A Promising Tommorrow |
A Promising Tommorrow Unprofressional Internet |
22nd of Jan, 2011 by User934748 |
The states said that they have been investigating Mrs. Cheryl for years for hundreds of complaints against her, for her unethical, unprofessional and illegal business dealings. Theyare trying to gather enough people to testify against her. Mrs. Cheryl works these employees crazy hours so they wont have time to look for different jobs. She sends workers out to recruit low income women with children, and pays them once a month and states that "it shouldn't.t matter if she cuts there hours because they are not used to having anything anyway." Because she charges them $25 forthe first five minutes of being late an $15 for every additional five minutes that they are late. Because she's losing money for there kids not being there, because 90% of herenrollment is heemployees kids.
She abuses her authority as a boss, she manipulates her employees who also are her daycare children's parents and tries to control even there personal life and make3s threats so that she could have control. This women even has her employees cleaning her own house and taking care of her own personal business that has nothing to do with the daycare, where they are employed. She denies her employees breaks and finds several different way to dock there pay. She has them drag there young children out in the middle of the night having them come to daycare where there is no one there to be watched but there own children.
This women offends me, she opens up a business in the inner city thats supposed to help the lower class people with daycare while they try to better themselves, but Mrs. Cheryl works them all types of hours so they cant go to school or find a better job she also threatens them about there personal business that doesn't concern Cheryl, so what she does is prevent these girls from being able to better themselves. She has taken advantage of her own community and the people in it for her own personal gain.
Cheryl is a control freak with a business ethics of a dog that licks him own self in public. And the morale of an HIV infected prostitute is how much i think of her.This women does not deserve to take care of anyones children let alone a paying customers child. I am going to be one that will testify when they take Cheryl to Federal court.
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