark, she told our son when she called late one night that she had sex with Roman her cousin Nikki's common-law husband when they now have a baby girl with, and she told our son she slept with Jackson she told our son "I know how far I let him go", all this while she was married to Mark your son and engaged to our son at the same time. Plus she used extortion to con money out of our family and son, telling us that if we didn’t send her $150 for gas that she can't come return his loan, when she had his banking information and mailing address to mail cheques like she promised.
Mother in-law of Caroline Emily Hall did you know that Caroline’s mother died and Caroline said she was broke because she had to bury her mother who later called us regarding an ad in the Winnipeg Free Press. Mrs. Hall, Montero or whatever your last name is District School Board Supervisor for Winnipeg you are just a big of crook and con artist like your daughter in-law for not being a real woman and call us when you saw the ad we hope that the minister of Education reads this and fires both you and Caroline. last thing Caroline told our son how she used to visit her husband Mark and have sex with him in his office, is having sex in a
councilor’s office during school time allowed or is that part of the school benefits along with the free massages Caroline needs so many of.

The picture you see is her cousin Crissi, don’t let her pretty looks fool you, she is mean and heartless
{Yes the picture is a hot babe}
and by looking at her picture she needs to be spanked, Crissi is also scamming our family telling Caroline not to repay our son his $3100 borrowed so he can come home and return his belongings. She has now dyed her hair blonde and is a lazy unemployed housewife who refuses to work because she is living on family inheritance. Her first husband left her and now she conned a lawyer to marry her so she don't have to work.
Pretty good a lazy beach blonde conning a lawyer which goes to show that lawyers think with their penis and not their heads if he was dumb enough to marry an unemployed housewife. She told our son that we don't have
a chance in hell to get back our money and belongings, it will be a cold day in Hell before Crissi's picture comes down from the internet. Her father is Greg and his wife Barbara who used to run the native addiction
center in Brandon. Greg helps people while his daughter scams people, Greg you should be ashamed of your lazy daughter the con artist waiting for family members to die to leave her money so she don’t have to work.


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