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Amazon is a parasite company --- There is absolutely no doubt Amazon are a parasite of a company Internet
16th of Jun, 2011 by User852096
To the Seller Performance Team Having just received an email Monday 6th June suspending my selling privileges for 3 months at the end of a 3 week review period in which I continued at the encouragement of your notice on my Web page to sell and Despatch Goods. Your notice posted on my Amazon Web---Site informed me that the funds for the sales would be available to me on the 11th June--- I continued filling orders for 3 weeks while the account was under review believing that it was as good as in the bank------not realizing that Amazon would take such steps. To then have a suspension of my selling privileges for a period of 3 months imposed while at the same time seizing the funds in my account just 5 days before the money would be released I believe is unlawful and invalid I have enclosed a full list of all feedback reports from the reinstatement on March 10th Out off 50 very positive reports 3 were negative and this is what you say you have based my suspension on. Irrespective of Section 8 of Amazons Policy I believe that I have been completely duped, mislead and encouraged into continuing selling goods whenever the money was going to be seized. I have enclosed 2 Emails from the Blog Web-Site ---- scam--- where 2 customers have been subjected to a similar procedure one in particular exposes the shambolic and I believe unlawful logic applied to the reviews and suspension. Having just been reinstated from a suspension a matter of a couple of weeks after one of your colleagues instructed me by email to list a product on a Web-Site And then within 12 hours---receive a notice from your department (the same one who instructed me to post the ad in the first place) suspending me for having done so. It required many -- many emails with a senior executive at Amazon and six days to be reinstated with a refund of the months fees. 2nd Suspension Previous to that suspension--3 weeks before I was again suspended for listing an Item on a Website where the seller claimed he owned the Intellectual Property rights of a universally sold Product Amazon then suspended my selling privileges until again many emails later with a senior executive using information from the Patent Office and Trading Standards---Amazon then back-tracked and reinstated my account again and they have now launched a legal review of these claims for the entire Amazon Site. This action of seizing the funds has put my wife and me into severe financial difficulties We both are old age pensioners and to have 3000 held now for 3 months by Amazon puts us into real difficulties This was our savings I invested here to try and supplant our pensions and now to have it held is a serious business plunging us into serious financial trouble. It is just not possible to conduct any sort of business under a regime like this --maybe thats why on Google it reports the number of sellers fell from a peak of 20000 to 2000 and there are now thousands of postings on the Web referring to Amazon as a parasite operating a ponzi scheme Your own feedback on Google is catastrophic where literally thousands of notices condemning Amazons behaviour are posted ---this leaves a serious lot to be desired yet you continue to hand down draconian measures seizing sellers money without any logical explanation. Just today I received a request from Amazon asking me to supply feedback on how they are doing What an absolute joke---if I had a suspicious mind and added all this up I would almost come to the conclusion that someone in Amazon is playing silly games Ian

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