Assurance claims to sell a "comprehensive" warranty plan to fix your appliances, e.g., washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator should they break during the year you are insured with them. What they do not tell you is that they will make it as difficult as possible to schedule repairs, they will not guarantee when repairs will be scheduled, and they will ship any necessary parts on the slowest/cheapest shipping method possible so parts could take 12 days to arrive. My washing machine broke on January 23, 2013, after Assurance was closed for the day. I called on January 24, and I was told their was a "problem" and they could not schedule my repair, to call back in 24 hours. I asked to speak to a supervisor who told me the same thing, and they refused to schedule the repair. I called back 24 hours later, and they could not schedule a repair until the following week. I took off an afternoon of work to wait from 12-6pm for the repairperson who never showed up, and at 6pm Assurance was closed for the day. I called the next day and was told the repairperson was sick and I had to wait another 48-72 hours for another repairperson. Later that week a repair person arrived, and he said it would take 5-7 days for a part to arrive. It has now been 7 days, and I am told today that the part will be at least another 5 days, and then I have to wait to reschedule a repair person. The repair company told me Assurance does not authorize overnight shipping of parts. So I am waiting 2-3 weeks minimum to get my washing machine fixed, with a family of 5, and after escalating my complaint to the highest person at Assurance who would speak to a consumer, they refuse to expedite the repair. They also refuse to give me any refund for my insurance with them, so I cannot call a local repairperson myself to get my washing machine fixed this week. They also said even if the part arrives in the next 5 days, and even if I am available at home, they cannot guarantee that it will be fixed next week. |