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Escort who is a MURDER! Brittney
31st of Jul, 2012 by Robbed on
This woman is running from police in two states. BEWARE she has two guns! Call police if you see her!

Escort who is a MURDER! Brittney Escort who is a MURDER! Brittney Escort who is a MURDER! Brittney Escort who is a MURDER! Brittney

4619 days ago by Kuuq
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4619 days ago by Brittney Sucks Dick For $2
d, is a comprehensive package of hunting kits and jewelry made of ostrich egg and marine shell beads.

Backwell, who was part of the team of international researchers that made the find, said the artifacts created as many as 44, 000 years ago served the same purposes as they would today.

"They all have a specific reason we understand, that's why we can name them, " Backwell said.

The researchers' articles said the Border Cave people used poisoned arrows to hunt and put spiral engraving on arrowheads to indicate ownership. The latter practice has been preserved in the San culture, they said.

Professor Francesco d'Errico of the French National Research Centre, who led the research team, said that the findings tell of a people who were highly evolved.

"They were fully modern genetically and cognitively, " d'Errico said.

Their cognitive development is evident in their symbolic behavior, the professor said. The ostrich egg beads were not only ornaments, but played a major role in bartering with neighboring groups, he said. That practice continues today.

The paper claimed that the fossils show that all modern culture came from southern Africa, though the researchers acknowledged it remains difficult to pinpoint where in history that modernity began.

Eric Delson, a paleoanthropologist at Lehman College of the City University of New York, said that while the testing used by the researchers to determine the age of the fossils was very clear and reliable, the findings didn't support the idea that all modern human cultures are connected to this find.

He said there is evidence that a modern culture already existed in Europe around the time the new find is dated.

"They say, 'Modern human behavior first found!'" Delson said. "Well, not exactly."

He did, however, applaud the research for finding the origins of one specific group of modern people.

Scientists from Britain, France, Italy, Norway, South Africa and the U.S. all took part in the research, helmed out of the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

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4619 days ago by Brittney Is Wanted
brittneys link
4619 days ago by Brittney Is Wanted
brittneys link
4619 days ago by Brittney Is Wanted
353 days ago by Msfoxxx
Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create stories for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.The Percentage of Escorts In Atlanta and what they charge whether it be cheap or High End, My Blog, Ads and Everything you posted Do Not have anything not One Thing to do with you lying on me...SLANDER!
353 days ago by Marie Laveaux
The only lies being told are the delusions you continue to type via the net. No one is jealous of you because you have nothing to be jealous of, you're broke and broken. Consider this, you posted that another provider was HIV positive, you did that, everyone on backpage knows you did that, including the provider. The only thing she did was tell you she did not want to work with you and you posted that she had a disease, called her the craigslist killer #2 to be exact. Now here you are acting all crazed and disturbed that someone else did the same thing to you that you did to another, lol. The person who wrote the report on you did not slander you, everything they said about you are the very things you do. You offer bareback services, you have sex with no condom. I don't know if you are HIV positive, I can't say that for sure. But the person who said that you were has to be drawing from the conclusions of your actions. As long as I have been a provider I have never seen not one person post creampies as a service, not one, until you that is. So to you I ask, what is the probability of you being infected if everyone you have sex with is unprotected? Even if you are not, the chances that you will be are quite high, just a little something for you to dwell on, instead of using me as an excuse for your failing business marketing ploys, lol.
353 days ago by Msfoxxx
The Only Lies Being Told Are Coming From and the delusions you continue to type via the net. You dont know Shit About me. I'm FAR FROM BROKE and Broken. That TRUTH is You are Trying To Make Me Go Broke Thats' The Reality of this Matter, The Report And rebuttals.

Consider this, You are THE ONLY PERSON So Deeply Concerned and taking all the time out to HATE, SPEND MONEY ON BACKPAGE TO LIE FOR MONEY and attention and insinuate fucked up shit about me, Bring Others Into It that don't have a thing to do with what you are saying about me and your own petty opinions about me...???

Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create FABOULOUS STORIES for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.

The TRUTH Is... The Report about me Is A LIE. The Initial Report and You Slandering Me. The Only Enemy I Seem To Have is YOU. You are taking so much time out to try to explain things that aren't True In Addition, your Own Opinions about me and Not Others! You are a Liar and Dirty As Hell To Lie to me online and Post Lies.

Kaylani Foxxx doesn't FAKE, Stunt or Lie Nor go online playing games, KAYLANI has face to face discussions, I dont Play Text Message Games. I have the right to defend my honor & Reputation, and will continue to do so.

Just know when you make false accusations against me KAYLANI FOXXX to obtain attention and to increase traffic to your site or Phone or BACKPAGE Ads. I will respond and Act accordingly!

By the Way...I'm Not Going To Waste Anymore Time On You or Lies and Your Hatred.

MAY GOD BLESS YOU in All Your SCAM Ventures!
4619 days ago by Brittney Is Wanted
353 days ago by Msfoxxx
Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create stories for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.The Percentage of Escorts In Atlanta and what they charge whether it be cheap or High End, My Blog, Ads and Everything you posted Do Not have anything not One Thing to do with you lying on me...SLANDER!
353 days ago by Marie Laveaux
The only lies being told are the delusions you continue to type via the net. No one is jealous of you because you have nothing to be jealous of, you're broke and broken. Consider this, you posted that another provider was HIV positive, you did that, everyone on backpage knows you did that, including the provider. The only thing she did was tell you she did not want to work with you and you posted that she had a disease, called her the craigslist killer #2 to be exact. Now here you are acting all crazed and disturbed that someone else did the same thing to you that you did to another, lol. The person who wrote the report on you did not slander you, everything they said about you are the very things you do. You offer bareback services, you have sex with no condom. I don't know if you are HIV positive, I can't say that for sure. But the person who said that you were has to be drawing from the conclusions of your actions. As long as I have been a provider I have never seen not one person post creampies as a service, not one, until you that is. So to you I ask, what is the probability of you being infected if everyone you have sex with is unprotected? Even if you are not, the chances that you will be are quite high, just a little something for you to dwell on, instead of using me as an excuse for your failing business marketing ploys, lol.
353 days ago by Msfoxxx
The Only Lies Being Told Are Coming From and the delusions you continue to type via the net. You dont know Shit About me. I'm FAR FROM BROKE and Broken. That TRUTH is You are Trying To Make Me Go Broke Thats' The Reality of this Matter, The Report And rebuttals.

Consider this, You are THE ONLY PERSON So Deeply Concerned and taking all the time out to HATE, SPEND MONEY ON BACKPAGE TO LIE FOR MONEY and attention and insinuate fucked up shit about me, Bring Others Into It that don't have a thing to do with what you are saying about me and your own petty opinions about me...???

Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create FABOULOUS STORIES for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.

The TRUTH Is... The Report about me Is A LIE. The Initial Report and You Slandering Me. The Only Enemy I Seem To Have is YOU. You are taking so much time out to try to explain things that aren't True In Addition, your Own Opinions about me and Not Others! You are a Liar and Dirty As Hell To Lie to me online and Post Lies.

Kaylani Foxxx doesn't FAKE, Stunt or Lie Nor go online playing games, KAYLANI has face to face discussions, I dont Play Text Message Games. I have the right to defend my honor & Reputation, and will continue to do so.

Just know when you make false accusations against me KAYLANI FOXXX to obtain attention and to increase traffic to your site or Phone or BACKPAGE Ads. I will respond and Act accordingly!

By the Way...I'm Not Going To Waste Anymore Time On You or Lies and Your Hatred.

MAY GOD BLESS YOU in All Your SCAM Ventures!
4619 days ago by 4328493
Brittany says Odette stole her client's money. Read:

I am a Brittany's friend. I have known her for over two years. She a honest, generous and kind person. This ad was placed by Mambo Odette (Google her, get past her propaganda, and you can see she has perpetrated multiple scams, cons, thefts, false 911 calls and child abuse.). Brittany not only believed Mambo Odette's con but, sent her thousands of dollars during the past few years. When Brittany finally met Mambo Odette, Odette stole Brittany's ID and Six Thousand Dollars cash from her. Odette then made a false 911 call saying that there was a crazy, armed women running around the beach where Odette had left Brittany in the rain, without any money or ID. (The false 911 call is Odette's typical response after she has committed a crime. It is a smoke screen to confuse the police and slow their response, giving her time to escape. When you Google her, you will see she has a history of doing this.) Fortunately for Brittany, the state trooper who responded not only believed her but knew of Odette. There is a warrant issued in Delaware for Odetta Washington, her real name.
Since then, Odette has harassed and threatened Brittany with phone calls and texts. This is an escalation of the harassment. Brittany has submitted a report about Mambo Odette on This is the link: She has also set up a website about Odette:
This is simply an attempt by a malicious person to cover her own crime. This is called ad hominem, an attempt to hide the truth by attacking the person telling the truth.
My name is Storm and my email is [email protected].
4618 days ago by [email protected]
im not wanted but at on point a long time ago i stole something to feed my family odette stole my money and laughed that i had to sell my body to try torepair their trailorand odette had her kids help her steel six thousand from me shes so retarded the trooper has myreal name now and i wasnt before we are prosecuting now ivesaved all herherassing texts for court and she is being sued for slander over the internet please contactt trooper low in dover DE if u dnt believe me shes so funny i fed her and her starving children and payed for a religiouse ceremony herown niece hates her and says shesthis way cuz her mama treated her like preciouse from the movie shehas no life but scams she needs to get a life odette i swear on my mothhers grave your going down in court for this murder lol ur mouth is going to drop when u find out im notwanted all the blackmailing u did is being snt to dover pd herassment about my dead son and mother dieing along with a friend of mine dieing is low but i dont care now because i will avenge them in courtbitch im sueing u for emotional damage if i had to go to jail for steeling to get my six thousand back i willi have text with u admitting u bout a truck with it along with pics of u holding my money u sent me and on the net u blackmailed by keeping a pic of me on the sight all because u believed a rumor i told u was a rumor myself now thats not very phSYCHIC now u want to take my hustle away because i showed u it and ur very jealouse bitch get a life u fat ugly ho uhave five baby daddies ur niece said all by different fathhers u cant keep one u cant even keep your house clean u lazy piece of shit the jigis up after u go to jailur sight is to be shut down my mother worked voodoo and even predicted 911 u cant even read tea leaves voodoo can not be found through the net
4618 days ago by [email protected]
fat ass charcoal bitch nobodies guna but that shit anymore ODETTES NOT HAITIAN

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