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Anna May of and Clifford Alford of
Being constantly harrassed by these pepole
30th of Jun, 2011 by Drake_78
About Anna May

What I discovered very early on about this person is that she is not the exaulted lightworker she pretends to be. She hides it well but she is an egotistical and arrogant person who uses otehrs for ehr own ends.

Because I am a very sensitive lightworker and powerful spiriutualist I picked up very quickly on her real deal. I cna see the demons possessing and using her very clearly as I can Clifford Alford. As sensitive as I am I cannot bear the presence of these two as being in contact with either of them makes me very ill, a very sure sign of their dark and low energies.

I discovered she was pretending to be my friend for the purpose of siphoning off my energies for her own uses as well as using others to get attention for herself. I do not know exactly where and when she became possessed by demons as it were, but she is one to stay away from.

She and others came onto my websire forum with the express purpose of causing trouble and creating problems and making mind games and turned on me and blamed me for their trouble.

The other person Clifford Alford is a clear and utter fake.

Well he claims he as all these PhDs and whatnot. He has been shunned by the North American Shaman associations as being a fake, he has little to no spychic skills whatsoever, and he also came onto my site to have a go at me for no reason, and he posts naked pictures of himself on the net which are vulgar and digusting.

He has come to me in the astral and used balck magic on me and tried to verbally demonise me. He and Anna May have both sent me threatening and hateful emails and encourages others to do so, giving out my email to everyone who took their sides just so they can get attention for themselves.

You tell me, do real spiritualists and Lightworkers do this? No they do not.
4990 days ago by ShivaKalidasa
Drake_78, aka: Amanda Jones is under court ordered psychiatric care for her psychotic and delusional fantasies and behavior and out of control Bi-Polar Disorder. Anna May and I have both have tried to help her, but she was unwilling to receive it. When she began this public slander of those of us who confronted her behavior and tried to help her then legal action was the only course that remained. We wish her psychiatrists great success, and we hope the day will come when Amanda will be able to live a normal and peaceful life once again.
4989 days ago by GeorgeFox
Drake_78/Amanda has a history of slandering people online as mentioned above. If you google her ID "drake_78" you will find a catalogue of forums she has been banned from too - a long history of 'trolling' behaviour that goes back years.

Clearly she is unwell and suffering some kind of paranoia as indicated by the accusations she details above. In my personal opinion she seems extremely volatile and delusional at this time and though I have witnessed this with her (first hand) in the past, it seems to be escalating at present.

In the past 6 months or so Amanda has frequently accused people of being possessed by demons or 'dark entities', being of a low vibration, low density, being vampires, raping her on the astral plane, using voodoo or black magic on her etc...and then, in some cases, publishing private details she was privy to as a forum host (such as people's email addresses, names, private conversations). Often times she denies these allegations because she thinks if she deletes something online it is 'gone' but site histories and caches as well as the records others have kept show that it is a frequent and ongoing problem. On one site at the present she quotes two private email addresses of people she accuses of acting against her in fact (Shiva/Clifford and Anna/Maya are not the only people being slandered by her!)

Neither Shiva Kalidasa (Clifford Alford) nor Anna May (Maya) have been involved in sending threatening or 'hateful emails' to Amanda. This is something that she claims has been going on for a year and previously has accused other people of the same. However, in the case of Shiva Kalidasa of the and Anna May of, her reaction is due to a legal case for slander and defamation that was brought against her when she started posting this kind of nonsense on public forums a few months ago. Shiva has only known of her since February 2011. On another site she refers to Anna as having been a 'colleague' of hers; this is not the case; Anna (who goes by the nickname Maya) is a teacher of online energy attunement based courses for healing and spiritual development; on her old website 'Eternal Light Sanctuary', Amanda had copies of certification she had received from Mayastar Academy indicating she was in fact a student of Mayastar Academy (and therefore of Anna) in 2009; however she has not been a colleague or ever worked for in any capacity.

In her article above she makes a number of allegations about Shiva and Anna that are untrue (a case in point being that Shiva cannot be shunned by the North American Shaman Association as no such association exists!).

As a result of the recent legal case mentioned above it became apparent that in fact, Amanda is extremely unwell. She has mentioned herself on public forums that she suffers from Bipolar Disorder and in this circumstance the authorities found her unfit to stand trial at this time due to her present condition. To that end she is receiving outpatient care after her legal advisor referred her to a psychiatrist. However, it would appear that this hasn't deterred her from this kind of behaviour and we can only hope that her situation is stabilised in due course. Through legal channels her psychiatrist is being made aware of the ongoing slander/defamation and the nature of the accusations she is making online in the hope this will hasten the resolution of this situation and prevent others from being affected by this.

If anyone would like to contact Anna (Maya) of Mayastar Academy, Maya Magickal Arts & Maya Runes, please visit

If anyone would like to contact Shiva Kalidasa of the Naked Shaman please visit

Both parties would be please to respond to any questions about their work and to any concerns prospective students/clients may have that pertain to the allegations made above; in addition proof of credentials and so on may be obtained through their respective sites.
4989 days ago by GeorgeFox
Incidentally, if you would like to contact the author of this 'scam report', her email address is all over the internet too and readily found if you google the "drake_78" ID. I won't quote it here due to data protection.

Please find below further links that may give a better rounded view of the claims she has made and the extent of the allegations she is making about others on public forums at the present time: - this page is a kind of profile that she has written about herself - on this page, in breach of the data protection act she details someone's private email address - mine in fact! Which she had access to through being administrator of 'ELS' (a ning site that is currently shut down) - on this page she gives another person's private email address out and more allegations about Shiva/Clifford and Anna/Maya too - this site has a blog on it where she also slanders both Anna and Shiva some more on another public forum

(Authorities are being made aware of this activity but in order to give the reader a more complete picture of the present situation these links are presented above for your examination and that you might reach your own conclusions in regard to the current state of affairs).
4989 days ago by ShivaKalidasa
Actually, my website is I know all of the .com/net/everything else under the sun gets confusing sometimes, but if you want to see what I do vs what I am accused of then the right address will be helpful. While you are there be certain to read about the Mahakali Storm Initiations which are offered free of charge to all of the world at every new moon throughout this year.

Prajna Shiva Kalidasa
4989 days ago by Mayastar
Hi there!

I'm Maya (aka Anna May); Maya is my nickname and the name I go by with students, clients and friends! "Anna May" is my birth name and the name I go by with the Inland Revenue, bank, dentist...and apparently Amanda!

I run Mayastar Academy (and some other sites that George has kindly detailed above). I teach energy healing distance learning courses predominantly but also do rune readings and spell work for people. All my details are on my website so you may check my credentials and verify my qualifications/accreditation details if you wish too!

You will find that my home address is also given on there as I am registered as a sole trader in the UK. Please request a copy of my free information pack through my website - or email me [email protected] and I will be happy to supply one.

Information about Mayastar's Philosophy and what I can do is easily accessible on the main site but you may be interested to learn more about my magickal work on and readings on

Shiva and I have worked together for a number of years and I can certainly vouch for the fact that he is in no way, shape or form a 'fake' and that neither of us are possessed by demons!

Oh - and if anyone would like to read reviews of some of my former students please visit - or my facebook page:

And if you have any questions at all about any aspect of my work or would like more information, please don't hesitate to drop me a line!

Much love and bright blessings!
Maya XXX
([email protected]) (a charity site I run with all proceeds to Children International!) (follow me on twitter) (join my facebook page) (the online healing circle I run which is linked to Mayastar but open to non students/clients too!)
4986 days ago by ShivaKalidasa
Another person being slandered by Amanda Jones online, and there are hundreds of us, sent me this link to an animated video someone posted about Amanda/Altheria:

This is the kind of thing she does to people. Basicly, it just shows how deluded she really is. Even when she is trying to tell people this crap about me then I just can't help pity someone who sees the whole world this way.

So, when you get this sort of drivel from someone then I have a recommendation for you as to how to judge between them and whoever they are gossipping about: Judge Amanda by what the Goddess is doing through her life, and judge me, or others, by what the Goddess is doing through my life. You can best do that by visiting my website at Use the contact form to ley me know if you have any questions. I will answer you as quickly as i can.
4965 days ago by Anonymous
Amanda, you silly little child, how old are you?
4960 days ago by Anonymous
Stop your childish whinging and finger pointing Amanda! You are like the boy who cried wolf! You have brought this on yourself and possibly to get attention again. If you didnt post this inflamatory stuff about people, they wouldt respond or bother you. Please stop playing the blame game and do somthing productive, like your art.
4936 days ago by SamtheMageMan
Drake_78 is not under any court ordered anything, everything listed above my comment by everyone except me are all lies made up by these attention seeking self righteous vampires so they can get others to feel sorry for them and give them more attention. I will reveal that my name is Sam and I am the one who wrote and reported this article under my friends name, I shouldn't have done it that way, I admit and have since apologised to my friend and they has forgiven me for it, this material, the proof of their crimes and many other crimes they and their cohorts have committed and have done to others are all listed on my website for all to see. I felt it was necessary to say something because of these frauds and the truth needs to be known for all to hear, because the more they react to the truth being said about them, the more lies they will create to make themselves look like heroes, when really they are just children who need a good spanking.
4936 days ago by SamtheMageMan
All their hate mails sent to my friend will be available for anyone to view if they so wish. I also have hate mails sent to me from them and have posted these on my website also in order to further expose them
4936 days ago by Drake_78
I'd also like to add that GeorgeFox after being caught hacking into my friends site and rewriting soem pages then joining another of their sites in order to demonise them and get attention for themselves and make up lies about them is on a false tirade to make a martyr for themselves. Proof of their hacking and rewriting of my friends blog site has been noted and recorded as has all their hate mails to my friend also
4936 days ago by MikeB
This is my girlfriend these people are all spreading lies about. I know for a fact she is not under any court ordered psychiatric programs and has never been asked or forced to go on one, nor have either of us been approached by any legal individuals or asked to sign any silence waivers.

I actually handed all of the hatemails sent to me and Amanda or Atheira, whatever she wants to call herself, over to a Psychiatric Profiler friend of ours through our Lawyers. You know what they said, that Anna May and Clifford Alford are in dire need or immediate help, I guess they are so desperate for help but cannot face their problems that they have to force their lies onto others in order to get attention.

I along with Amanda, several months ago, started a defamation case against these two because of all their abuse, not just by email both in my inbox and my girlfriends, but also on every site on the net they can find Amanda and spread lies about her and now our lawyers have added up to a dozen people whom have joined their bandwagon, including this George Fox, who I know hacked Amanda's site and tried to make trouble and also spread lies about her on her spiritual site where they were immediately banned for causing trouble.

I say this to GF, where's your proof my girlfriend is abusing all these people? I know for a fact she didn't start anything, I've read all the emails and posts. You and your friends are the ones who started all the trouble and now you are all legally liable and can't face the truth, you have to lie and hide and abuse others to feel good about yourselves.

Grow up, all of you.
4920 days ago by ShivaKalidasa
You folks are really goofy! And, my correct website is Anyone who goes there will see that I am not into all of the crap you say I am, and neither is Anna May. We just called Amanda/Drake on her lies when she was slandering people online about three months ago. Amanda is pitiful at best, and she seriously needs a better shrink than the one she has right now.

Personally, "Sam", your writing style suggests that you and Amanda are one and the same. We were not afraid to stand up yo her before, and we are not afraid to stand up to her pretending to be you to give herself some perceived credibility either.

Amanda, all of your massive overweight condition is simply due to the massive amount of fear in your life. Its how your body has tried to protect you. Get over the fear, and completely new "You" will emerge from all of this spiritually, mentally/emotionally and physically.
4910 days ago by Thetruthmustbeknown
I know the three people, Shiva Kalidasa/George Fox/Mayastar, making accusations from over at the Temple Illuminati site. I also know this Amanda/Atheira person, who is now a walk in, I have met them personally and done some of their classes and they were great, best I have ever had. Even though I am a practising spiritualist myself, I wanted to expand my horizons more and work with other spiritualists and nmy guides let me work with her. She is such a beautiful light being, and so very polite and kind.

After looking a tthe classes given by Anna May and Clifford Alford offered on Temple Immuniatus I decided not to use them as they utilise dark beings and then I heard they were abusing this Amanda person and decided to check her out. I decided that it was Anna and Clifford who are the ones who are guilty of all the things they say Amanda/Atheira is.

And after reading Clifford/Kalidasa's most recent comment here, I can honestly say Amanda/Atheira isn't an overweight person. She has bright intense lights all around her and is very strongly protected by Archangel Micheal and St Germaine. She has a beautiful aura surrounded by many other loving and helpful light beings and has no indicationof ever using darkness upon others or being involved with any dark beings as Anna May and Clifford Alford claim she has. These are just lies they spread to get attention for themselves and to feed their insecurities becasue they have very little spiritual power I can see, dulled by their constant dark acts against others.

I have also met and worked with Sam. He is a little brusque and straight to the point, but then Sirians are like that.

I made a personal decision to stand up for Sam and Amanda/Atheira as I feel this Clifford/Kalidasa person is a low vibrational soul in dire need of psychological help, judging by the fact he has written many lies here about soemone he doesn't even know and wants to blame for his fears and insecurities and lack of spiritual power that he himself is dwindling through his evil actions. He abuses other souls for no reason other than he is fearful and cannot contend with his own fears, and he abuses the universal laws by forcing his opinions on others, attacking them astrally, and also abuses governement laws by hacking into peoples computers and websites and using proxy pervers to hide where he is on the net. I have seen proof of all of this.

I didn't beleive someone could be so evil at first, but there you have it, a proven evil person pretending to be good so he can get attention and hide the evil he does to people and it makes me both sick and sad at the same time. Is it any wonder he hangs around with other dark souls on places like Temple Illuminati and

I have sinc left Temple Immuniati as it is a place for low vibrational dark souls and I don't resonate with the place. I also left for the same reasons as it is an elitist place with low vibrations also.

Everyone who reads this, use discernment and look for thr truth before befreinding such false people, its up to you to ensure the real truth is known like I have told you here.
4904 days ago by ShivaKalidasa
Gee, I guess she forgot her "Bufferilla" photo of Facebook. If any of you think I am "unkind" for saying so then try being slandered by this sorry excuse for a human for almost a year simply for standing up to her when she was trashing other people without cause.
4871 days ago by Anonymoussupporter
From what I know of Clifford Alford, he was the one who started all the abuse, it was and never had been Amanda or her new walk in spirit. I was there on Amanda's site when it all started. I saw all the emails and messages he started and sent to her, the abuse he posted around to other members and the black magic he used upon us and those who stood up to him and his dark energies. Amanda and he new walk in have certified trainign nad have been doing so for many decades, and I WOULD GLADLY beleve her over the dark energies of these two and ther cohorts who have been proven to be dark time and again. Everything he has done is posted on Sam's ripp off/fraud site as warning to other spiritualists to stay away from him and this Anna May. The fact he keeps coming back here and posting negative material, comments and trying to make himself look good, lik an innocent hero is further proof of his crimes and we aren't ging to stand for it, because Amanda never abused anyone, it was these others and Anna May and Clifford Alford and also this elitist cult they are now members of, this who are doing all the evil and posessing/manipulating people into doing all these dark and evil act or enticing them to do it of their own accord. Shame SHAME all of you, get a life and leave the real lightworkers alone to do our work. There are plenty of reports nline about how dark they all are and the bullshitthey have been peddlig so go and check it out.
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4825 days ago by Valkyrie

About me:
I'm a laid back but hard working hippie-type with bipolar disorder - that just means I feel and experience things more intensely than the average person and rather than seeing it as a disorder, I generally consider my BP a blessing! --- I take ballet lessons but didn't start till I was about 32...I'm on grade 4 now :) I'm not a natural blonde...but I'm blonde in my heart :-) --- I have 2 cats and a chihuahua; I love them all very much. --- I enjoy writing - and I'm pretty good at it too :-) --- I love perfume so much that I can't go to bed without putting it on. --- I love Barbie Fillms and have the whole collection. --- I have tribal tattoos on my breasts that are pastel colours..24 stars on my back...a tribal design on my lower stomach, a triple moon around my navel (see pix in my photo albums) --- I love documentaries about physics, maths, murderers, fortean stuff, ghosts, ufos and stuff...--- I dunno if I could live without my Nintendo DS and my iPod. --- My ears are pierced 18 times --- I live with Daniel who is my 'adopted brother' (we kinda adopted each other and are like family)...we get on gr8 - best friends forever :-) --- I'm kinda nocturnal (after working nights for 14 years) and it suits me well get up around lunchtime most days now! --- I'm a bit of a surfer groupie :-) Partial to hippies also. --- I hate coformists...people who are scared to be themselves and be honest and open...people who lie...people who behave dishonourably or are content to behave 'weakly'...a lack of passion shows a lack of life in my opinion! --- I recognise no earthly authority! --- I'm a pacifist and hate violence to the point that I won't even watch violent films. --- I'm into Reiki and energy healing. --- I play the guitar. --- I love working out - especially doing the Ministry of Sound and Clubland workouts! --- I'm a witch and work in the Northern Tradition primarily with the god, Odin ---

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