anderson Dental Woodstock |
anderson Dental Woodstock Georgia, Dr.Steven D. Anderson This Dentist is ALL ABOUT HIMSELF!!! Internet |
13th of Jul, 2011 by User930506 |
Dr. Steven D. Anderson has crossed the line from employer an employee, husband and wife and professional to IDIOT. He has conducted himself in the most arrogant selfserving unprofessional way imaginable. This Dentist has been married for 23 years with two minor children and has intentionally and willfully propositioned another mans wife from her 1st day on the job in March 2010 to this present day whom happens to be his assistant whom he knew was married and met her husband several times. He constantly flirted and hit on her for months and began an affair with her behind his wife and the husband of his assistant for months. He influenced her to file for divorce as he forced his wife to do the same. Months before any talk of divorce or problems in either marriage they were found to have been having sex at his dental office BEFORE patients would arrive. This is a court reported under oath fact stated by his assistant in a deposition she was order to take by the dentist's wife attorney. In her deposition she admits to the affair and having sex with him at the dental office and also admitted it was unprotected sex. This is a violation OSHA (basically the dental police) whom tries to control saftey at dental office's. OSHA's purpose is to maintain a safe clean enviroment to the public. Having sex before their arrival is not how any professional health provider should conduct himself. I have a copy of the deposition to prove these statements as FACT. This dentist has also lied and caused me physical and legal problems that have been extremely unfair and unjust and continue to this day. This assistant so happens to have been my wife an if any attorney or agency would like to contact me for any futher rights or actions I may take, please feel free to comtact me at Respectfully reported, Parrish S
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