I chose to go with Dr. Young because it appears that he is double board certified. Also after observing my nose he was very confident that he could fix it. This was my fourth nose surgery and it was a full reconstructive surgery using rib cartaledge. Dr. Young claims that he has all the same training as the leading nose surgens in the world.
Two other things sealed the deal for me. First, his price was pretty good compared to other private surgens, $7,800 total $4,400 going straight to him. Now, having 3 previous failed surgerys I knew quite well the possibility of failure. So I asked him what would happen if the surgery failed and how long it would take to know. He said if the surgery failed that he would refund his cut ($4,400) and it would take about a year after the surgery to tell if it was successful or not.
The surgery took him four hours longer than he said it would (10 to 11 hours total). He was supposed to collect the rib cartiledge via a 1/4 inch incision under my pectoral muscle like good surgeons do. Instead, he cuts a 2 to 2 1/2 inch incision straight through my top left abdominal muscle. Recovering from this was more painful than the nose reconstruction itself.
When he took the bandage off my nose it was HUGE. I mean I looked scarey. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. The swelling has gone down a lot since then, but my nose is still very big and bulky. The tip of my nose is a big glob of cartiledge, the right side of the nose is lower than the left side. Here I am a year and a half later and my nose looks worse than before the surgery.
I asked Dr. Young for a refund and he says he never said anything about giving me a refund. However, he would like to continue to "help" me by doing another surgery. I told him that I would not let him do another surgery on me if he paid me 8 grand.
Dr. Young has no talent as a nose surgeon. His talent is in deception. Out of the four surgeons he is by far the worst. I urge you to stay far away from this wolf in sheeps clothing. |