A.N.I |
A.N.I. A young lady named Kendra Ailey came to our door with a big song and dance about how she was trying to better her life; she sold me a magazine |
2nd of May, 2011 by User751545 |
A young lady named Kendra Ailey came to our door with a sob story about how she was trying to better her life. Apparently, bettering her life means ripping people off with a magazine scam. Purchased a subscription and waited patiently for the 120 days to receive the magazine. Needless to say, it never came...no response to my emails and the phone number on the receipt is permanently, "temporarily unavailable". Such a shame for the legit charities. Come on karma...do your thing. |
Last night I got the same song and dance on my doorstep. Your post confirmed my suspicions. After feeling like an idiot for getting a magazine subscription, I stopped payment on the check today. It's people like "Kendra" that bring down humanity. I wanted to think she was sincere, and give some support to her efforts, but the ugly truth is that she was playing me and I'm embarrassed that I fell for it. How someone like "Kendra" can sleep at night is beyond me.
Beware of "DLG Global Apparel".
- Libertyville, IL |
Yesterday a gentleman from DLGGA / DLG Global Apparel came to my door and I purchased two magazines from him. After reading some of these comments and not being able to find more information about this organization I was slightly weary and decided to cancel the next day. The gentleman who answered the phone was very polite, and did not give me any trouble canceling my order. I can't say for sure that this is or is not what they say it is, but it doesn't appear that they are trying to rip anyone off or scam anyone. I will try and follow up to see if I was actually charged or if my order was canceled without issue.
- Elmhurst, IL |
Xjmax1, any update? I just bought magazines from this organization today - wondering if I should cancel. Also in Elmhurst. Thanks |
Well, just checked today and DLGGA / DLG Global Apparel did deposit my check after I clearly indicated I wished to cancel my order. Very disappointing. He clearly promised me over the phone the very next day that he would cancel my order and would not deposit the check. After doing some more research, the gentleman who runs this organization seems to work out of his house in Champaign and is willing to say anything to appease you whether they intend to follow up on it or not. He teaches these people to tell heart wrenching stories and then sell you magazines thinking you are helping a charitable organization when in fact you are not. So much for Illinois’ 3 day right to rescind law regarding these types of transactions. A point the door to door salesman clearly told me; that should I change my mind I would have 3 days to cancel. http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/consumers/3dayright.html. For those in the area, you can email me at [email protected]. My final determination...DLGGA / DLG Global Apparel is a SCAM! |
Thanks for the info Xjmax1. I just put a stop on my check through the bank. Cost me $34 but I'd rather pay the bank than a scammer. I am also going to call the Elmhurst police and report this. Since these people are going door to door in our community I would think Elmhurst police would have some sort of jurisdiction. Even if it is just to put the word out in the community that this is a scam so that no one buys from them. It would be good if you reported it too, since it seems they really have stolen from you at this point.
Thanks again. |
I just spoke with the police department. Apparantly a group of solicitors from DLG Global Apparel were arrested last night for soliciting without a permit in Elmhurst. The woman I spoke to is going to pass our info on to the officer that arrested them. |
I had another solicitor show up at my door a few minutes ago. A female, who claimed she was not associated with DLGGA / DLG Global Apparel. After I mentioned my previous incident with DLGGA she took off in a hurry. It has become ridiculous how many people this company has out soliciting in this town! |
I just encountered these people up in Spring Grove, IL. Fortunately for me, I was right in the middle of something and told them to come back on their way through to get a check from me, which they were very reluctant to do, they wanted it right then. I thought it was odd they were so concerned about getting the check right then since they were coming back through. While they were gone, I googled them up on my phone and found this site. When I saw them again, I confronted them on the issue and they were shocked that there was any bad info out there. They went out of their way to say there was nothing bad about them on google, so I showed them my phone and said explain that. Needless to say, that was the end of it. But the odd thing is now I am on my desktop computer and I googled the exact same thing "DLG Apparel" and this site did NOT show up. I had to actually google "DLG apparel scam" in order to get the same results. So that makes me wonder if they didn't somehow get it off google search results for home computers, but the phones still show it. I am not sure if this is even possible for someone to do, but all I can say is it happened. Maybe the phones utilize an older database or something?? They did seem genuinely surprised that I found this site just by googleing the name of their company. I did however sign some paper saying how many credits my purchase would be worth for him to get paid. I was supposed to put my profession on there which I did not, and he was concerned about that too. I said why would you need to know that? He dropped the issue. Even though I didn't give him any money, now I am still concerned about what the heck I actually signed. He went on to say he was in the BBB, I said yes, you just registered ( turns out it appears to be the day after someone complained about him in Elmhurst) and it's so new there is no data on you yet. Bottom line, I told him maybe you are legit, but then you need to clean up your online reputation because too many people are saying otherwise, and until you clean that up, you're not getting any money out of me. I don't know for sure if it's a scam, but the whole thing was very odd, so I thought I'd put my story up here for other people to judge for themselves and maybe someone has an answer on why the phone and desktop results are different on google. |
A young lady by the name of Santrece came to my door over a month ago with the same sob story about bettering her life, blah, blah, blah. I was so impressed by her personality and sales skills. . . needless to say, I was the FOOL! I have not received my magazines and cannot reach anyone at the phone number in Champaign. I wonder how many other people were fooled by her in Bloomington?! Unfortunately I will NEVER trust anyone trying to sell me their stuff at my door anymore. What a violation and how unfortunate for all the good charities out there. |
I had the same deal happen a few weeks ago... I just searched this today because my friend got hit by them just now. I live in Naperville. These two African American girls showed up late at night- 9 p.m. or so, kind of caught me off guard. I go this whole song and dance about being single mothers... and ironically, her daughter;s name was the same as my daughter's name. Lying you-know-what. (My daughter does not have a common name at ALL) Anyway, I was actually really offended by these two girls. Gawking inside my house, talking to me about how they are SURE I have never experienced a financial struggle in my life, blabla. Wrong pitch to the wrong person.I explained to them that I have been on my own since I was 16...that I work hard to live where I do. No luck about it. I went so far as to tell them that my company was hiring, and if they wanted to better their lives, they should come in and fill out an application. Beats door-knocking, right? They weren't interested.
I still was considering a magazine, but I really don't use them and I couldn't get a hold of my husband to let him decide if he wanted one. I asked if they could come back tomorrow. No. I thanked them and began to close the door. One girl offered another suggestion of "donating" money to them without purchasing any magazines. I felt sorry for them, and I went to get my checkbook. I asked the one girl how to spell her name. She refused to take my check. Cash donations only. Maybe she didn't want me to make the check out to her alias? Unbelievable. |
Please file a complaint with the BBB. We will attempt to resolve your dispute and obtain a refund. https://odr.bbb.org/odrweb/public/getstarted.aspx?siteID=109
Or contact the Illinois Attornney General at: http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/consumers/filecomplaint.html |
Thank god for this website! I too almost got scammed out of some money today Two young black girls knocked on my door this afternoon with the exact same story from these other posts.
I told them i wasnt working and could afford the $45 magazine subscription,
She asked if i could at least do a $20 donation . Long story short I googled their bogus company got my check back and called the police and avoided that any of my neighbors also get ripped off.
M. H.
For those who encounter them. You can ask them to wait at the door while you get your checkbook and then call your local police. I believe almost every municipality, or the entire state of Illinois requires them to get a permit to conduct these door to door sales. I believe some of them have been arrested for this, and will be fined from what I understand. Glad to hear that everyone is finding this site! |
A 'Kendra Ailey' was in my home last night. Unfortunately, I didn't stop to look up anything on her until today, after I gave her a check. One thing that I remember is that she said she was in a 14-week program, which, doing the math, would mean that she started no earlier than sometime in April. Based on the initial posting here, it would seem like Kendra was doing this long before April. Can someone verify this? I'm trying to give the woman the benefit of the doubt, but I know that I don't have much time to decide on if I should stop payment on the check. |
FYI - I'm located in Morton, IL for anyone else that may be looking this up and trying to correlate dates with locations for this organization. |
Same thing happened to me. I kept the receipt and have a cancelled check for $105. No magazines ever became renewed. Called the phone number on the receipt and was answered by a person claiming to want to fix this problem, and would be happy to refund my money AND make sure I got my magazines, too. After several phone calls and conversations, nothing has ever been resolved. I reported it to the Attorney General, filed a complaint, mailed a copy of my receipt and cancelled check to both of them. Attorney generals office sent me a letter saying they couldn't make contact (my mail to their address was returned, too) and so they were dropping the complaint. I am not done yet, and will continue to call and try to get this resolved. Bottom line is, don't buy their line, it is a scam. -Gail, Decatur, Illinois |
I have been trying to get my money back, also! A polite, challenged young man named Andrew came to my door on June 15th. I was shocked to find out how much the subscriptions were, as that information was well hidden during the scam process. He assured me I could cancel within three days. I did and the third time I tried to cancel, I actually received a check. Then it cost me another $30 to pay for the fee to the bank because of course the account has insufficient funds. I have been trying and trying to reach the guy at phone number 217-202-6066 and he assures me he will send out a check. I told him not to bother, as I didn't want to pay the next $30 to cover his fraudulent check. I asked for a money order and needless to say, I've never seen it. Has anyone found anything that we can do about this?
Thanks! |
Wow! I guess this scam didn't stop on your neck of the woods... I was scammed the same down in Tampa, fl. The address and phone number matches up with the same scam company as all of you used, but on my receipt it says Certified Management Inc. Kerry was our salesgirl that day. Her song and dance seemed similar, but I was so impressed by how well spoken she was that I didn't even think it would have been a fake!!! I'm so very disappointed! I'm not usually one to fall for a scammer...but she got me! :( |
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