Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services Scam Found and Fraud, Bangor, Maine
19th of Aug, 2011 by User390427
Its time to speak out against this site known as anastasia international, and once and for all. I have waited for the exact moment to do so and I want to tell all but before let me say that this review might be a bit long but very strong. I present several stories from others in my research that prove this site is a whole lot of trouble! So sit back, buckle up your seat belts and prepare for a ride you will never want to forget! 1. Erroneous Site (Story from Marina Girl in Kiev from ( I would like to tell personal story about I am girl from Kiev (Ukraine), I am nice, well-educated and I know English. I wanted to find serious relationship with help of site Anastasia. Well, I registered on the site with my real name and stated that I am woman looking for a man. Can you believe, some mistake has happen and I started to receive invitations from girls to be a member and to chat with them or to read their e-mails? I felt that Anastasia doesn't expect girls to make registration by themselves; they prefer to work with local agencies. Well, than I met a girl who was working in the local international dating agency, partner of Anastasia. She told me that she needs to write and send hundreds of e-mails every day, trying to make new members and to have chat with them. She receives percentage from payments. Also I found many ads in the local press, where girls are invited to work in chat with foreigners. Also there are special people in the agencies, who write very emotional letters about love and
relationship. Than I studied other international dating sites with Russian/Ukrainian girls. I found out that most popular girls usually have very provocative pictures. I mean that girl in underwear takes your attention more than girl in dress. There are many topless girls. Believe me I grew up and live in Ukraine, I am young and beautiful, but not me not any of my friends can not let provocative pictures appear in the Internet. Don't believe that Ukrainian teacher can place a picture in the Internet dressed in a sexy bra. She has colleagues, classmates, alumni, parents, pupils, relatives, and friends and so on. It will be very bad if somebody from this list will see her in underwear (or topless or nude) in the Internet dating site. It can completely destroy professional and personal reputation (I take a teacher for example, but it is true about doctors, clerks, managers and so on). Who don't care? Well, people from show-business (I didn't find girls on the dating site with such field of work), professional daters and prostitutes. I am Ukrainian and after my own experience and investigations I don't believe to dating sites. It is monopoly of professional writers, daters, and fake agencies Well, I decided to try well-known international site. I filled out application form on Next day I couldn't access to my page. I wrote a letter to the customer service. The answer was "We don't accept profiles from your part of world any more, because of scammers". 2. Paid Professional Chatters and Money Making Phone Service (Story from DG from Texas, abbreviated version) Guys, let me share with you a personal story: I speak fluent Russian, lived in Ukraine for a long time, and now live in Texas. I'm in my mid-30's, average looking, stable job. Recently I traveled to Odessa, Ukraine, to meet several girls from Anastasia. Since I was able to speak the language fluently, I befriended ladies and got to know them pretty well. I also learned from them the "inner workings" of the dating service of "Anastasia." I could NOT believe what I heard. They told me ladies get paid a percentage of money to write you letters, so it's in their best interest to keep you paying credits $$$ to open letters and then force you to pay more $$$ to reply to those ladies. Very few ladies are actually interested in meeting you as most of them are either: a)
in school, or b) dating local guys, or c) married already but are working in Anastasia to make money on the side. Girls told me that sometimes one girl will write responses to as many as 5 different guys, or even worse another Ukrainian guy will pretend to be a girl when responding to you!! Yikes! Guys, you gotta be realistic. Yes, the website lists gorgeous sexy girls. Why do you think that is? Because sex sells. We all want to believe that a hot, young, 22 year old girl will find us attractive, so we pour tons of money to chat with her (which is very costly $$$ proposition). Let me tell you, it's a COMPLETE waste of your TIME and MONEY!! Still not convinced, and want to use Anastasia to meet ladies? *Sigh* Okay, let me guide you then. When you first create a profile, you will get LOTS of introduction letters from ladies. The
agency sends these block letters to you automatically, whether the lady is interested in you or not. So, be VERY selective in which letter you open and reply, because it costs you credits $$$ to open a letter and more $$$ to reply...Notice there is no email or phone number listed in her profile.
Wonder why that is? Well, as I found out to my dismay, Anastasia goes to great lengths NOT to give you girl's contact info, but to involve you in a very lengthy (AND VERY COSTLY $$$) chat service with girls instead....The key though is NOT to chat ENDLESSLY as it will cost you a $$$ fortune!! Trust me, these girls will find innovative ways to empty your wallet quickly in chat by adding expensive video, so be careful and cancel video service immediately if she activates it during your chat!! The next step is to call them (costs around $40 per 5 min through Anastasia).....Realize, you only have 5 minutes when you call (it costs more $$$ if you want to make it a 10-min call)....Ask her for her home number .....If she doesn't want to give it to you, forget her!! She is a pro-dater and she is NOT worth your time! Anybody who says they need to CONTINUE to use ANASTASIA chat service is blatantly LYING to you. Trust me, they do NOT have to use it! ....Do NOT continue to use Anastasia's phone service to talk to these girls as you'll lose TONS of $$$ money quickly. My main point is this: Anastasia knows that sex sells and will use it to their advantage to empty your wallet quickly. Most girls are NOT interested in leaving with you as chat is just another way for them to make money in a poor economy. As an experiment, I decided to test the girls commitment to get off PAID chat and communicate with me through FREE means like: Skype, ICQ, Vkontakt (Russian version of Facebook), or Odnoklassniki (similar again to Facebook). I figured IF they are serious to find somebody, they will jump at this opportunity. So I started to chat with girls online thru Anastasia, then immediately asked if they have any of the above ways to chat with me AWAY from Anastasia? Most of the girls said NO, they prefer to stay on Anastasia's chat. What does that tell you?? Keep in mind, I know for a fact that MAJORITY of those Ukrainian girls DO HAVE a social network account like Vkontakt, even if they don't own a computer. So for them to insist on using Anastasia's CHAT means only one thing to me. It's a money maker for them. They are NOT serious to get to know you outside of Anastasia's chat service! I mean, chat is free for them. They also get a percentage $$ cut from the agency, about 10 cents on every dollar you spend with them on chat, so it's in the girls' best interest to keep you chatting!! Something for you to think
about!! 3. Poor Translation Services, Disinterested Ladies, Letter Not Written By Ladies Themselves but by Translators (Dutch1952, United Woman responded with information which had not been included in the letter I wrote to her. However, the information she referenced had been included in a letter to another person. Two paragraphs had been omitted in the letter to the first person but three items from those two paragraphs were referenced in her response. This causes me to question the integrity of the translation service and/or the reliability that I am actually communicating with the woman I wrote. Another woman responded that she did not have time to write long letters. Imagine, a Ukraine woman wanting to get married to an American but she doesn't have time to write long letters to get to know the man. 4. Marriage Fraud and Scammers (from Elena Matsuk (a known scammer) was on who claimed to be "sincere" but she was not sadly but "married" someone so that she could escape her country. She committed marriage fraud and has now been blacklisted on a governmental scale meaning that if is difficult for anyone from Europe or America to ever get this girl out of the country! Never believe their "honesty": Elena Matsuk id : 1104556 (anastasiadate). She is referenced at the following links: 5. Prostitutes (zakmustaine from hi all, After plenty of legal advice,i was unable to take anastasiwaeb to court because i never paid them money for letters and things,but i got suspicious with certain ladies on their site,so i hired a private
detectives to work in Russia and Ukraine, we found out 7 of the 10 were in fact prostitutes,not as their job descriptions stipulate on their profile, which in Europe and USA is a criminal offense it is false advertising.i found on internet a blog of a guy who dated for two years id 1080121 on anastasiaweb, he found out after they were going to marry that she to was a prostitute,he is taking Irina Matyushkina from berdyansk to court for his money he spent,letters,holidays,presents etc, I spoke to Alexandra on anastasiaweb by e-mail about this,she claimed this guy did not give her the information required to remove this women,well his lawyers in England sent my lawyers the e-mails he had from Alexandra,dated 17 Jan 2008, she tells him not to take her to court,he will find good woman maybe on that site. When I confronted her on this to date I have not had a reply, I have informed her that her e-mails will be sent to this guy,and i hope that a lawsuit will persue, his lawyers are in discussion with my lawyers at present, and the possibilities look good, please people be careful things are not right with this agency, there is some things that do not seem right, as shown by Alexandra in her e-mail she knew that Irina Matyushkina was a prostitute then according to their scam policy why was she not removed, all other ladies were given to anastasiweb about their way of life to date nothing has been done, i have reported them to the FBI for fraud. please note to gentlemen you now have to pay to see a photo of the lady you write to does this not tell you something. They are acting fraudulently. Now here is the actual story that I managed to find written by the guy referenced here. He uses the older website name The site is the same even if they change their internet name! It is an old report from a few years back but it is still a valid one and has a lot of value in it and it speaks of the ongoing scam and fraud nature of The site again is the same even if they change their internet name! The story is found at: hi all, Just want to write and share my experience with you, and really open your eyes to what dating sites are really like. I started using anastasiweb dating services back in 2005, I started
corresponding with a beautiful woman from the Russian city of Voronezh, We made arrangement to meet so i took a friend for support, when we arrived the woman i was supposed to meet DID NOT TURN UP!! but another woman with a interpreter,and during my spell there with my friend we met women nearly every night, the interpreter complained that we did not have pearly white teeth like those in hollywood!!!! so we put it down to bad experience. When i returned i put whole episode behind me,and decided just to write to women who could speak english,and were from the ukraine,it made traveling and communication much more simpler. In may 2006 a girl,called,irina matyushkina,id 1080121,on anastasiaweb and to my knowledge is still on this site,started writing to me,our communication was good,letters were informative,but her personal life she was refusing to talk about, I put this down to maybe bad experience. We finally met in kiev in february 2007 where i spent 10 days with her. Firstly let me point out to be a true gentlemen i rented two apartments, but irina decided she wanted to stay with me in my
apartment,this was a tell tell sign for me,something was quite not right, when we went out for a meal at top restaraunt in kiev, I politely asked have you had many sexual partners, her response was a stone cold look, like death itself, again I asked question,again to which there was no response, after ten minutes she said i will talk to you when we get back to the apartment. When we arrived back at the apartment,she burst into tears and said her boyfriend forced her in sex,I did not pursue this matter at the time because I felt it was not appropriate, and I thought at least she was trying to be honest. When i got back home i spoke to friends and family who were concerned as they felt she was not telling the truth, so in my correspondence I directly asked her personal questions in which she lied
to me about in kiev, her reply was I dont want to speak of my past. In august 2007 i went out and stayed in her city in berdyansk,where she promised me she would stay with me and show me the area and her town, when I arrived I saw her for probably twelve hours in total in those ten days, funny thing was my plane was delayed so we missed our train, but surprise surprise a girl that only worked two nights a week,how could she afford 200 train tickets? when i was in berdyansk a beautiful girl came to my apartment and actually told me that Irina was a prostitute and to be careful,this now explains a lot to me, when i came back home I badgered her about her past, she would break down in tears or put the
phone down on me,then during September 2007 up to Jan 2008 she started bragging about having group sex, a man and woman from another city, having sex with soldiers, having sex with animals,and she asked me that when she came over she wanted a dog!!! But the most disgusting of all she bragged about how she liked sperm, how she liked licking the anal area of a man, and toilet sex, this was now becoming to me very sick and disturbing, in a phone conversation I called her a prostitute. Surprise surprise no fight back from her. On jan 17 2007 i complained to anastasiaweb about this incident,alexandra who was in charge of customer service responded and told me I had no right to ask of her past,so repsonded to this by
telling Alexandra, I am going to take this girl to court, as I have been advised by our family solicitor this amounted to fraud(scam) Also her profile is also decieving, anastasawebs response was don't take her to court forget her she not good woman, maybe you may find good woman here on this site. This point I just left it, a man in America then approached with my permission anastasiweb,his name was zak,about this he had a e-mail back from them condemning men for using private investigators, then he quoted my story to them (alexandra) she reffered him to there policy,which when read actually says any misdeameanor by any of there clients will be investigated and the woman removed from site. So he asked her about why investigation had not occurred with regards myself. Her response was he would not give them evidence to prove it, (where was there investigation?) which on the 19th of Jan 2008 evidence was offered but she told me not to take her to court this was done by e-mail, zak then informed her because of there lies he would pass me a copy of these e-mails,e also asked her two questions to date have still to be answered 1 Why was there no investigation, 2, As she knew what irina matyushkina was doing why was she not removed, again to date
there has been no reply, Also let me add,can someone explain why someone whose name is Irina Matyushkina, why on her voice message in ukraine and english she was known as miss cranberry? In july 2008 i spoke to irina on the phone,she was telling me how much missed me and loved me, she dont have sex now it is against her religion,yet i know she is still prostituting in ukraine in different towns like Odessa and Sevastopol let me add know for the Russian soldiers and tourists, for legal reasons can not say much more. But the point of the story is anastasiaweb knew what she was doing,hence why no investigation, they refused my proof by telling me not to take her to court, and she is still on that site why? they are putting the health and well being of people at risk ukraine and russia has the higest sexual disease rate, and the paying customer they seem more concerned about the women having enough on the site. A few questions for you to ponder, 1 What was the purpose of irina? my opinion was a visa so she could apply her trade here,numerous times she talked of prostitution,and even commented how much money english
prostitiutes make. 2, Why did not anastasiaweb investigate according to there policy? 3, Look at the internet and look at the complaints about this site, if they were not true why do they exist? Please remember Irina Matyushkina id 1080121 if the website could not act as they discribe in there policy what then are they playing at? Hopefully my story will help others avoid the same mistake and hopefully in time have proper and decent dating sites where woman have
good morals, there is so much more i could say about this but unfortunately time dictates,but i hope that you people out there will keep your eyes open, what anastasiaweb did is against the grain of
modern society,a morally good society to me and with the response from anastasiaweb they have proven to me that they seem to promote prostitution and not the idea they try to convey,what happened to there policy that she told zak to read? Finally Here's what one review site says and I quote: "Problems The main problem with Anastasia's style of practice involves their "letters of introduction." Many people have reported being scammed due to this system. The risk is that a woman will write an introduction letter intended for a very broad and simple type of man, then that letter will be sent to many different men in hopes of persuading them to respond. If someone responds, makes money. If all of them respond, Anastasia Date makes even more money. Hence, the possibility of a scam." "Conclusion ...we highly recommend avoiding their track record is hard to ignore" This review comes from: YOU Anastasia date have been now Exposed for all the world to see for the Scam and Fraud that you all really are!
4956 days ago by You Are Now Exposed Court Threats!

If was free from fraud (also known as and then why threaten to take to court the owner of a reputable antiscam site named Saul Hudson who exposed their activities. This is what he says from

"Of course we are aware of Anastasia.web and have been for many years. They have threatened us with legal action on a number of occasions but, since going to court would involve their business practices being exposed it is one area they really want to stay well away from"

So when they say they are free from fraud you know they are completely lying!

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