Alfredo Aguilera, AKA: Aguilera's Janitorial, as an individual, entered into a signed "Non-Competition Clause" Agreement with myself, his Contractor, with full knowledge of the Employment and non-competition clause requirements. This being not to disturb the existing contracts; not to go into this same type of business venture, while working with me, and prohibited from entering into this same business after we are not working together for three years. This is a Standard Non-Competition Clause Agreement. He had gone in back of me, his Employer, and attempted to steal the contracts, by searching out my Contract package, and then he presented, to my Client, a slightly less dollar amount for the contract proposal. The Client contacted me, the Contractor / Employer, and told me that my employee was unethical, and they (the Client) wanted me to replace him as soon as possible. I discussed this with my Foreman, and he told me that he had just found out that Alfredo Aguilera had told him that he was going to try to bid on my Contract job and get it. My Foreman told him that he had signed the Non-Competition Clause Agreement, and that he not only agreed to not damage the contracts, but that this was not allowed. Alfredo Aguilera told my Foreman that he did not care; he wanted my contract and he was going to do it anyway. Within a few days, I had to pull him off the job, and replaced him, giving him the reason for no longer employing him. About a week later, he had still contacted my Client and presented them with a new bid, trying to obtain my contract without being an employee. Even though we went to court, he still cost my my Contract in the amount of $71,976., plus Attorney fees in the amount of $12,000. He quickly moved to Texas at the end of the court case, and I was unable to find him at that time, but he has returned to the Hemet area, and is currently advertising for work. He did not abide by the decision from the court on the Non-Competition Clause Agreement, as we are within the three years. Besides this, within the work period, he had become abusive to me, by telling me how he intended on doing the work, even though the foreman and I had told him to do the work in a different manner. This involved pulling him off of another job, just prior to the above incident. |