Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Ashra Spells
ashra spells free spells by ashra Fraud,scammers sydney, Australia
12th of May, 2011 by User814892
ashra is a complete cold hearted thief that preys on broken hearts claiming to have won spell casters awards,infact we have seen all sorts of award ceremonies on tv or media but spell caster awards must be done in someones bedroom,I am a victim and I purchased her spell this year 2011 and believe me nothing works,she is however clever and responds to your mail for some time but she then lays low and silent once she knows you have found out about her,people claiming that her spells actually work are either her aliases or partners in fraud,watch out from this thief and her crew,but know that karma is a bitch because what goes around will come back to haunt the living daylights out of her and the scammers out there,my fellow victims or curious yet to be victims please please take your hard earned money to the bank or just spoil yourself,thank you "ripoffreport" for the opportunity to make people aware of such people like ash rat , ashra karma will track you down like it did to osama,
5051 days ago by Zodiac
She's done the same to me, people please stay away from her.
5039 days ago by Audie
my name is audrey and i happened to be scammed by some people on the internet proving to be spellcasters but got no result. I did one last week and happy to tell you that this worked. Though some con us of our money but i didnt relent. I will say i am the happies woman on planet earth now cause i got my husband back from you becky. I won the battle. nOw if there is anyone with a relationship problem or marriage problem you can be rest assured if you do search well you will get solution. My contact is [email protected] if you want to meet this spellcaster i used.
5033 days ago by Sourcecode
The person who posted this "fake complaint" was never a client. Just some competitor trying to hurt the reputation of others to lure in victims.

The administrator of this website did provide me with the email address belonging to the person (above) and they email and name doesn't even match anyone I have help in the past.

The original complaints have been removed because the client has chosen to remove them. The statements were no longer valid or correct. It was their personal choice to not support the lies and misrepresentation of this website.

I wouldn’t take this website too seriously. It seems a lot of people who have never had contact with me like to type and make gossip for their own entertainment. In this way, they seem to be “entertained”.

Anyone who has been misinformed about how to receive a refund can use the link above to make their request and provide their details.

This is the only profile that I post under. I think people need to exercise caution and avoid trusting people who post, but have never been a client. There are plenty of people on here that are not interested in the better interest of the person or client.

Those people that have been a client and are seeking a refund can make their requests here:
5033 days ago by Sourcecode
Many people have informed me about the false complaints that we posted on this site along with Ripoff Reports and Compliant Boards by a Ed Magedson.

Ed Magedson is the main suspect in an FBI investigation along with his extortion sites: RipoffReports and ComplaintBoards.

Please take the time to read the following articles I have provided below. It's important you understand how this man goes about blackmailing businesses for money.

Other Links:

All businesses will get complaints, but how those businesses handle those complaints separates good business from bad business.

Thousands of Companies are hurt by Complaints Board every year. In fact Ed Magedson makes millions per year blackmailing companies in exchange for money. Here are a list of the latest complaints filed against Complaints Boards.

Comment by Tina Norris:
I have defamatory comments written about my company that are not true. I want this company hut down. Someone needs to be monitoring the usage from individuals. Their sole intent is to ruin company names or extort money from businesses, which is illegal.

Comment by Karin Bennett:
Thank you so much for all your legal information. I am actually also thinking about a way to take complaintsboard to court for enabeling defamatory statements about businesses and private persons without checking the justification of such comments. My husband has been called a THIEF, a loser, a bad parent and many more things on this website by different people who got their feelings hurt by him. I know that those women who accused him of all of that could not win on court against him and this is the reason why they now turn around and continue their fight on the complaints board website. These things have to stop.

Comment by Deb:
I totally agree that some VERY serious action should be taken against this company! I am a business owner and I have found that there have been 3 complaints posted against me in the last few days all detrimental to my reputation. I am so severally affected by this emotionally I have no idea what to do or where to turn. For almost a decade I put my heart and soul into building my business and find that it could crumble down within a matter of weeks or months...and WHY? What is this person's (Elizabeth Arden) motive for destroying people's lives? Is she receiving compensation for allowing individuals to post these lies? What can be done? Someone HELP!!

Comment by Jill Kelleher:
The complaint board is trying to ruin my company's reputation by posting lies from people who I have never heard of. They certainly are not my clients. I will offer a total refund to anyone of them if they can prove they are a client. Some sites are asking me for money and this is extortion!
I have built a wonderful company that has taken 23 years of sacrifice and hard work ethics based on honesty and plain old good American values. You treat one another as you would treat yourself or your family. In 23 years I have had very few complaints and those few were happily resolved out of thousands of clients. Check the BBB, as we have a A+ rating. The complaint board never checks anything.
They may even be the ones posting the lies to direct more advertising to their site. Or a competitor is paying them to put me out of business.

Comment by Justin Smith:
We've had a problem with this website, too. A competitor went on there and wrote false information to hurt us. This website really does need to be shut down, or Google needs to blacklist it. It's not doing anyone any good. Sites like these should be monitored more closely.

Comment by Suzanne Damadio:
I have just recently learned of this website. A potential customer/client asked me about the information posted on complaintsboard. The complaints were written by a disgruntled family. It is full of false allegations that could be potentially damaging to our business. This venue of communication is cowardly becasue there is no accountablity. I would be willing to activily pursue the discontinuation of this irresponsible website.

Comment by Anonymous: is a joke. It's all one sided. I'm not even a merchant. I'm just a consumer and I disagreed with a lot of the complaints on that board. My IP was banned. Haha. They never gave me a reason it just said I was banned. My language always remained professional and wasn't even irate like the complaints on that site.

Comment by Abbas:
We recently were made aware of a disgruntled employee who posted a complaint on There was out right slander & defamation and could possibly hurt business. There has to be a way to stop this website as they refused to retract and pull the false claims and statement being made. I will join any venture or lawsuit as we are pursuing one of very own against them and Melbourne IT as suggested in the comments above. This needs to be regulated and must stop immediately.

Comment by Vinod:
I am closely reading the complaints on complaint board and found/concluded that the management of the complaint board is not fair at all and their way of working is very disgusting which gives encouragement to the bogus and false complaints. The idea of posting a complaint anywhere at any site is always to finish the wrong business practices and the duty of the management of those sites including the complaints board should be the varification of the complaint first and then resolve the matter in the interest of the public. I found that complaint board is working on one side only and giving encouragement to false complaints to have their revenue up by postings. They do not hear the other side which is very much wrong and they must stop it or face the consequences.They have no right to black mail people/business men like this and everyone should be given a hearing before publishing a complaint. The false complaintants are required to be dealt strictly and should not be encouraged.

The list goes one... There are over 100, 000 complaints filed against complaint boards and Ripoff Reports over the last 12 months and many companies have filed a lawsuit against them.

Love and Light,
4890 days ago by Godskeykeeper
Hi people my name is BILLY and i have also been taken for a ride by ASHRA AND by LEE ANN.

Last year i lost the love of my life and i did not know what to do, so i stated looking into SPELL CASTERS, that is how i came to be scammed by both ASHRA AND LEE ANN.

After this happend i just gave up, i was telling myself maybe he broke up because god has something better for me in life.

Three of my best friends and i went on holiday to SOUTH AFRICA for three weeks, we stayed in the heart of SOUTH AFRICA, (GREAT PLACE)

And that is were i meet the real deal, a real VOODOO/SPELL CASTER, i was scared at first as i had never been around something like this before, i have always been on the other side of the computer.

We worked together for a week or so on spell casting as i still loved my ex with all my heart and soul, well to cut a long story short its been 8 years since that and i got my ex back we married with our first child on its way.

Im not sure if this is still his email address but give it a try [email protected], if you do happen to get in contact with him, please tell him that Billy Ray says thanx for changing his life.

4879 days ago by Ibileconfirm
Am rita 27years old, i meet a professor infect is a great and is power work for me, if you need any type of spell caster contact him with is private email address on [email protected] for more conversation and for him to tell you what to do to overcome your problem..

Good lock.
4759 days ago by Sandyloka
Thank you thank you DR OGUN for what you have just done, for helping
me geting my husband who left me with two kids april last year to me
i thank you so much the great OGUN of [email protected] for
bringing back my family i am greatfull and will always be if you also
need his help his email( [email protected])

My name is linda wealth i am from uk i want to share my happiness with the general public of what DR OGUN of africa has done for me in the last few weeks i was once in love this guy called mccatty we in love with each other until travelled out of my state for two year and we promise ourselve to be together forever, but before return from my journey he where now having another lover when i try to come back to he. He told me i should go away i love him so much that i could not let he go just like that then i told a friend about it and she advice me and recommend this man ogun for me when i visit he at [email protected] he only ask me to buy some items for sacrifices to help me get my ex back and he actualy did it and it work well and today i am happy with incase any one is out there with same problem or any kind i advice he or she to contact this man today at [email protected] and with what he did for me i belive he can also help you thank once again
4756 days ago by John Obo
"Prophet John Obo: I recognize I felt your power immediately to the ceremony, but you really overcame the results I expected. When you told me I could be a millionaire, I really didn't think you were speaking literally. I now see you did. Infinite thanks to you Prophet John Obo Email: [email protected]. I will donate half of my wealth immediately to a known and serious Foundation." (Dina, Chicago, USA)
4747 days ago by Clairebekky
I called [email protected] and explained that my husband had gone, he casted me a spell to bring back my lost husband. But i did all he told me and it went as he had said, Claire
4720 days ago by Solrsys
ASHRA says her spells are guaranteed, however, she will not give me my moneyback even though her spells failed after 11 months. They were suppose to work in about 6 weeks. No sucess and no money back. I would not order from her!
4713 days ago by Bustedchick
Ashra your days are done!!! Your spell didn't work! My husband NEVER came back!
Let me reveal who you really are! Her phone number is 719-355-5277. When? you call this number her voice matches that of Ashra in the video above. Her phone number is registered with T-mobile. I called their customer support line and talked with a manage who provided me with her real name! Ashra's real name is Emily J. Cole.

Thief and Con-Artist EMILY J. COLE (a.k.a ASHRA)
I hate people who hide under a fake name. Here is her real information.
ZIP CODE: 80241
719-355-5277 <<< Registered to EMILY J. COLE (Carrier: T-Mobile). Her voice matches Ashra in the video!! FACE YOUR VICTIMS!!!

I received a threatening email from ashra today and she is demanding that I take down my post which exposed? her name. I'm not scared of you so go ahead and sue me for defamation.
Don't threaten me EMILY J. COLE!!! People now know who you are!!! Unless you can bring my husband back, I will not remove my comments. Ashra is EMILY J. COLE!
Either you do as you promised or people will know who you are. EMILY J. COLE is a big fat scammer!
4683 days ago by Mkwinth
I have been a victim of fake spell caster for over years and i almost gave up when i met a man(spell caster) who helped me get my lover back and also made a good luck spell for me which as helped me to be successful in so many ways... i feel so happy now and cant stop thanking him. if you are interested in meeting him, here is his contact
[email protected]
4611 days ago by Famous Frank
My ex-boyfriend dumped me 4 months ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don't know what to do, so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr. opingo spell. You are truly talented and gifted. Email: [email protected] is the only answer. he can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man.
4496 days ago by Jaja
thank to dr odudu that help me bring my man back in just three day i thought it was over but when i contacted dr on [email protected] every thing was fine with me i want to tell the whole world that that dr odudu is a real spell caster and see the result when he give you his word that absolute true stop wasting your money for God sake contact dr odudu on [email protected] or call +2348051913076 if you don't want you money to be wast you should better contact dr [email protected] i have seen he restore my joy back to me if you want your joy to be restore contact [email protected]
roselin germany
4496 days ago by Jaja
my name is Paulo live in U S A i have being playing lottery since over four year i have never win the lotter my friend started complained that i should stop playing i never believe in than because i know one day i must be a winning, one day when i was searching the internet i saw dr odudu about the work well done and i contacted him and he cast a winning spell on me and assured me that in three day i we see the result of my lotter game after the spell was cast i went and play as usual what i saw was amazing i just play ones and i win the larger a mouth of money my friend started saying i have stolen some money in my working place and i was just laughing till that is when i know that dr odudu spell work like speed of light, me and my family became very rich with the help of [email protected] if you are having any stress just contact dr odudu or via [email protected] for help he we do for you or call +2348051913076

Paulo u s a
4496 days ago by Jaja
my name is Paulo live in U S A i have being playing lottery since over four year i have never win the lotter my friend started complained that i should stop playing i never believe in than because i know one day i must be a winning, one day when i was searching the internet i saw dr odudu about the work well done and i contacted him and he cast a winning spell on me and assured me that in three day i we see the result of my lotter game after the spell was cast i went and play as usual what i saw was amazing i just play ones and i win the larger a mouth of money my friend started saying i have stolen some money in my working place and i was just laughing till that is when i know that dr odudu spell work like speed of light, me and my family became very rich with the help of [email protected] if you are having any stress just contact dr odudu or via [email protected] for help he we do for you or call +2348051913076

Paulo u s a
4458 days ago by Janices Wallocks
my name is janices wallocks from housto,
texas.i never believed in love spells or magic
until i met this spell caser once when i went
to africa in decmbr last year on business
summil. He is really powerul and could help
cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost,
misbehaving lover lookng for sone one to
love you. Bring back lost money and magic
money spell for a good job, i'm now happy
and living testimony cos the man i had
wanted to marry left me 2 weeks befobre
our wedding and my life was upside down
cos ourrelationship has befn on for 2years...i
really loved him, but his mother was against
us and he had no good paying job . So
when i met this spell caster, i told him what
happened and explained the situation of
things to first i was undecd, skeptical
and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in
7days when i returnd to texas, my boyfriend
(now huband) called me himself to me
apologizing that everything had been setted
with his mom and family and he got a new
job interviw so we should get married..i
didn't believe it cos the spell caster only
asked for my name and my boyfriend name
and all i wanted him to do... Well we are
happily married now and we are expecing
our little kid, and my husband also got the
new job and our lives became much better.
In case anyone needs the spell caster for
some help, his email address is:
[email protected] he helps
you out. Hurry now and conntact him now
via email address:
[email protected]
4456 days ago by Jacksontui7
This is the best love spells helper id Dr. cocoma of the [email protected] in the universe.cocoma is great and his love spells work wonders. I received my results after only 6 days and I am so happy that I can spend the Holiday Season with him.
Dr. cocoma is the greatest, may god and all the spirits bless him. I beg the spirit to please use him more and more to Please reunite many many more couples before the holidays, this is the greatest gift for every heart broken soul and broken heart. I love the cocoma for his work and i will always use him whenever i am in need of help...
4436 days ago by Thanks44
Hello everyone my name is Elizabeth, i came across this man called Dr.Ogungbe through a Lady here online and she said he helped her bring back her lost love, i don't believe in this but i come to think about it and use faith and hope to contact this man last 2 weeks, i have lost my husband for 2 years even he is trying to get married to another lady in Italy, Rome..i quickly rush and email dr.Ogungbe for help and i thought its still a freak because i don't really believe he can bring him back to me because its too long we have contacted each other, we only comment on each other status on facebook and when ever he come online he has never talk anything about coming back to me, now i really believe that there is Magic and Dr.Ogungbe is a really God sent and has Magic because all these things is still like a dream to me, Dr.Ogungbe told me in the first mail that everything will be fine, i called him and he assure me, i have so many doubt but now am happy, i can't believe my love broke up with his Italian lady and he is now coming back to me and he can't even explain how everything goes all he said to me is that he want me back, i am really happy and cried so much because it was just like i am born a new and am really happy and my entire family are happy for me but they never know whats the secret behind this...i want you all divorce lady or single mother to please contact this man for help and everything will be fine i really guarantee you..i have tell 2 of my friends who are in unhappy relationship and they have seen solution in few days ago...if you want to contact him you can reach him through ([email protected]) (+2348131210107) that is where you can get to him and i assure you it gonna work fine with you and you will be happy
i am out of words am just happy and i will be happy forever because i can never have any problem having this man
Elizabeth is my name
4434 days ago by Hope Awarded

My name is Mrs Toian Tibali from Houston, Texas. I never believed in love spells or magic until i meant this spell caster once when I went to Africa in June last year on a business summit I meant this spell caster he is powerful he could help you cast. a spells to bring back Your misbehaving lover He can bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.I'm now happy & a living testimony because the man I had wanted to marry left me 3weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down because our relationship has been on for 2 years I really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when I meant this spell caster, I told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first I was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but I just gave it a try and in 3 days when I returned to Texas my boyfriend (now my husband) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mum and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I was surprised because the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all I wanted him to make things normal in my a month after me and my husband got married and every thing really came back to it normally as i told the spell caster as i am sharing this testimony now i am already 7months pregnant for my husband am so happy because our problems just turned around like a magic it was like a dream to me that every thing just turned out to be normal am so happy because i do not know how to explain it i just can not thank the great spell caster he really turned every thing around for us a very big thanks to you sir for the great help you rendered to us me and my husband are so happy together now words can not expressed my thanking to the great spell caster so after then i called him that i want to send him some money for showing my deep appreciation towards the help he rendered to me because i never believe at first that the great spell caster can help me i never believe at all that is why it was all like a dream to me when things returned to it normally when i wanted sending money he said no that he did not work for me because of money and that i should keep it that the only thing he would want me to do for him is for me to help him share to the general public about his good work and i quickly said okay that i will lovely do that so my friends if you know that you are passing through any kind of problem do not die in silence am making every thing simple for you now by sharing about what this great spell caster done for me do not fall on the wrong spell caster because there are allot of them on internet that are not really you should be happy am giving you this secret now contact today for quick solution here is the contact email address contact ([email protected])or cell number +2347053375151, contact him for help why i believed him is that his words are just final.. Sir i want to say a very big thanks to you am so happy and grate full for the help you rendered to me thank you sir and i promised to keep telling people about your good work thanks you sir..

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